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Annual School Meeting

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The animal school meel bag of this di.-trk-t was held laat Munday. Thei-e was lilttle exciteinent and iml.v 12) ' , r were polled for trustees, all ■Mie oid membera of the board being re-elei'tod by tliat verte, with no oppoiij'l ion. After the ehvtiüMi of trustees the reiïular business meeting was , held, the reporta read, and the following reaoluttans passed: Resolved, That the sum of $200 be ra iiied by tax mpom the taxaWe prope.rty ! the diistrk't for the purchase o!' library boolis. Resolved, That the gum of $2(5,500 be raii-ed by tax upan the taxable property of the dtetrlct for salaries of teacher and o1 her current expenses Oí the school yar of 1892-93. Alsi th'i:s one. offered by Judge Chee-er: üesolved, That the board of trustees : scüiool district Xo. 1 of the city oi Ann Arbor be authorized to build additions to the ward school buildíjiü's in the lt and 2d wards ii said city, and t& isue bonds therefor to the amouut of $6,000, at a vate of interest iwt to exoeed 4 per cent. per a.nnu.m, andpayable $1.000 Pel), lst. 1894; $1.000, Feb. lst, 18fl5; and $1,000 1896; and tlie balance of $3.000 Feb. let, 1897. A re-solution was also passed, offered by Dr. Smjtth, permitting the board to chanse the appellation by whicli the wiird achoolfi are designated froin Qvunbers to ïiames. There were omly about a dozen citizens preeent at this meetins, and little interest manifested in the voting of appropriations. m


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier