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A NATURAL EEMEDT FOK Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hysteric$, St. Vitas Dante, Nerrousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, ínebrity, Sleeplessuess, Dizziiiess, Brain and Spiual Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all irritabilities, and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant effects. PHf"Pá. VaIuable Book on Nervons LUL L Dlseases sent freo to any address, and poor patients can also obtain I llkh tliis medicine tree of charge. This remedyhas been prepared bythe Keverend Pastor Koenig, oL Fort Wayue, Ind., since 18T6. aad isiiow prepared underhis direotíon by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. SoW by Drnggists at 81 per Bottle. S for 85. Iree Size, 1.75. 6 Hut tíos for 9. BE A MAN APOLLO WA8 A PERFECT MAN. É PERFECT IR FORM I-MATCHIESS IM WAR OM were ilie ancien., fo, al..,, me" ?" puny bcjM at birth were put lo death. H Every MAN can be STRONÜ YOÜNG MEN OR OLD, nfferlng from NZRVOtTS DE. BILITT, Lott or Faillng Maníiood, PhyBÍcal Excesiel, Mental Worry, Btanted DeTclopment. or ny PERSONAL WEAKMISg, can bt sitor.d to PEEFEOT HEALTH and NOBLE VITALITY of 8TR0NO N, thi Prlde and Power of Natloal. i claim by years of practice by 1 exclusive mcthods a uniform MONOPOLY OF SÜCCESS" in treating all Diieaiei, Weakneiieiand - . ,'f - y Aflictiont of Men. Testimoníala OUR NEW Rflfllf wiVJe, 'ft f ree., seal'ed.'jfóst' Jt Jrtii.. DYlfílpald' 'ora íimitPd timé; Gt i?L'le on. rullErplanationsforHOMB TKEATMENI. Tou can be ÏÜLLY EESTORED ai ThoTiMdl ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, M.Y. CARTER'Sl ivrp Wbè El ■ I kavt w55s CURE Sick Hoadacho and relieve all thotronbles incident to a bilioua state of tho syntom, such aa Dizzincse, Kausea, Drowsiueas, Distress aftor eating, Pain in the Side, &c. Whilo theirmoafc jemarkable Buccess has been shown in curing Eeadache, yet Carter'a Littlo Liver Pilla aro cqunlly v.iluablo in Constipation, ciu-ing and preventing tl:is annoyinptcooplaint, whilo thoyalso correct cll disorders of thostoraach.stimulato tho liver and regúlate tho bowels. Even if they only Aebetliey vrouldboalniostpricslosstothosowho euffer from thisdiatrcashig complaiiit; txtlfortuEatel.vilicirgooduessdocsuotonaiicro.aiKlöosa wbooncetry tlicm will ñud thoco littlo pilla valueble ín po many ways that thüy will not bo williDg to do without tUem. But ai'ter allsiclc head Is toe bane cf so many livoa that hore Ia whera "wemakeonr great boast. Our pilla curo itwiiile othera do not. Carter'e Littlo Liver Pilis aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purpo, biitby their gentle action pleaae all who usethem. In vialaat 25cent3 ; flvoforil. Sold by drnggista everywhrre, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE WJT , dÍpD'"' toSWlbs! f jW F ffUCS " ver month by ,O' VUi tk fQW harmless herbaiVx ff remedies that do not in-1 UI i I 3SÍ?c,?f Mí11-? interfere withone's business 01 F 2 ei M ÍV1111 "P ana Improves the general LeaJtta. clears the skin and beautinee the comolexion ï.o wrinkles or flabbiness follow this treatment! iinaorsed by physiciane and leadiug society ladies BñüiENTSK1íEfl,TEDcBY MAIL CONFIDENTIAU Hirmlfs,. No Sturvln. Send 6 cent in stampsfor particular! tó 88 O.W. f. 5HTDEB. MtICKtRS THEATER. CHICAGO, ILL RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, A X D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constautly on hand BREAD. CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc., for wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of STV1FT & BEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DÜST FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, ate, at wholesale and retail. A general stock oL GBOCEBIES anfl PBOVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which wül be sold on a reasonable terins as at anv other house iu the NTP'DUE BSfíy.EgoGoSdsadUed livered to auy part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. ÏICKaiidSTIl Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pjanos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ca.r0fvi.ll3r J&o-vbS.. All kiuds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. aud Office 4G N. Fourth Ave. Teachers' Examinations. Examinationa oí teachers in Washtenaw county, for the ensuiug school year, will be held as follows: The regular examination will be held eah year ooi the first Thursday o-f March and August at the countv eeat. Applicants lor all grades caïi only be examined at these datea. Special examinations -n-ül be held atAnn Arbor, laet Friday oí Aug., '92 Ypsilanti, last Friday of Sept., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor. last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAÜGH, Co ia.


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