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Councii. Chamber. ) A.nn Abbor, Oct. 3d, 1892.1 Regular session. The Councii was called to order by the president, the Hon. Mortimer E. Cooley. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aids. Fillinore, Ferguson, Prettyman. - 3. COMMDNICATION FROM THE MAYOR. City of Ank Arbor, Jlayor's Oflice, Oct. 3, 1883, i To the Honorable the Common Couucil : Gentlemen,- I have been requested by Professor W. S. Perry aud the Keverend E. D. Kelly, representing respectively the public, and St. Thomas parochial schools of Ann Arbor, to cali your oflicial atteution to the approaching commemoration of the diseovery of America. As you are probably well aware tne 21st day of October iust. has been designated by the President and by the Governor of this state, by executive proclamations, as a memorial day and in furtherance of its due observancc the schools have especially interested themselves to prepare such proper ceremonials as will testify the patriotic devotioa of pupils and teachers to the land we love. If the City, as such, should deern it advisable to particípate with the schools in any public demonstration, it ia necessary that immediate steps be taken to formúlate a program íor the same, in order that the schools and the city may act in harmouy. The time for action being now so very short, it would seem to ine that the utmost our citizens can do will be to attend the school exercises aud thus evince their interest; to parade their civic and militarv orgauizations if practicable and generally to display their fiags and banuers in honor of the day. Should no other plan suggest itself to your honorable body, I wouli respectfully recommend the above observance to our citizens. In the meantime I take this opportuuity to ihank both Prof. Perry aud the Kev. Fr. Kelly and their pupils for iheir patriotic efforts aud to assure them of our high nppreciation of the game. Wili.iam G. Doty, Mayor. Accepted and placed on file. A petition signed by John G. Schairer and sixty others, residents and property liolders in the vicinity of the establishments burning soft coal near the tracks of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co., and betvreen Huron and Liberty streets in the city of Ann Arbor, tlnit by reason of the smoke arising from suchestabjishments tlie property of your petitioners is injnred. Aid. Herz moved that the petition be accepted and referred to a special committee of five meinbers, to be appointed by the chair. Adopted. The president appointed the following committee : Aids. Wines, Martin, Snow, Schairer, and City Attorney Norris. A petition sigued by Matilda B. Caldwell, and property holders on Church street, asking that sidewalks be ordered built on the west side of church street from South University avenue to Willard street. Accepted and referred to the committee on sidewalks. A petition signed by W. B. Smith and four others, residents and property holders on E. Washington street, asking that sidewalks be ordered built on the south side of E. Washington street, from Twelfth street to Grant street. Accepted and referred to the comuiiton sidewalks. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. To the Honorable, tlw Comnwn Councii: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. W. J. Miller, salary 6B 66 E. B. Norris. salary 25 (10 Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, janitor 6 26 The 1-ngineering Publishing Co 3 00 James K. Bach, Kng. House Insurance (7 50 Beal&Pond, ' " " 37 50 ArthurBrown, court fees 4 00 J. A. Polhemus. haek and buss 2 00 Kichmond & Baekus Co., supplies ö Oü Miehael Seery, recordiug 7 deeds 7 50 W.J. Miller. supplies 175 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., street lightins 588 90 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office 2 00 Leander P. Kapp, 2d ward inspector. - 36 00 C. Frank O'Hearn, 4th " " .. 30 00 John S. Carroll 5th " " .. 36 00 Isaac Nobles, 6th " .. 2# 00 George Wahr, supplie6 for B'd of Hltn 3 60 Win. G. Suow, horse hire ' " 8 00 Stephen Keegan, burying dog 60 J. L. Smtth, " 50 Total Í 960 67 STKEET FUND. Felson Butherland, salary, 66 66 Geo. F. Key, salary Bi) d0 Miehael Kenny, labor 13 50 Lawrence Hughs, labor 23 78 Joseph Hutzol, labor 26 55 Gustave Walters. labor 25 CO Gottlieb Maulbetsch. labor 10 50 Miehael Kenny, labor . 10 50 James Nelson, labor 1 50 Andrew Zeigler, labor 10 35 Fred White, labor 4 f.0 Karl Joerndt, labor 15 15 Andrew Dupslauft, teaming 31 15 Miehael Heary, " BS 26 Thomas Hannan, " 29 75 Bennitt Frenen, " 10 50 George Tower. " 7 00 Daniel Crawford, " 7 00 Elias Saddler, " 33 25 Nelson Sutherland, horse and cart, 26 00 Christian Jetter, labor, 3Í 95 Patrick McCabe, labor 23 25 Frank Sutherland, labnr 33 00 Miehael Williams, labor 23 25 Wm. Kuehn. labor 29 55 Frank Schultz. labor 30 00 Willis Clark, labor 30 01 Jacob Kies, labor _. 19 50 Joseph Hutzel. labor _ 1X00 Hiram Kittredge, teaming 1 7:, William Clancy, gravel 71 4 Albert Pettj-s. plow 3 uu Daviil Kahr, gravel 1 80 William Mason, paving stones 16 0J Total $ 775 93 FIRE DEPA1ÍTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Henry McLaren, salary 50 On Loui? Hoeb.le, salary 50 00 Charles Carroll, salary 4f uo Max Wittlinger, salary 45 00 Frank Kapp, i-alary 4'i 00 Albert West, salary _ 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary w Louis Wcinmann, salary 8 (j John Kenny , salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary y 00 S;un McLaren, salary 8 00 K. Kearns, horse shoeing n 50 Fred Chapín, hay. 12 37 Heinzinann & Laubengayer, oats 4 50 Mrs. B. Iteam, washiug 10 00 Total 8 458 37 PÓLICE FI7ND. James R. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary. 50 00 Noble V. Tice, salary 50 00 Total $ lg00 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 '!■ A. A. & N. M. K. It. Co., tickeü'.::: 1 10 Edward Duffy, grocerios 2 00 Doty & Feiner, ehoes ...V 3 50 Mrs Ann Evans, aid 500 1'. Ehc'i'haoh& Son. medicine 1 75 John Goetz, jr., groeeries „ 2 19 Jacob Hennc, groceries 400 William H Molntyre, irroceries" 15 OK W. F. Lodholz, groeeriés n 35 O'Hara & Boyle, grocerie3 ' 417 1( i nsey & Seabolt, gnreeries . . 7 77 Caspar Hiusey, groceries " z 82 Total % wis BRIDGE, CÜI.VERT AND CROSSWALK FUKD. Michigan Artificial StoneCo., ■■ tioneidewalks. L w RECAPITUXATION. Contingent Fund U L Street Fund '% ■ Fire Fund S Pólice Fund ij L} Poor Fund Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund.. 27 4 Total 2.453 78 Besuectfully submitted. W ALTER L. TAYLOB, WlLLIAM llEBZ, Finance Com. Aid. Kitson moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson and Pres. Cooley.- 10. Chairman Taylor stated that the bilis of Dr. John Kapp as health officer, and Martin Clark as inspector, had not been allowed by the finance committee, and submitted the same to the council. Aid. Rehberg moved that Dr. Kapp be allowed the floor. Adopted. Aid. Taylor moved that the bilis of health officer be not allowed, and that the bill of Inspector Clark be referred to the finance committee. Aid. Martin moved to amend by referring also the bill of the health officer. Aid. O'Mara moved to amend the amendrnent that the bill of Inspector Clark be allowed and warrant drawn. Which amendment to the amendment prevailed by a vea and nay vote as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Cooley.- 10. Nays - None. Whereupon the amendment as amended was lost. Whereupon Aid. Wines moved as a substitute for all motions on the question, that the bilis of health officer and Inspector Clark as claimed, be allowed, and warrants drawn for the same. Which substitute prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Rehberg, Kitson, Pres. Cooley.- 9. Nays- Aid. Taylor.- 1. ORDINANCE. The third reading, by sections, of an ordinance relative to nuisances and to regúlate the confinement of swine withiu the city limits. On motion of Aid. Wines the following amendment was made thereto: Section one, line two, after the word September, insert " October." Adopted. After which the chair having stated the question to be " Shall this ordinance pass as amended?" Therefore the yeas and nays being called, the ordinance, as amended, passed as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Cooley. - 10. Nays - None. The third reading by section of an ordinance relative to the use of sidewalks, and to amend section three of an