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Gorman's Votes On Rebel Claims

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On the 13th of May, 189:2, the House of Reprasentatives spent the dn y in coraideripg the Sibley tent royalty claim. The Kibley tent was presented by Major Htenry H. .Sibloy, oí the Umited .States army, and in 1858 he cowtracted that the governunent sljould pay him $5 royalty for each tent manufacturad by the United State.-;. Mwjor Sibley reeeived $18,000 from the ffovemment in poyalties up to May 13, 18(J1, when he left the aiimy, serving in that army during the vrav. In 1885 Sibley appiled to for payment on account of tents mianufactured by the govern.ment ajid used while the patentee va in aiims aerainst said gorvftrnment. Payment ras not granted, and Sibley died in 1886. The iamily of Major Sibky applied to Congresis for payment. It w-as sworn to that they were loyal to the governinent during the war, although. the tatlier and head' of the family was au oificer in the confedérate service amd the family lived in New Orleans froun a short time after July 18G1, until Lee surrendered, when they lot-ated at Brooklyu, Xew York. inte eiaim was uaseu npom xne loyiuty to' the Uuited .States of the wiíe and children oí tliis confedérate -vlio foiught against the United States govei-nnient iour years, and was notorinuely and actively di.sloyal. The claim was íor $37,700, in addition to the $18,000 iiaid SiWey during his ■ - i-laii.i v:is oiltla Wöd v'W , ' i . i ■ ; na.l no'l [oríeited his ri.íiMs iy joiinhiig tlie confedérate The whüle day of May 13 til wats cxhausted on thi.s bilí, and on 1niv votes Mr. Gorman voted for the payinenl of the Sibley WU, while Mr. O'Do'nnell voited agadnst the p&yment of the Sibley claim. (See OoDsression&] Itci-o.rd, pages 4,732, 4,733, 4,734.) The Wil ca me up ag-ain on the 18th oí June, and a motion was made to lay it on the table, and 11 r. Germán vo.tei no, -while Mr. O'Donnell votrd to taWe tlue whole matter. (See Oongressional Report, page 5,929.) ThO Wil ïirst eame up on the l(3th of April, 1802, and the opponents of th.. measure sónight to kill it by takIng a recesB, but Mr. voted. against the recese, while Mr. O'DoniH-11 voted for Wie recess to kill the WU. (Se Congressional Report, page 3,G4(5.) Gorman Votes for the Bill to Pay a Church at Jackson. Tennessee. $4,050.39 for its Use as a Hospital During the War. Ou the of March, 1892. the bill to pay the M. E. church acmth, of Jackson, Tennessee, $4,050.39, for the use of the building whk-h was used as a hospital by the Union troops, c-ame up, aml was paseed, Mr. Gorman -vo-rtng YE.S, Mr. O'Doimell voting NO. (See Coogressional Record, page 2,098.) Gorman Dodges the Bill to Pay Andrew J. Duncan, of Nashville, Tennessee, $10.831.61 for Fuel, Lumber and Building Material for the Union Army. On the same day, March 13, 1892, a bilí was taken, up to pay Andrew .1. Diincan, oí Níi.slmlle, Tenneseee, $10,831.60 flor fuel. luimber and building- material ued by the Union army. Mr. Gorman (lid not vote on this bilí and Mr. O'Donnell voted NO. (See Ooiig-ressional Record, page ü,((.l).i Gorman Votes to Pay Cumberland Female College, Tennessee, $1O,OOO for Use, Occupa Ion and Damage to Property by the Union Army and Use for Hospital Purposes. On the lí)tli ol Maivh, 1892, .a bilí was broaight up in the house oí rép■fscinntivi's to pay Ou-mberlan'fl Penale Cbllege oí ïteoaeesee the wam oí -pio.000 for the tree, oecupation and laaaage to property by Uie Union iriuy and uwe tor hospital purposes. riiis bill was passed by the house. Mr. Gorman verted YES, to pay the bill, md Mr. O'D'onnell voted NO, to reusi' to pay the bill. (See Congreseion il Record, pagge 2,304.) Aiter reading tliis list of rebel elalms avored and voted for by James S. Gorman aw meruber oif congress, it t auy wonder that the oaithern demócrata eend their chairaplon oí soutliru inlerests. Bcnton McMillln, of Tennsse, up to Michigan t speak for Tr. tí'onmaii? Gorman Votes to Cut Down the Approprlations for Pensions. At the of congit-ss, the retarj of the Interior and the commisRtouer of penekms submitted their estima tes oí the amo-lint iieeded to pay pemetanere during the fiscal year endlag June 30, 1893. The house redueed the ap_pixprintion $1-4,000.000. The ïriondw of the soldiers held that it was unjust to place a veteran on the pension roll and not provide mean to pay hian the suiu ffi-anted by the government. On the 8th of March, Gen. Gou't, a inember from Vermont, a woiunded soldier and a member of the eammittee on invalid pensions, moved to iníírease the approprietion $14,000,000, to the sum requested by and certified as being necessary by tiie secretary oí the interior and the cornmfesioner oí pensions. On this unotioin a yea and nay vote was taken. Mr. Gorman voted NO, - against increasing the appropriation and Mr. O'Donnell voted YES,- to increase the ppropriation. (See Congressional Record, page 1,901.) Gorman Does Not Asslst In Passing the Bill to Entertain the Grand Army in Washington. The bill to provide entertainment for the Grand Army at the grand eneampment at Washington carne up on the lst and. 2d of July. A great struggle resulten! in the effort to pass tule bill. Mr. O'Donnell was present at the seí-Bions and voted YES; Mr. Gorman did not vote during all the vote on this qnestion. (See Congrossiooal Re-.-ord, pages C.323, Mr. Corman Did Not Vote When the Labor Bill Carne Up for Enactment. On t.Iie 2d oí July, the bilí redúeing the hours of labor for provenir A(irki!i;jinen carne up. Mr. (VPui, ncll vot.'d for t.iio bilí; Air. (Yl( not V)t(J. (.(■(■ din" :■■ -;!!ll I.'.1' ord, p&ges 6,870, 0.371.) Gorman Did Not Aid the Agricuitural Bill. The appropriation bilí for the department oí agrlettlttire carne up foi passage, on the 21 day of July. Mr Gorman did not vote. Mr. O'Doiinell i ■ '1 for the bilí. (9ee Cn$rreionnl Record, pasre 0.355.)


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