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Z. Roía-til has Kne to New York. 'Walter S. Hielii bas gome to New York. Mise Lizzie Deán lias returned from Oíd Missiioii. E. P. Mills returned írom tlie cast last Siaturday. Dr. Vaugtoan and family are back from Old MosBtom. Rev. H. Tatlack Sims returned from his trip ap the takea. Wm. Eldert and wWe have returned from Ntagára Falte. Kev. A. vS. Caorman returned Saturday frotn his eastvern trip. Mus. R. S. Oreenwood returned from Frankfort Fi-iday evening. Eva,rt H. Seo'tt nnd iamily have returned from Oíd MisSÍon. Prof. Ij. Boe(, of Zlon'ss parochial I3CUOO1, ïs vieiting in Toledo. Trof. and Mrs. Beman returned rom the Ui-oriiian Bay yeoterday. ilrs. GOorg Moore and iarnily returned fpotn Old Mission Friday. Miss Grate Moore hns returned home írouii a vislt to Port Huron, etc. Bd. V. ECangwterier and Boes (iranger went to (irand Kapids Monday. Proi. J. C. Kuowlton and ïamily have petumed iroei Old MJsSion. Hush! Whist! Step Ughtly! lts a teu pound boy at Will Baxter"s house. Dr. W. J. Herdmian i'.s home apain ftio'mi the wildi-i of east Teimessee, etc. Erwin Schimid took a run tK Maim-'hester on hls wheel Fridiiy. Mits DSckie, M tire high school, retvu-iR'd irom Marshall last Thursday. Bobert Metoall iia.s one to Ohio and JL'eimsylvania to visit relativcs. John R. Mittier returned from a t-c-ii (lay's trip tJirCHXgh tho west yesteraay. Miiss Anna Adams has returned from her summer's Mtay at Cliíton Sprints, N. Y. Ormomd F. Hunt, of Detroit, pent Suuday wöbh his niathor on Maynard sftreet. MrtB. Aldormau Snorw i-ctiirncil Saiurday from a visi1! with friends in Milan. Dr. and Mrs. Wm, A. Campbell are home frora tlieir season's stay ai Lake josUn. Mis.s Fiviink' I. Gwinner lias soné to Ripoo, Wis., to assume lu'r school duWes. Mies Nellte Kempf lelt Monday fnr Wellesley college aceompanied by her tatlwr. A F Freemau and witte were in tUe city Tlrursda.v, on their return Irom Denver. Mabel and Walter ï'erry have returned from a delightful three week's vfett at Ba-y City. Mrs. Lioomis, of E. Ann st., lias gione to Grand 'Rapid's to VlBlt her j ion Frank Loomis. Gcorg-e H. Sniów of tho Evoning N(wb staff. was in town over Sunday gi-octi'ug old friends. Dr. and Mrs. Rominger, and thcir nu Iouis and avI'hk ol toulavlUie, Ky., are in l'etoskey. Cal. C. V. R. 'Pond ha returned ö tliO G. A. R. headquarteres here after a two week's rest. Ilev. Couwad Boee&Un, ol the Geriminn M. E. church, went t Seymour, Iml., 10 attend eonierence. MM. "W. W. Whltlturk, wtio has lic ii the giicst nf Mrs. ioo. II. lihodes, tui-m-a home to Monti-eal Tuesday. Judjre KiniK' returned íronn Iowa, Moiutay. Ciit.v Siirvi'.viir Geone I'. ICay now )i;i-scsscs tlüL' key to lii'i''s niippinesfj. It'a a boy. rinulay événiiig. A. D. Salisbury, o!f 21 Forfit ivve., ivas called t't) tlue nortlievn part of the .state on professional buahness'. Pro'f. P. 11. II. dePcint aiul family are art lmmiiif a.uai.n from their vacat'i'on at tlie Chencamx Islanils. Mre. E. F. MUte and ehildren returned fi-oni a vwo woek'.s stay wtth friends in Detroit, last 8urday. Albert Ma.nn pettyned home Irom Detroit Monda.y, acfoni])anied by his wife who liad 'been visitina; there. Mr. and Mr. G&. Ij. Moore have lxen entertaJninig (Jeo. C Hascall, of Cleveland, O., du.r:n,R the week. Mus. Ylilctoria Marris and family returned Sattirday frem Cheneaux iislandis, and ether noirtlrern