ordinance entitled an ordiuance relative to the use of streets, alleys, and public places. Aid. Martin moved that the ordinance be laid on the table. Adopted. The third reading by sections of an ordinance relative to Nuisances and to Prevent the Burniug of Refuse Matter after 12 o'clock, noon, within the city limits. On motion of Aid. Wines the title was amended to read, " An Ordinance relative to nuisances and to prohibit the burniug of refuse matter during certain hours within the city limits." Aid. Wines moved that the ordinance be amended so as to read as follows : The Common Council oí the city of Aun Arbor ordaius, Sectiou 1. It shall be unlawful for any persou to set flre to or burn leaves, rubbish or other refuse matter in any strect. yard, vacant lot or other open space or place within the city limits, after the hour of twelve o'clock noon of nny day or before the hour of six o'clock in the forenoon. Section 2. Any person yiolnting the provisión of section one of this ordinance shall on conviction thereof be puuished by a fine of uot more thau ten dollars and costs,"or by iraprisonmeut iu the common jail of the County of Washtenaw for a period of not more than ten days or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Sectiou 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after ten days from legal publication. Which amendment prevailed, after which the chair having statod the question, shall this ordiuance pass, thereupon the yeas and nays bcing called the ordinance as amended prevailed as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 10. Nays - None. STUUKT. Aid. Martin of the street committee stated that the plat of the Lawrence addition submitted by the board of public wbrks had been submitted to the street committee, and in all things approved. On motion the plat was accepted and approved and the clerk ordered to record the deed of the streets. Aid. Wines moved that wlien we adjourn we adjourn to meet Monday, Oct. lOth. Adopted. Aid. Wines moved that the regular order of business be passed and the Mayor's message taken up. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. W. J. HOLLER, City Clerk. OOU.N'CIL CHAMBKB. I Ann Arbor,Sept.a6th, 1S92. Special session. The Couneil was called to order by the President, the Ilon. Mortimer E. Cooley. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Herz, Ferguson, O;Mara, Rehberg, ïaylor.- 5. The cali of special meeting having been read by tbe Clerk, the following business was transacterl: Aid. Wines, leave having been granted, introduced an ordinance to amend section four of an ordinance entjtled an ordinance relative to the 'Licensing of Vehicles," which was read the flrst time by its title and referred to the Committee on Ordinance. Aid. Wines moved that the rules be suspended and the said ordinanca be given its second and third reading by sections. Aid. Martin moved to amend that the rules be suspended and the said ordinance be given its second reading by sections. Which amendment prevailed and the original motion as amended prevailed. The second reading by sections of an ordinance to amend section four of an ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the "Licensing of Vehicles." Aid. Wines moved that the rules be suspended and said ordinance be given its third reading. Which motion prevailed. The third reading by sections of an ordinarios to amend section four of an ordinance entitled an ordinance relative to the "Licensing of Vehicles." Aid. Wines moved to amend that all such baggage to be delivered to any part of any building in the city. Adopted as follows: Yeas.- Aid. Wines, 8chairer,Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley. - 5. Ñays. - Aid. Martin, Fillmore,Snow. -3. Aid. Snow moved to adjourn, which motion was lost. After which, the president having statëd the question to be, "Shall this Ordinance Pass?" Thèrefore, the yeas and nays being called, the ordinance did not pass, as follows: Yeas. - None. Nays. - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Fillmore. Snow, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley.- 8. On motion the Council adjourned.


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