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Regents' Doings

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At the meeting of the Board of Eegents last Wednesday, the following standing coinmittees were appointed: Executive -The President, Kegents Wliitman, Butterfield, and Cocker. Fl nanee - Kegents Cocker, Hebard, and Kieier. Llterary Department- Regenta C. R. Whitman, CocKer, and Howard. Law Department- Regenta Butterfleld, Whltman, and Barbour. -Medical Department, Homcpopathio College, and iieutal School- Begents Keifer, Oook, aud the President. Commlttee on Museum. School of Mines, and Astronomieal Observatory - Regenta KUefer, Hebard, and ('ook. Chemical and lJhrmacenticlal Department - Regenta Cook, Howard, and Kurbonr Buildings and Grounds - Kegeiits Whitrnan, Barbour. and Howard. The following resolutions relativo to tlie death of Regent Draper were adopted : "Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove by death our colleague, Charlea Stuart Draper : " Jiesolvcd, That wedeemy moiini the loss of our associate nnd frlend to whotn we were hmind by ties of the strongest personal attachment. ,.- tolvedi That we desire to express our high appreciation of his character and of tlie great value of his services to the l'niversity and the state as a roember of this board. His intímate acquaintance with the L'niversity of whieh he was a gradúate, his devotion to 'her best interests. his broad and generous views of her opportunities and duties, his wise judgmeut conceruing her true policy and his iarge Influence in the state made his'ofncial career as regent of most couspicuous wortli. " Hcsoli'cd, That a copy of these resolutions be communicated to his widow and to his father, with the assuranee of our sincere symputhy with theni in their ainiction." The resignation of Prof. Abbott, of the law department was accepted, and the appointment of his successor deferred until the uext meeting. For the presentation of the original minute book of the first Board of Regents, Silas Farmer, of Detroit, received a vote of thanks. The following were among the new appointments made : Henry B. Ward. Pli. D., instructor lu morphology for que year, salary íf900, to lili vacaacy by the expiration of term oL service of L. Murbach. W. A. Kirkland. B. S., assistaut in vertébrate morphology for one year, at the salary of íouo, it being únderstood that he shull give twothirds of bis time to the service of the Uuiversity. Ernest Musel, instructor in Germau one yenr. salary $SHXI. Miss Solis, cliuical assistant without compensation. Lawrence McLouth, A. B.. instructor in German one year, $900, in place of B. T. Vos, resigned. Eugeue H. Robertson, Ph. B., physiological chemistry, $192. Bernard G. Hesse, Ph. C, Chemical laboratory, fiöo. luchara Fischer, Ph.C, Chemical laborntory, 1M. William H. Andrews, asslstaut in quantitative aualysis, $2U0. Iloy D. Young, class assistaut in pharmacv, Í15U. W. H. Chamberlain, M.D., resident physican to the homceopathic hospital. K. D. Osmuu, M. D., assistant physiciau to the homccopathic hospital. E. H. Clark, M.D., assistant to the professor in surgery. C. W. Behm. M. D., assistant to the professor of theory and practice and the professor of materia medica. (J. M, Thurston, JI. D., assistant to the professor of obstétrica and gynecology. K. .1. Peck, U, D. assistaut to theprofessor of opthalmology, otology, and laryngology. The new postal note soon to be issued will simplify mattere very much, as the wstmaster has no writing to do in issuing tliem. Tliey are torn oíf same as exprese orders and the expense of theni wiü be but one cent.


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