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If Harrison Does Run An Ice Wagon

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it is a clean one. Cleveland like Sulllvan lias goae Into the ring once too often. There may be peace in Venezuela, but Ivow is it as Buzzard's Bay? It le a bad year tor the beefy fighter.s. Suilivan lias been kno2ked out, mext it will ba Cleveland. Pullitzer woedd like to pull Peck'e ■paws out of tliO "figgers"- but he ca-nrn't dia it ye know. Becase íiguitss w't lie the democrats are emteavo-ring to niake a pint oí Labor CommiNsioner Peck. If David üennett Hill eats his dish of erow, you can rest assured that it will be well Kpiwd wlth patronage. Mr. Cleveland et 11 has those spells of "frequent nifegiviuöB" rolative to his third noanination for the presiden"V. People ■Ivo msist upon dragging the questioa of religión i-nto politics andlthe public schools, make a serious mistake. John L., Maud H. and Grover C. are all back mmibers now. The great west steps to the front all along the lino. "The opening gun of the democratie campaign fircd by Adlai Stevim(?on," is a hoading in the Xational Demoirat. Thouglit Labor Commistsiomer Peck fired that gun. The finances of this country have been so handled for the past four jcars, that the interest on the public debt i.s $11,750,000 les per annum tha-n it ras when Harrison was inauguiutfd. Thu men of the country are eatisfied. Thlrty years aj?o the inltiala "C. S." were impopular as standing lor "Confedérate States." This year they will bc but little better in popular favor, and will have the same fate, for now "O. S." stands for the democratie ticket, Cleveland-Stevenson. Mr. Flori&n Grosjean, who is at the hea.d of a large manufacturing fiompainy at Woodliaven, N. Y., and who ha.s been a life-long democrat, nnnounuos that he cannot vote the free trade-Clov-land ticket. He is for Hiaxrtóori anil Held, for proteetion and reciprocity. H says without proteetion hls factory -vould close and his 1,400 employés, wlth who-m he has never had any difficulty, would be thrown out of work. This is not a free trade year.- N. Y. Mail and Exprese. James J. Oorbett and Nancy Hanks now trot in tlie same class. If j"ou take A'ermonters to be sreen you mnke a mtetake. Tliey know how to vote. Xo free traile in ther'n. The cholera i-s a fearful tliins to contémplate, but just think oí the poeelbilitieé oí a demoerat vk-tory. Oorbett and wliisky knocked out the frrent brute Hullivan. Xow the fbi-mer Champion h;is but few (riend. Xnn.y Hanks lias been trottiug against her record. That's what Attorney General Élite appears to be dioing. Have yon heard the Vermont slogan? It thuaders out: 21,000 ma}ority for the grand old repuMtean party. In the flenths of Georgs Willlafln Ourtis, Frailéis Kernan and Daniel Douuiierty, the democrats lose thrce oí their besi generala. The tariff is a tak is it? Why is it then that hand-saw files can be bought for 48 cents i dozen while tariff is 7." cents a dozen? Toni B&etj'e latfst point is this: "The democratie party is never on the defensive. It has done nothing during the last generación to defend." In the langmagie oi Hem-y Watterson, the democrats in Vermont last Wedneeday, went "thiwgh a slaugbïer house to in open grave." "The hired slaves who frisk about the hii-ed liarlotö of high tariff," ■ Avliai the Kirniinghara (Ala.) Age-Herald calis republicana. How refined. Do 'jou remember how Maine went to-r Governor Kent? Well Vermont went ropublican the same way the othr day. It is a republican year oivei-ywhere. It's in the air. It can't (e siopped. Harrisooi is a stateeman. He can (Telivrr ;i S{6ecTj cvn-y rt.iy. and write ettere oí acceptance in the interim ind ncver Btop over. The grajj matter in his head is composed oi li!' righ-t stuff. Chicf Peele, of t In ■ Indiana Bureau of itatteticB, a democrat oi democratsj oins hands wlth Labor Commissioner 'eek, of Vork, and asserts that he McKinley bilí has raised wagM and materially lielped tlie laboring na n in that stat-e. M.ind Muller on fi summer's day, ■akrd the meadowíi sweet with hay," s a pleasinf; uü'Upli't that runs in he mindiS oí niany a lover of John ;. Whittier's poems, but beautiful as it is. the inomory of lts author is wii'Iit th-'in was the nov mown hay of the ïiiKidowi. Labor Oommiseioner Peck, oí New York is the iK'st abused man in the latioo t'oday. Every Cleveland deraxrat, little and "big. is Jumping on lim with bo'th feet. But his figures are still mareliing 011. They can íimp on Peck, but they can't jump on his statistics. Three colored men t-1io resented an nsult to a colored w ornan were hangcd at lari,s, Texas, last Thursday by a mob of white men. "No Forcé bilí; no Negro domination." Tlie same paper contained an oseertion hat an obsecre colored man in Inlianapolis, Ind., liad declared in aror of the democracy! If citics find it profitable to invest nillions in better etreets, certainly the rural districts wlll find it no less piofitable. The fact that on a smooth roadway a farmer's load need be limited only by what he can pile on lie wagon OTight to be proof enough Df the valire of good roaihvnys withbut a single witncss being called.