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Brighton fair, Oet. 4 to 7, inclusive. The Chelsea fair occara ou Oct. 11, 12, and 13. The cheese factory at Dexter is still in the freight house. The Catholics at Chelsea have organized a reading circle. The furniture fuctory at South Lyon has started up again. A car load of poultry was shipped from Gregory one dav last week. The Lima band are to give a concert and ball in the town hall, on Friday evening, Sept. 30. Dogs are killing sheep around South Lyon. One farmer lost ten valuable ones in one night recently. There are 747 pupils enrolled in the public schools of Ypsilanti, or ou au average 42 to each teacher. The mayor of Ypsilanti, in view of the cholera scare, calis on the citizens to disinfect themselves. - Adrián Press. An attempt is being made to secure a lecture course at Clinton. If 400 tickets can be sold at $1 each the riffle will be made. Nicholas Van Riper, near Dexter, had his fine flock of ewes attacked by dogs oae night recently, and places his damage at $50. Palmer'g fruit basket factory at Dexter has disposed of 100,000 baskets this year. The largest output the factory has ever had. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wing, of Scio, are receiving the cougratulations of their friends over the advent of a teu-pound boy. - Chelsea Standard. One advantage with geese is that they are hardy, easily raised and require less care and expensive food than any other class of fowls. - Live Stock Indicator. 0. T. Parker raised 148 bushels of wheat on 4)4 acres of ground this year. It was the " nigger variety," and report says it is justfit forseed. - Dexter Leader. It seems to be the prevailing opinión that wheat cannot go lower and must in time go some higher at least. Henee local farmers are going to hold as long as possible. - Dexter News. A number of ladies at tended the school meeting at Grass Lake the other evening and were treated with sucli expected courtesy that they had a card of thanks published in their local ]iaj)er. The little singers of Dexter, ouder the direction of the B. Y. P. U., are preparing a cantata, "A Dream of Fairy-Lanil," which they will present to the public Friday, Oct. 7, 189L', at the Dexter Opera House.- Dexter Leader. Coffins are now made of paper. Those who have all their lives swindled editora out of their paper can now keep rielvt mi after death and swindle undertakers out of their paper through eternity.- Hillsdale Standard. [lp in Chelsea the latest styles in gentleinen's panta is to have the left leg about six inches longer tlian the right. It is not then turned up hut is held up by the left hand while it trails gracefully in the dust.- Dexter News. A large acreage of wheat is beiug sown notwithstanding tlie low price which that cereal brings. Many took advantage of the late raius to plow land which otherwise wonld have been sown tooats in the spring. - Chelsea Standard. On the same day the Missouri legislatnre defeated the bill forbiddiug the sale of cigarettes to boys, it passed the l)ill for penning up geese. They appear to value geese more highly than they do their boys, down there.- Chelsea Standard. Ypsilanti's population took a decided spurt Thursday night, Mrs. J. Scott becoming the mother of tripleta of the respective weights of eight, seven, and fíve pounds. The mother and all three babies are doing well ander the care of Dr. Mead. - Daily Times. At the annual meeting of the Congregational church at Dexter, the report was made that ten new members had been admitted to the society during the year, and two deaths liad occurred. The church was entirely out of debt, with a balance in the treasury. Last April, Mrs. John Dalson of this city had the inisfortune to lodge in the palm of her hand a piece of a shears' blade, about half an inch long, where it had reinained till Tuesday lust, when ür. W. C. Mead removed it. Tlie hand now is in a fair way to heal. - Ypsilantian. The Fowlerville Observer says that S. L. Lilley " succeeded in extracíiug a number of sheckles from the purses of a nuraber of our citizens." He will be remembered as a patiënt at the hospital here in'Anu Arbor, and a book agent after he had recovered sufficiently to get about. Last week we caused Kev. Sprigg's Sunday evening topic to read, "Authority for the devil." It should have read, "Activity of the devil." Our devil is authority for the above blunder, and we wish to further state that we shall place no authority in a devil hereafter. - So. Lyon Picket. The horrible green worm has again made its appearance in this vicinity, and js now engaged in stripping the oak trees of their leaves. - Fowlerville Observer. Here too. Aiid it is a pest, if not destroyed some way, will become like unto the plagues that were cast upon Egypt in olden times. In its Xormal items the Ypsilanti Commercial lias this one: " It is a matter of considerable comment that the proportion of young ladies is noticably larger than it was last year. There are nearly three to oue in favor of the ladies this year. Snrely the birch tre is being taken from the mescaline hand." What Dexter wants the coming winter season is a flret class leeture course. It is time arrangements were heilig made lor me, and tulow us to SUggest that we believe it could be most successfully oarried out under tha auspioes of the schools. Everv citizen of our village has, (ir should have, au interest in uur educational institute.and a lecture course under its auspices, comprising a well selected series of entertainrxients, could not help but prove profitablë, both finaueially and intelleetually. - Dexter Xews. W. H. AVeston, of Webster, was in A nu Arbor yesterday attending the Republican county convention. He says apples in Webster are as scarce as hen's teeth. One farmer who lias an orchard of 15 acres will not receive enongh apples for his own family use. The potato erop is also short, the very early and very late potatoes will yield soniewhat, but the farmers will have none to sell. He is astonished at the amountof corn they are harvesting t'roin their heavy clay soil, and it is au agreeable surprise. - J)aily Times. In the public schools or tliis city there are 727 pnpils of which 520 are in the Union School. The increase of scholars as compared with last year is quite encouraging. The largest number at auy one time last year in the Uuion School was 4(!0. In the grades 5 to 8, which embrace six rooms, there is seating capacity for 260 pupils, of which 25ü seats are taken. Last year in the 8th grade there were 22 pupils ; this year there are 45, an increase of over half. The High School, too, compares favorably with last year, there being about 60 pupils' in that deparment. - Ypsilanti Commercial, After a full year of almost continuous sleep, May White, the young Stockbridge school teacher who luis puzzled the medica] fraternity of the state, a1 last shows siiiis of returning consciousness. For a inonth past the stupor iu whiofa slie has lain has grown less profound, and last week slie was able to open her eyes and recognize her parents Tuesday, tor the first time in twelve months, she sat up in bed and partooJj of solid food. Hitherto she has subsistec on liquide alone. The attending physician believes she is now on the rokd to recovery. When first attacked with her strange malady she weighed 148 pounds. Now she weighs 58. Otherwise she seems in fair health, although all her senses have grown dull and her memory is almost a


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