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lKLüKand SI ORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse íor tlie storage of Household Uoods, Fíanos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIAMOS .VXI HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Caxefnll3r Morrea.. All kinds of heavy and llght Draying. FREIGHiT WORK C. E. GODFREY, fhone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. Estáte of John H. Fogerty. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the second day of August, in the vear one fcnousand eight hnndred aud uiuety-two Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John H Fuserty, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of trnma Fogerty, praying that adminisUation of said estáte may be granted to heraelf or some other suitable person Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the I twenty-m u th day of August next, at ten o'clock I in the íorenoon, be assigned for the heariug I of said petition, and that the heirs at lnw of 1 said deceased, and all other persons inter-J ested in smd estáte, are required to appear at tM session of said Conrt, then to be holden at th.l Probate Ofhce, in the Citv of Ann Arborl and show cause, if any there be, why theT prayer of the petitioner should not be granted f And it is further ordered, that said petitiouer giye notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor ! Cquner, anewspaper printed and eirculated in I said County, three successive weeks previous j to said day of hearing. ... J. WILLARD BABBITT, I W GUeDoTPY J UDGE F I Probate Register. WANTED WASHING-Will go to private nouses oi1 do it at my residence. 23 Hlscott at. Mits. Emii.e Buchholz. SAI.ESMAN WAXTED- Valuable commission offered. Í20.00 weekly earned by mamof our agents. Samples free". P. O. Box 1371 -New York. 33 FOR SALE- Eieren acres with improvements, on Wasbtenaw avenue. For terms cali on or address J. Ferdon, jMJ Washtenaw Ave. FARM FOR SALE- The Bullock or Everett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, contaiuing 109 acres; house and barnes, stock, and weli water, timber; school and church wUhiu a inile. Land naturally the best and cultivation good : also forty acre farm for sale, the S V„ of the E. V2 of the S. E. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, beiug part of the Howe-Xortb place north of the County Farm ; "3 miles from Mack & Schmid's," 1J4 miles from city limits. First-class land for peacbes. Prices and terms seasouable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibron, 32 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor Household Goods for Sale. Consistingof organ, sewing machine, silverplated ware, carpets, etc. All the above goods have only been used two years and are in good condition. Reasou for selling, propertv sold and going to leave the city. Inquire at the bouse. L. Scott, lb21w3 25 E. Ann. BAD SKIii ERUPTION Many Years. All Manner of Medicines aud Doctors Fail. Cured in One Month by Cuticura. In 1885 1 had an eruption come out on my Rkln, and while at tirst it did not nmount to much, it frrrow to be very aggravating and ut times unbearable. The skin would get iuird, inilamed, and peel off, lcaving an entire new skin, acting ajaie way for weeks at a time, nlways worse at uighu llnve tried all roanner of medicinen and had doctora prescribe to no effect. I bought a box of Cuticuka IÍEKSDZXS and UHed Cuticuka Kesoi.vent for my biood. 1 am fully cured, and in Ippb than a monlh. ]t was a roost aggravating nkin disease, and now 1 am enjoying eaee and comfort. I have had nntold benefiLB. Anyone trying Cutïcura Remediks cannot help but derive benefit Anyone writlng me wil! receive an anawer and my advice to give yourREMKDiESatrial. A. B. TATTON, Manager Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., Garden City, Kauaas. Doctor Uses Cuticura We have opened a drug store nt thif place and are havinga splendidsale on CüTicuiu Remedies, which we keep a íull stock of. I would not be without your Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura, and Cuticura 8oap for $500, juBt for the beneti t it did my little boy. When be waa aix raonths oíd, hiá face waa covered with eczema, and Cuticura Kekedibs curtid it. He is dow tbree years oíd We etill uie the Cuticura Soap, and wah him occasiooally with it, to prevent his skin f rom getting rough. We have handled your medicines for five yearfi, and never heard a complaint againBt them, but abundantpraise. We sold our drugstorein Kansas, and will continue in the drug business here. C. TEAUAR.M.D., HaÜer City, 8nohomit Co., "Washington. Cuticura Remedies Are sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, the great 8kin Cure, 50c; Cuticura Soap, an exquisite tíkin Purifierand Beautífier,25c; CüticübaResolvent, the newBlood Purifler,$l. Pfepared by the Potter Druo and Chïmicax. Corporation, Boston. y Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 60 illustratioDS, and 100 testimoniáis. D I MPLE3 black-heads, red, rough, chappcd, and I III oily kin cured by Cuticura Soap. Y HOW MY SIDE ACHE8 ! f3ï Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kidney, JgA and Uterine Paiua, and Kheumatism rejjV Heved in one minute by the Cuticura l-'im Anti-Pain Piaster. Price,25 ets. WANT COLUMN. Short advertisements not to exceed three lines, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent. Wants. etc. iuserted tb ree weeks for 2 5 cents. Situations wanted. free. FOR SALE CHF.AP-Four coal stoves, at 33 Ann street east FOR SATE - Good seco:.d-hand Billiard Table in excellent condttion, with rack and cues. Enquire at the Courier Ofeice. 2S_ FOR SALE- One Kood two story shed 16x32, one open huggy. one 10 bfl. tank, good re pair, choap. Also several pid sheds and barn and second-hand lnmher. F.M Hallock. 28 FOUND- AliRllst 3rd, 1892, on the T. A. BOtith boiind train a shawl. The losor can have the same by sending a description of it to the Leader Office. Milan, Mich., and pay for this ad. 26 Ip.ARM FOR RENT- I vish to rent my fnrm of 100 aires in the township of Sa'lem. 10 miles northeast of Ann Arhor. For further informntion. enquire of Chas. Kingsley. 13 S Thnyer street. 26 TO RENT.- Yn office snite over F. & M. Bank cor. MaiuaJd Hurón sts. Apply atCouitiEit Office. FOR SALE- A complete boarding house outfit for sale at 48 S. State street. Innuire at -19 S. Main street. 07 FOK SALE- Furnlturc consisting of bed steads, tables, ehairs, etc.; ulso laj;e range nearly new, at 20 Jeflersou streel. FOR SALE- 1,000 shares of Michigan Iron Mining Co. stock, office 01 the companv is at Ypsilanti, Mich., uhere inquiries as tb the mine may be made. Address for price of above stock, E. K. Mbtheamy, 11 ürandRapids,Mich. ■H'OR SALE OR EENT-Three story brick X octagou dn elliug just áoross from üniversity campus, at Ko. 11 North University avenue, tour lots and a fraction. fine grouuds Cellar under whole house. First fioor iinished in oak steam heated. Barn and greenhouse. Í or mforination address „. V. Winchell, 11 Jlinneapolis, Jlinn. Twí' . WAXTED - Salary and c ses_ J Whole or part time, cielliug roses and shrubs. All stock guarauteed. Frontaljle employment. Outlit tree. Bkown Bhos Co Wserymen, Chicago. V6 ' Teachers' Examinations. Examinations of teachers in Washtenaw county, for ie ensuing school year. will be held as follows: The regular examinatiou will be Mu.each year on the ilrst Thursday 01 nch and August at the county seat. ' Applicants for alJ gradea can only be examined at these dates. Special examinations will be held atAnn Arbor, last Friday of Aur '92 Ypeilanti, last Friday oi Sept.' '92' Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Mar., '93 MARTIN J. CAVANAUGH, Cora. [ DO not despair of euring your Slck Bieadaeüe when yon can so ea.sily jobtain Garter's Iittle Liver Pilis. 'Tlmy -n-ill effect a prompt and permanent cure. Th'eir action i mild and natural.


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