resorts. Pres. HCTivy Wade Roarers and wiie pent FrMay with Mr. R's aunt, Mrs. Henry W. Kokers, af E. Huron st. Zera Pukipher, of the North side, haa Iwea entertain ing his son John and bride, oí Oivosso. durlng tire week. Mr. "W. W. AVetinore and daughter Florence, have i-eturnert how from a viisit wlth iriends in .Tonesville, etc. Misa Xollie Latsn, of Webster, left Saturday for Tecuinseli on her bicycle, wbere fhe :s eág&geú ais a teacher. Mrs. .To'lvn Corr roturned home to St, IjOuí-i, Mo., Monday after visitinK Frank Oott and lamily for a Bliort time. Gretwge E. Bltea and wifc, of Jacksou, biare bwn the gusltaa of liis parents Walhu-e W. BlifiB and wife, for a fow days. MSsá Cara M. Oibhs. of Caro, formerly oí the Bay (Sita .s;'"hools, has taken ti po-ftion as teacher In the 6th ward school. Mrs. Dr. .T. W. MwtOD retuvned Monday írnm a few (Vay's vDstt at lier párente' lionve in Coneord, .Tackson coMaity. WSfie Mattle Schiaírer ítaye a party to a iiiumbcr of 'híer young frilendK at híer ficimie n E. LáWsrty gt., Saturday evenim.u:. Treaurer Soule. of the Uniyersity, aeoonnpaoied by hte family returned Mimda.v Froán tile summer lióme 011 Sfullet Lake. Prof. V. M. Hamilton, notwithstandimg lie had toi gw on crutches. returnrd to liis s;hool dnties at Bucyrus, Ohio, Saturday. Mts. Wilfíreil Earaes and da-uehter Daisy, acconnpnnled by Mrs. Bamee mo'tlver, returu'Pd home from Ka!:inazom Saturday. Miss Xi'ük' Mingaj who Has been the gTieiït a' ("ïn'vcivc Allen, on the Wiiil'iiioi-c "Lak fi-n;nl for SOjne Tinu' has returned homx'. Prof. EiiR-ene IoIit and wife are viRtting fhelr jiarcnts Philip ivoJir and wife om Paekard si. Tïicy have just ï-ptnrned fpom Buvope. Mr. and Mrs. Sid NV. Millard are takinng a week's outing at Whitmore Lake. Thie fiih 'm the lake svill have great sport with Sld. On Friflay lP9t Andrew :iml I.ouis Baur, wjio hare been visitins ilioir un :1e I' i. E. n.-iur, returied to their lvome in St. Dante, Mo. The Míes ('ora and .Tessie Wise, of MT.ler a-f.. and Myrta St. Clair, of N. Fourth ave., spent lust Saturday vDsiting Ypsilanti (riends. Mts. G. M. Hodiros and sons, who have lyeen visitins at George H. Rlvodeis' íor a few weeks, returned home to Montreal yesterfltoy. Mrs. E. E. HHlte nnrt daughters, who have been vleiting her old home C'ince .Tune, returns to her home ín PittisburK, Kansas, to-day. MSs Violet .Tayne, lit '89, has i-etui-ned from Europc and will take a proïesorshdp of Enslish literature at a feinalr scniinary in Boston. "Mrs. H. Sellesk and daushter returned to l'.ny City Monday, alter spendiliiii the with lier par-nts, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. M.-s Srlilcirher save pleasant tea party Saturday eyeaing, at her home on W. Ijliberty ert., in Jionor of her gneis t, Misa Bchieicher, on' Saadusky, Olhilio. Mi-s. u R. P.rown, of t. Paul, Mi'nn., returueil home last week, after a stx monfh's visit -vith her p:ircRts, Mr. and Mrs. John Allon, qi M'ïllor ave. !". S. F{ri."tce, of De'Moines, Iowa. jo : in-d lii wife hpre Mondar. !n% 'luis bpii vi'sithiK her raOther. Mrs. Ambro-o Kenrnoy, for the past few weeks. They expect to return home some time npxt vrèek. Mr. Fraak Ifoward aaviog purchaed èi $25.000 interest in the peáíl initton tactoxy, Detroit, moves there firtnn to nssist in the manajiement, his wtfe'a sicluw'ss alone preventinc; him trom soiiiig some time last month.


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