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ANN AR8ÜR FRUIT FARM. PwsiftiltiBsaSpialty All kinds 01 Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Hmvers, from EUwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. SyrupsTMedicinal Wiiies.Raspln-rry Syntp, Boneset, Dandeliou and other i.rajie Wiue3,prepared espccially for ijivalids. Pare Plymoutli Koek Eggs. EMIL BAüa, West ; 'ufon St.i Arin Arbor, YOüHèiEfilArl SCHiFFi'fl AMK'S Asthma Curel Never fails to give instnnt relief in tho worst H oases, and efiect a curcrj whcre others faii ■ Trial l'arlngs FKKË of Di-uisls or by Xall. I Addro DR. R. SCBIFMAr'-T, fft ranl.Jglrm. B m ÍF Tí lêkCË THE NEXT MORN1NG ! FEEL BRfGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says It acte gently on the stomach, liver and kldneys. and isa pleasant laxative. This drink Is made from hprbs, and is prepared íor use as easlly as tea. Itlscalled LAHE'S MEDICINE All druírglsts sell itat 50c. and $1.00 per package. Buy one to-day. Lnm's Family Medicine moves the bowels eaeh day. In order to be healthy, this is necessary. TÖ MACKINAC Summer Tours Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Tour Trips per Week Betwefn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND P'itoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and J-ake Huroa Porta. Every Evsning Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Ëunuhy Tripa during June, J'.ily, August and SepUmber Only. ÓUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, ulms aid Excursión Tickets will be furniahed by your Tiekat Agent, or Address A. A. áCHANTZ, AsS'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., Í8E DETROIT S CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO SPEND TOUR TACATIOS O2Í THE GKEAT LAKJSS. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It Will only cost you about $l:i from Detroit or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip, including meals and berth3. The attractionsof atripto the Jlackinac región ara unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand, romantic spot; its climate is n.ost invigorating. Save your money by traveling between Detroit and Cleveland, via the D. & C. Line. Fare, $2.25. This división is equipped with two new steamers, "City of Detroit" and ''City of Cleveland," now famous as the Itirgest, and most magnificent on fresli water. Leave every night, ■ irriving the followiug morning at destination, raaking sur e connection with all r.iorning traína. Palace sieamers, four trips per week between Detroit, Mackinac. Peroskey, the "Soo" and Marquette. Send for iliustrated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, 6. P. A . Detroit fc Cleve..I Stpana Nav. Co., Detroit, Micü. Do you Know? That more ills result from an Unhealthy Liyer than any other cause-Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompanying evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist will supply you. nPJIL DIEFFEMBACH'S lfJnK PROTAGON CAPSULESivC% Sure Cure for Weak Men, aó Náp % a provedby reporta of leadinjiphy&m-4m YY-. sicians. state age in ordering. M fTg Lm 0' IVice. SI ■ Catalogue Free. PB tB 9!A O A A S!fe and speedy KwMSK BB W IS Cllre ior leet, '42J WK. w W. Si ríe ture and all %S ISa unnatural discharges. PrtcesSS. wf QREEkSPECiFICiïiSÏÏ fclBïl wanrt Skin Bísense, ScroíqIohh Sores anti Ayihlli tic Affectlons, with outmercury. Priee, öii2. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. . 189 Wisconsin Street, HHtWAUgEE, WIS, Fstate of Ada line Kelly. STATIC OF MICHIGAN, County of Atasessionpi the i'roljnteCourt for the Coiint oí Wii-litenaiv. liolden it tlie Probnte Oilici; in the city ai Atn Arbor. qd Tuesi3ay, the twelfih day of Juiy. in the year one thousmu'.. eiirht hr.iulrufl and uinety-two. Present. .). Wllllard Babbitt, .ludge of Probate. in the matter of tui estáte oí Adaline Kelly, deceased. On reading and flline: the putition duly verified of Adelbert t Noile.]i aving that the Court adjudícate and determine who are and who ere at the time of the death of said deceased the legal heirs of said deceased. and the shares or portions wnlcn they are eutitled to inherit. Tliereinion it is ordered that Tuesday, the niuth day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased. and all othei'3 persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessiou of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the patitioaer should not be granted, And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to bo published in the Ann Arbor -Courier, ft newspaper printed and eirculating in said county, three suceessive week sprevious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. W. G. DOTY. Probate Register. nflLltn d mtlALLIb hest brands of roofSHIN&LES É-isÖS them painted or not. Our Galvauized Shiugles are rain and rust proof. without the necessity of paiuting. Our painted tin shingles are more durable and ornamental than it is possible to make a tin roof, put on In the old fashioued style. Write for price list R. The National Sheet Metal Roofixg Co., 9 Cliff St„ New York


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