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On The 4th Of August, J. Borden And

On The 4th Of August, J. Borden And image
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nis wiïe were mnrdered in tlieir own hwuse in Fall River, Mines. The daughter of Borden by bis first wife, L,izzieBorden, is now being tried for this crime. There is a stroog chain of circumstantial evidence polnting to her as the culprit. Miss Borden is a good looking woiman of thirty years, refimed In her tastes, a member of the Central Oongi-eg&tlonal church, and a Sunday school teacher. DrItag lier trial shE is showing herseli Bingularly prepoasesing. - A f-reat republiean rally will be enjoj-ed at Buffalo next week Thursday :ml Priday when the league of republican clubs bol ds its animal meeting. Spee :toea by MoKinley, Faseett, Gen. (laikson and a liost of brilliant orators will start the eamapign with enthuKiiisni. Probably the reasom tliat so few of the demooratic paper.s publlsh their si;i(c tPki't this ycar is because there are no Gicmana on their Btntte for office, for they fear the Germans will caten iand refmse to be lead up tw vote where tliey have not been n:i'iiiized. Tlie State RepublLean League will meet in Grand Rápida Tuesdny, September 27th, at the time of the state convention, to nomínate a judge of the supreme oourt. Wáshtenaw county's dub Eb eutitled bo send delegates and ehould do so, for the convention prmo.iises to be a very Interesting one, as ilt is probable tliat a speaker of natiional fame will Ue there to open up the campa ign in this state. The Argos offire carne ñear haring ;i red fliot item last Saturday moriiinji-. A flre was dlseovered at about í o'clock at the lvead of the - i:r leacling írom the eounting-room to the (.(■mposiiiK room, and wa.s oxti'nffui'shed ty ue oï the ehemica] apparatus oí tlie fire dpartinéat, toífetlicr wlth severa] pails ot" water, tvetore rettiug u.ndr great headway It wns dis-.-ovcred just wi time to save the opera houe blook Iroin dstruction. Oriïfin oí the frt unknown. Ljosb, aliout $75, Insured.


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Ann Arbor Courier