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The Two Candidates For Congress

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Washington, D. C, Oct 20, '02. Dea Mr. O'Donmell: I was at the pensión oííic to-tlay, lookias up vanous matters oí newfc matter, when I , iar the first time, liad my attention called to the perfect svsti'in oi re.orcls kept oí "eongresKional calis." Xaturally, with au instinct for news, I askeü some oí my ïrieiMl.-, and was surprised to find : iuit siiue December 28, 1891, when thia system was inaugnpated, you Iiave called up 3,145 pensión cases to this da.U. In sti-ong contrast with this record I observed tliat James S. Gorman during the same time has called up ouly -1:23 pension cases. While eongratulating yon upon this record of your own, permlt me to suiggest tliat you ought to let the people know what you have doue in the interest of the old soldiers; and at the same time what Mr. Gorman hans aot done for the union veterans. Your record is the higheat upcm the (ongrcssional list, w'hile Mr. Gorinan'a iw the lowest. Ii you want to use the facto eon'tained in tllls letter, you are at li!erty to use the entire letter. Oordially yours, SMITS D. FR Y, Cor. Detroit Tribune. In tlils county thO first ticket on the officia.] ballot wtll be the democratie ticket with the presiden tial electora and going down cwronora and coijnty Buryyoij. The aext tirket wlll bè tlR' repuhHca-n tirket tlvr offices coming In the saaie i nuvtion. Tto othn-r ticketa are tio thie right of the repubücaui. At tlie head oï each ticket is the vlgnette oí the party, and tliat of the democratie is mot ;i roostw this time. We a i-e auihorized b.v Mr. Fred. 15. Braun, oï Ann Arbor town, who is a candidato íor the legislatura ajitimst Cha.s. H. Kline, to sa y that all atorfea relat ive to his eumity to the UuiverBity aaid its interests are pure falsebwods. He is now and always lias livcna iricnil to the University. Aside (rom beiog a housé-holder and taxpayer and ftnaridally lntereeted in the micvesB oí tiii eommnnlty and its fyowl. lic has i'hildroti in school and a boy in collega, and is a íirm bel ever in schwle and colleges for the education of the masses. This ï-eport te a fruel cnmpaign falsehood made ourt uf wliole clotli.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier