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A Detroit Miracle

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Detroit, Midi.. Sopt. 13. Í82.- A case has jusí come to llsjfot Harte, the partJculars ai art' published in the ETiihi;i Xcv.. whlch wijl 'bc read vith co'nsidcTalilc inii'i'csT. Eis t revoids ili!' rriiüi i-kablf achiovcmcnt of a medical disco vcry, whic-li lias alreauy v.on great and enÖüirïng fame. The .s'lory is told by the Xcivs as follou -: The fè'llówing paragpaphjvhieh genreil in the Xews ; sil nri time aR'O, lunii.-hri! tliü basis oí tliis informati'm - a líase tliat wais ao jvoniïerfnlly renrarkalile that it demánded ■urther explanarioi!. It i,- oí '-iiffijieiit impoi-tiin;-e to the N'eiv.s' readers lo rerepoi-t ft to thom lully. ! was so imy-.rtant thon tliat it attraoted consitlêrahte atteiition at tljtimc. ïhe (bdrowiilg is Uu1 paFagraph in ■■(. n. Northrop, for 2S veavs one oi :li : l.e-t known mvr. -kunt on VVoodward avenue, who wa,a supposed lo le (lyiiiü' lawt sjirin'j: oí locomotor ataxia, or creeplng parajysis. l;is seCur'ed a ikv lease u.' liiV ;iml ïvruvn:i'cl tQ work at hi.-i store, flrt! disease ilieakY ha ahvays it-n Bnppn.-icd t'O lie in urnble, bnt Mr. NhrtlirDji'.s oomdltlon te greatly improved anc it l'Oükts now as i llie ipae woulc be chea-ted i Lts prey." ShK-e that time Mr. X'orthrop has i-ie;;dily impiioveil, not only in looks "tnit in oondition. till he ha ï-eg-aincú his o time strengt h. It has been hinte'd to the writer of tin artiele, who was acquaintec with Mr. Ntorfehrap, that tliis miraeulous ehange had ten wrought 'by a very simple remdy oalli'd Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis tor Pale People. When asked abput it Mr. Northrop fully verified the statement, and not only so, but had taken pains to inltorm a.ny one who waö suifei-iiifc in a similar ina.niiei' wlien he heard O1 any such case. Mr. Northrop was ntlmslaistic at the result in his own CÜM oï Dr. WiHiamis' Pink Pilis. It ,was a roiiK'dy In1 had heard oï after he had trieil everythins he conld hope toi nive him relief. He had been in the care of the best physioia-ns who did all they (.-ould to alleviate this terrible "malady, but without any avail. He had given up hope, when a friend in Ivookport, N. Y., wrote liim of a caKe of a ierson there who had'been cured in similar eircumstancee by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale Poople. The. per.son oured at Uockp-ort had obtaincd Jiis information reepeeting Dr. Willianus' Pink Pilis from an article published in the Hnmitlton. Ont., Timers. The case was called "Tlie Haniilton Miracle," a.nd told the story of a mam in that city who, nfter aJmost inoredible snfferin}r, W84 pronounced by the most eminent physicians to be incurable and permaiwntly disabled. He had spent hundreds of dollars in air sorts of :ivatm'ent and appliances only to be told in the end that there was no hope for him, and that cifre was impossible. The person alluded to iMr. John Marshall, of 25 Uttle Williara street, Hamilton, Ont.,) was a monitor of the Boyal Templara of Temperante, and af ter having been pronrounced permanently disabled and incurable by the physicians, was paid the $1,000 disability ineurance provided by the order for its membcrs in uch cases. For years Mr. Marshall had been utterly helplese, and was barely able to drag hiraselï around his house with the aid of orutches. His ajyonies were almost iiiftjearable and lile was a burden to him, when at last relief came. Some months after he had been paid the disabilit.v claim, he heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis and was lndaiced to try them. The result was miraculous; alraost from the oatset an improvement was noticed, and in a íew mónitas the man whose medical experts had said was incui-abU', was goms about the citv healtliier and etromg-er than before Mr. Marshall was so well known in Hamilton that all the city newspapere wrote up his wonderful reeoverv in detail, and it was thua aa betore stated, that Mr. Northrop came into possession oï the inforination that led to his equally marvelous recoA-ery. One could scarcely oei ve a oase more helplees