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"a Mere Sop To Anarchy."

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Editor Dana, ol the X. Y. Sun, tires íot Hliot at Michigan democraey. ICdiortally the Sun saya: ■Tule plati'orm aciopted by the democrat convent ion of Michigan last Wednesday te about as cheap and lasty a sample oí demagogism as ve have seiMi lately. Three-fourths í lt i a eringe aml a crawl before organized labor. At a time when the militia at Homentead and at Buffalo s the solé barrier against anareliy, he Michigan demócrata think theniclvcs calleo upon to assert that: -Tllvc cMl aratihOTitiea of thei state ire constitutional conservators of the ealce, and tlie military should only calld tato requieiltion in cases of i;reat eiiK'i-ireiK'.v, and then only as íids and subordiliates to the i.'ivil authorities.' "Tliiiss ie not.hhiR more nor less lian a. sop to anarchy. If the Mk-hugaa demioerats liad averred in so nany woTds that tliey didn't npprove he use of the militia to put down he Tiolenoc commltted by stríkers hoy would have expressed themselves not a whit more plainly. W'hile acual or virtual war is going on in hree states, the platform of the Michgan demócrata Ib a di.stinct encourifreonient t the forceé of disorder. Xot a word of censure for the nurderere of Piukerton men, the rioters of Coeur 4'Alene and Buifalo, he thugs and iiijendiartes who are l'Oing their best to make the labor union an abominatton and a curse; n'ot one strong and manly word in de'iise of the right of freedom oí conlontract and labor. Xot one word n denunciatiön of the brutal and vulgar deepots, the masters and grandnaistere, who are leading organized alor to its "If the Michigan demócrata mean a i-ornipufejory arbitration tliey mean a doctrine and remiedy as far removed ae poseible trom demoerat priniple and as imposwible as quaring he circle. If they mean voluntary rbitratiton they mean nothing. They might just as well eay that the multiplicattan tiable is a remedy for labor roubleí. "Next, the Michigan deinocrats give ■v cauple oí resolutions profcesting against the employment of convict labor ín penal and retormatory instiutions-. Of coupee they have nothnK tío Ra y a bout or against the force bill. Men whc witnews immoral atempte at tlie subversión of aoclal order in the liorth with indfiference are not likely to be much concerned ■bout subversión of social order in he eouth. Besides the labor uninos re not intereeted in the force bill. They are too much emgaged in npplyng the dottiine of force for their own benefit. Plain tlk is best. Vlien labor anarchiste are raiging to the top f their bent no party can afford to pat thein on the back or hafjfle with hem for their votes. We are sorry o see Michigan democrats doing so. t is a misfeake. In the present conlitfon of things it is more than a mistke. The democrat party outhde of MfchiRan has no etomach for Hcbertng with the labor tyrantK For tliat matter, we don't lelieve hat a majority of the Michigan demxrats have. They have been made he victilm of a resohition committee cwwposed of imbecHes and sneakH."


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Ann Arbor Courier