- Enterprise. Jiulge Chipman, of tho congresfiiomal district, fought his way to a remomiination laíit Saturday. It Pook a regular tiet fight to accomplish the deed, but he did it. Many ■of the delégate left the room in dis?ust before the convention was over. [t lotíks very much as if gome Rood respettable man could no"v be chosen to represent the citj' of Detroit in congres. Carter Harrisön, the es-mayor of Chicago, in a speech in. Illinois the other rtay, wüd that the demoorats were not in favor of free trade, that thcy belteved in a protectivu policy, etc. Carter better comie over to the ri.srlit side where the Harrison family quiie generally bálongs. He is in the worst kind oí Iree trade company and i.s fiffhting íor a fres trader on a free trade platform. The republicans were victorious in Maine Monda y , eleeting governor by 11,000 majority, all four of the meml:c]-s of tmifiTews; two-thirds of the me-mtoöPB of the legfelature, and carrylng tourteen of the sixteen counties, sind that too, In face of the fact that the TOte was 12,000 less than in lsss. Tlie old republican raUying cry: "Have yon lieard from Maine?" still lvolds good. Thte adds another to the l'oag list of republican victories of 1892, to be crowned in November by a great victory in the nation. John Greenleaf Whittier, the Amerieaaa poet, noted for his sturdy manhood and kltdne of heart, died at Hampton Fitlls, N. H., last Wednesrtay morniiig, aged 85 years. He t'as bcmi at Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 17, 1807, of Quaker parents. He 'as an example of "what push eould öo for a. fre American citizeii. as his education was guined almost entirely hy his own exertions. He was one öf the original abolitionists, contending for the freedom of the slave wlth Ivloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and lothers. Among his best known poems are Maud Muller, Barbara Frietchic. etc. Two of the university of Michigan graduales are r.unning against earh other in the lOth district of 1his .state. James Van Kleeck. law '70, is reupl)liran öanilidate aml T. A. E. Woailn-k, luw '73 the (lemoerat. p ïlie Green Mountain boys are true l.o their country. Thry believe in Anii'iira for Amerieans. rhey IjeJieve in the prosperity oi America, and belier in perpptuatïng in nver the party tluu Uae as lts ioimilation stone: Honest money for bo&est tciil. aml a hvi ballot ior cvbry Anr.-rican citizon. The honest truth compols every man ivho respecte himscií to say that prize fightïnig is a buEiaess that is brutal in the extremo. It' Corbi'tt is a gentleman, as t te aaeerted, he can prove it by -withdrawiug irom the prize rin.s. NW that he has whipped the bully and bummef Sullivan, and won for liimself a fortune in accompltehing tlie ïtat, thcre is nu nrcd [ nis foUowing the drtc.-t.-rlile calüng. "Wliat tlir ( liira'40 Jlerald wt)uld met do in order to win suocese for the (icino. ratiu iarty, nu moi'ial mancan teil. It now ad'vises C leveland to get down on his kncrs, kiss the hand of Hill that miïote him aaid give that crafty politician all the patronage of New York state or anythiiig else he wants, in order to pai-iiy him. The Herald probably remembers Riuhelicu's promiisee to Hug-uet. He will have (jrorer, the candidato, promisO anythiag-, but see that Cleveland the president withholds. Il' the gwerument official who is eollecting statistics relative to the old state bank currency oï the wild cat period will come to this country lie can be suppli-ed with a quantlty of them, togethcr with busfiels of the curreucy of those times. If the acople desire to return to "good old da.yis" 'lien a man couldn't teil 'rom liour to hoiir what the paper STirrency in hi.s pocket was worth, ie .-lioulil vot'e the democratie ticket, or that party has a plank in its ilatform demanding the repeal oí the tax on state banks, which would lead ïp to just sucli wild cats aain. Tlie general position of aífairs in this country is an eminently satis'acto-ry one. In almost every brañeh of lmhistry, production is in full and íealthy Bvring. The hiajrroért, together wiih the large surpluses of agricnlture brouglit over froni last year, 4vis tria a supply of produets for listribution not evon gurpaeeed by iniparalleled abunddnce of 1S91; so large indeed that we must expect vo again carry over large surpluses to next year. AVlicn tiiat can be said, incl when in addition it is true that the spirit oí cnterprise is in every di■ecti'oiu oonservative, wiiat more need be adduxsed to pive assurance tliat tlie sitmation of our great mater,ial inereste is one that assures an iricreasng valué in ooir national investments? Tast week was a great republican week all along the line. First came Peck's report showing the aüvance of wviges in New York under the McKinley Wil, then President Harrison's nagnificent letter of acceptance - one of the mowt statessman-like papers ever isemed. This was folloived by one from Iïlaine, with its charaeteristic sledge-hammer blows for reciprocity, protection and honest money. Kight atonff with these was ex-Senator T. C. Platt's interview wherein he pledged hls loj-al support of the ticket. Then, to cap the climax, came the great republican majority oí over 20,000 in Yermont. All these things a-re great factOire for victory this year and b1kw which way the wind is blowing. It will be a gale in November. After reading the resolutions passed by the so-called democratie colored club of Ypsilanti, stating that "the democratie party is the only party founded upou the immortal declaration of iudependence, etc, we turned to an article written by Judge Tcrargee, in Whleh ho had compiled statistlca relative to the murders oí colored people in the south, and find that these murders average over one e-erjT diay in the year. That is the democratie idea oi the declaration of independence, is it? If a colorad man is acemsed of an öifense in any southern state, they never stop to inquire into liis guilt or innocence, but they Uil liim on the spot. ■Nto forcé bilí, no negro doininatioji" If the. colored people think that tlieir interests lie with the party that kills and hunts thair people as they would liunt thO wild beaats oí the forest, tnere is nothing to prevent thein írom committing that sort of politk-al .suicide.


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Ann Arbor Courier