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Real Estáte Transfers. Geo. Wahr to Geo. D. Sclmffer, Auu Arbof- - í '' M. H. Fredurick to Lucy M. Lavin, Salem 40 Geo V. Gnge to Clarence M. Gage, Sylvan - ' John R. Miuer to Ella R. Stafford, Ana Arbor - J Samuel P. Jewett to C. F. Brusch. Ann Arbor - - - m' D. C. Griffln to John C. üale. Ypsilanti 1 J. C. Gale to D. C. Griflin, Ypsil.antí - 1 Auditor General to D. C. Goodspeed, YpBilantl i Treas. oí Waeh. Co. to D. C.Goodspeed, Ypsilanti - - -íO Treas. of Wash. Co to D. C Goodspeed, Ypsilauti.__ - 6 D W. Potter to L. W. Potter, 50 J. M. F. Button to M L. Ticknor, Ann Arbor 1 L. E. Ticknor to M. L. Tickuor. Ann Ar bor ! M. E Tickuor to L. J. Ticknor, Ann Arbor - - l M. L. Ticknor to F. H. Ticknor, Ann Arbor - - - 1 Ticknor & Button to F. H. Tickuor, Ann Arbor - 1 F. H Ticknor ét al to t. J. Tickuor, Anu Arbor 1 A. E. Showermau to María Dentón. Ypsi 1,100 F. W. Smith to Eliza Weisner, Sharou_ 200 H. C. Apíel to Jacob Schuur, Ann Arbor 260 H. W. Geer to Alfred D. Parsons, Ypsi 2,200 J. S. Jaekson to D. Jackson, Ypsi 1 C. F. Heath to M. J. Heath, Augusta. - 1 C. V. Heath to W. A Heath, Augusta- 400 John Looney to Sarah Looney, Sylvau- 3,000 C. F. Kerr et al. to Rollin F. Case, Ann Arbor 8 771 Audrew Birk to Katharine Schuier, Ann Arbor "50 II. A. Avlsworth by gd'u to O. L. Youugs, - 700 Jeremiah T. Jacobs to Wm. N. Stevens, Ann Arbor - GOO John and Lena Eisele to W. Bisele, Ann Arbor 1 Walburger Eisele to John Eisele, Ann Arbor G00 Libbie Beahan to A. and M. Turk, Ann Arbor 2,800 Geo. M. Cobbs to C. R. Cable, York 100 E. W. Grant to D. J. Tyler, Ypsilauti 1 Cath. Parsons to Johu C. Fischer, Aun Arbor 1,500 Conrad Lehu by ex'r to F. C. Ortenberger, Manchester - 1,100 B. C. Hill to Wm. Pfeifle, Manchester 700 H. Priest to N. Schraid, " 100 Wm. Wood to N. Sehmid, " 125 H. V. Wood to X. Sehmid, " 1 Emma iicott to H. and E. Knight, Anu Arbor 4,0( 0 F. Sehmid ex'r to Emanuel Sehmid, Ann Arbor. 1,250 H. H. Boyd to L. B. and A. M. Ward, Sylyan - 100 F. C. Weinberg to Eckhardt Stein, Ann Arbor 750 K. Stollsteimer to Cath. Beek, Ann Arbor 1 Ora Royce to Rob't Leaeh, Sylvan 350 J. W. Rogers to Chas. Hurd, Ann Arbor.. _ 1 Advance Refrigerator Co. to J. E. Bea.1, trustee, Anu Arbor 1 Chas. Hurd to Allmendinger & Cheever, Aun Arbor 1 Marens Dimick to S. Chambers et al, Yl.silanti- 1,200 J. M. Stafford toM. B. Claucy, Ann Arbor 1.000 F. B. Albro to C. M. Stoup, Ann Arbor. 2,000 F. J. Kress to Wm. Evans, Contract. Daniel Long to Ed. Walsh, Sr., Sylvan- 2,400 Louisa D. Hiles to M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor 2.000 C H. Richmond, by M. O. R. R., Auu Arbor ' 600 Erastus Wetherbee to A. W. Kemfert, Ann Arbor 20 Mary E. Kilpatriek to Ypsilanti Real Estáte Co., Ypsilanti 175 Louisa Miller to Jacob F. Miller, Manchester.. 3,000 John Jas. Kuapp to Jacob F. Miller, -Manchester 700 Mary McAdams to Peter Weinett, Saline l! Mary Fitzgerald to Helen and Catherine Fitzerald, Aun Arbor 1 George W. Garry to Wm. Coppel, York. 50 Corliss & McLaughlin to J. Galation, Ann Arlior 125 Hannah J. Grave to A. Foster, Aun Arbor 450 H. B. Walmsley to G. F. Allmendinger, Anu Arbor 1 Waiuright & Davidson to ï. H. Goodspeed, Ann Arbor 1,863 E. E. Bohn, by sheriff, to Mary Bonn, Ann Arbor 1 Drunkenness or the Llquor Hablt Posltlvely Cured by administering Dr. Halnes' Golden Soeclfic. It Ls manufactured as a uowder. which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or ín food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmlees, and will effect a permanent and epeedy cure, whetlier the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic ■wreek. It aas been giren in thousands af cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never falls. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Ouree guaranteed . 48 page büok of particulars free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st., Cincinnatl. O. A "dammed" spot - Thie mili. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Entire Body with White ScaleB. SufFering Fearfül. Cured by Cuticura. My dipenae (psoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, apreudiug acroas my nose, ami almotst coverinii my face. It ran inlo my eyes, and the physiciaii waa afraid I would lose my eyesight altoeether. It epread all over my head, und my fhair all feil out, until 1 wa entircly bald-headed; it tfaeu broke out on my arras a::d ehoulders, until ray arms were juut one eore. It oovered my entire body, my face, fcead, and shoulders being the worst. The white cabe feil constan tly from my head, sboulderp, and arms; the skin would thickeo and be red and very itchy, and would crack and bleed if scratched. After spcndmg ESÍ'WftP1' many hundreda of dollatb, 1 ï J0 was pronounred incurable. I heard'of the Cütictjka Remedies, and after using two botlles Cüticüba Resolvent.1 could Bee a change; and after I had taken iour bottlea, I wae almoBtcured; and when I hnd ueed six of OtiTicuRA Rbsolvknt, one box of CimcuKA.and one cnke of Cuticura Soap, I was cured of the dreadful diaease from which I had nuffered for five yeara. I cannot expresa with a pen whatl eufferc-d beforeuaingtheREMEDiBB. Theyaaved my Hfe.and I feelit my duty to recommend them. My hair ia reatored aa good as ever, and so is my eyesight. Mits. liÖÖA KELLY, Rockwell City, lowa. Cuticura Resoivenf The new Blood Puriñer, internally (to cleanee the blood of all impuritiea and poisonoua elemente) , and Cuticura, the greatSkin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquiaite Bkin Beautifíer, externaïly (to ciear the akin and ecalp and leetore the hair), have curcd thouitands of cases where the sheddin? of ecalea meaaured a quart daily, the skin cracked, bloeding, burning, and itching almost beyond endurance, hair Ufeleas or all gooe, Buffering terrible. Whut uüier remedies have mode such curea? Gold everywhere. Price, Cuticura 50c; Soap, 25c; RstfOLVSNT, %. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chbhical Corporation, BoBton. Send for " How to Cure tíkin Diaeaaes," 64 pages, 50 illuatrations, and 100 testimoníala. niMPLSS, black-heads, red, rough, chapped,and r l ! m oily akin cured by Cuticura Soap. JUftt IT ST0P8 THE PAIN. L-VyV Back ache, kidney pains, weakneas, 9sJpm' ihuumaüsra, and muscular paina re■T MY lloved in one mlnut by the Cuti L9h Tft.:ura Anti-Paln Piaster. 2dc. Onlike the Dutch Process tNo AlMes Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Bte&M Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the ttrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, en o JOIIIEHTUj OEKETERY " o BUILDINS ...J g oo ! W Also, Stone Walks. - Kstimatcs cheerful ly furnisliéd. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts..ANN ARBOR, MICK. EBERBACH & SONSÍ'aNN ARBOR,SÊLL BELOW PLLS. T A TY TTC! TRY DR. LEDUC'S " PEJ-l-t4.J-fJ.IllO UIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, Francc. Establishèd in Europe 1S3U, Cuuada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, aud Monthly Deraugements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephensou & Co., Wholesale agents, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " chauge." COMMISSIONEKS' NoTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteaaw. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said Couuty, Commissioners to reeelve, examine and'adjust all claims aud demanda of all persous against the estáte of Jeunie N. Beönett. late of said couuty deceased, hereby give notice that six mouths from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors'to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased. aud that they ivill meet at the late resideuce of said deceased in the town of Salem, in said county, ou the Fouth day of November aud ou the fourth day of February next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days," to receive, examine and adjnst said claims. Dated, August 4, 1892. II. E. KNAPP, ) ,, WII.UAM MURRAY, j -Ommissioners. A good t.hiing on fiire- Water. The mWüle coarse- Mi o.ntree. Am all-rouiiwl affaiir- The g'.rth.


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Ann Arbor Courier