taan tuax fol Mr. Northrop. His injury eame nliout in this way: One day nearlv tour yo-ars ago, he stumbled and féll the complete lemgth of a steep ílieht of stairs wliioh were at the i-ear of nis ptore. His head and spine werP severely tojred. Ho was piekert up and taken to his home. C reepin"- óaralysis very soon developed ItseH aad In Bptt of the most strenous effo-rt of fi'iends and physicians, aie terrible altliction fastened ltself upon him. For nearly two yenrs he was perfeetly helpleaft He could do ivotliina' to support his strength m the least erfort. He had to be wheelod abo-ut in an invalirt's efeair. He was weak. palo aiv.l fast sinkincr when tliis timoly information eame that voritalily snatrlied liis life from the iaws of'dwith. Tliose, who at that time ea-w a feeble ld ninn wlioeled into his Kt ore on ah lnvalld's ohair, would not re-op;nize tlie man now, so jrreát is the olíanse that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis have wrwiffht. When Air. Northrop learned of this remedy that had oured Mr. Marshall in Hamilton, and the peron in IiKport, he procured a supply of I)r. Williams' Pink Pilis throuffh Messrs. Bassett & IHommediu. 95 W'OOdvranl :ivc, and from the outset fonnd an impiwïment. He faithfully herpil to the se of the remedy nntil nwv lio te eompletely restoreü. Mr Northrop declares that tliere can be no doubt as to Pink Pilis being oí his rest ora tlon to healtn. as all o'ther remedáis and medical trentinent lett him in a condition rapidly growinig from liad to worse. until at láfit It was deolared there was o cure fcw hita and he was pronounced incurable. He wag in this terrible condition wlien he besan to usé Dr. WilliaiiK' Pink Pilla, and they have resioifd him to health. Mr. Northrop was asked what was elalmed this wonderful remeily. and replied that he understood tne proprietors pialan it to be a blood lmilder and nerve restorer, supplyiuií in a condensed form all the elementas ner'essary to enrieh the blood. restore shattered .nerves and drive O'iit diseaae. It is rlaimed by the proprtetors that Pink Pilis will cure paralyeis, rheumatism. BCiatica, paipitati'on ol the heart. headache, and all dieeaees peculiar to témales, lose of appetite, dizziness. sleepleseness, loss of meinory, and all diseases arisinir troin o-r-work. mental worry, toss of vital forcé, etc. 'T want to nay." Baid Mr. Northrop, "that I diiii't much iaith in patent medicines, bnt I cannot say too m.uch in praise of Dr. W11lia'nis' Pink Pilis. Tlie proprietors, íowever, claim that they are not a patent medicine in the sense in whk-h that term is used. but a highly cieotiíic preparation, the result oí yoars of cai-eful study and experineiit onm the part oï the proprietors. ind the pills -vere successfully nsed n private practloe for years before placed for general sale. Mr. Xorthrop declares that he i.s a living example that tliere is nothiiiK ta equal these pilla as a cure íor nerv diseasee. On Inquiry the writer foum that these pilla wer manufacturec by Dr. Williams' Medicine Cumpa iiy, Schenectady, x. V., and Broek vill". Onf.. and th ■ pills are sold ii boxea üii'ïcr in bulk by the hundred at r0 cents a box, and niay be ha( Ol :ill ilruuLcis i s nr direst by rnai ii-oi!) Di-. Williams' Medicine Co., fron vit ut oí t li ; ■ a-bove addressee. The prlce ai which these pllls are sold malees a cooirse of trcatment wit] tlieiii domparatlTely tnexpensive e öompared with otlver remedies or med ioal ti-eatnii'iit. Tliis case is ono ". the nïost remarbable on record, ani 'n. eme right here in Detroit and not a tlioiisaml miles awfty, it can be easi ly verified. Mr. Northrop is veij '.veil known to the people in Detroit and he aays he is only too glad t( testily oí the nr.irvelou.s sood wroirgh hte oa-se. Hie sa.ys lve coaisiders it liis dnty to help all who are sirai lai'ly ai'ilKted liy any word lm eai say in behalf of the wonderful cffi oacy oí In-. Williams1 Pink Pills. I any of the News readers ivant anj fiirtiier informntion. we (eel sure Mr Northrop wonld willinsly ohlige them tf; h,e has the writer in relating thi's Ia ■' - to liim.


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