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Eleetion Notice. Notice is hereby given that the geueral eleetion to be holden on the 8th flay of November, 1892, will be held in the severa] warda oL the City oí Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, at the followiug named places, that is to say :- First Ward. at No. 5 East Liberty St. Second Ward, at No. 7 West Liberty St. Third Ward, at C. H. Manly's office (Court House). Fourth Ward. at Fourth Ward Engine House. Fifth Ward, at Fifth Ward Engine House. Sixth Ward, at Sixth Ward Engine House. By order of the Common Council. Dated this 24th day of November, A. D. 1892. W. J. MlLLER, City Clerk. ductlon oi 152 lbs.,andl feel o much better that I would noL take f i,000 and be put hack whera I wm. I int Iwth turprittd and proud of the chance. I recommend your tre tinent to all surttrers frxn oïwiity. WÏU RDswer 11 inquiriei tí tamp is indoted for rsply," PATIENTS TREATEO BY MAIL C0NFIDENT1AL. Hnrinlfsi, and wit h o ntarInit. uconTeQkQCe, or bad lAfltfc For particulari addrets, with 6 cenU in tamp, 08. 0. W. r. SHYDER. M'ïlCXER'S THEATER. CHICAGO. Üi. aSTHMA SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to give instaut relief in the woret casos, and cfTet cure wfaero othern iaü. Trial Patltiup F1ÍEE of Draggbte or by .all. iddrew DR. R. BOHIFFMANN, SU Paal, Mina. WANT COLUMN. Short advertisemeuts not to exceed three Unes, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Reut, Wants, etc, Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wauted. f ree. FOR SALE CHEAP-A one hundred and twenty acre farm for sale cheap. Located about two miles from city limits on one of the best roads leading f rom Ann Arbor. 46 Enqulre of J. T. Jacobs. NOTICE- To uiy Friends and Patrons and the public in general: My Chrysanthemums are in nice bioom and ready for sale right away. Come early for choice. George Marsden, Chapín St FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm near county farm and Bullock-Everett farm in Salem town. Andrew E. Gibson, 30 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. 6m SALE8MAN WANTED.- Valuable oommlssion offered. $20 weekly earned by many of our agents. Samples tree. 1'. O. Box 1371 New York. FRANOIS L. YORK, M. A., pupil of Guilmant, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Coinposition. Stndio, 34 S. State street, Mondays and Thursdays after Oct. loth. 3m TOR RENT- Furnished House with modern i. improvements. heated by furnace and all ïugood repair. Callón N. G. Butts, Room 18 Masonic Block, Aun Arbor. 4ö ryO RENT- A ten room house nearly new, JL plenty of water, barn, fruit trees : and also seven acres of land that goes with house. Will rent with or without land. Mr. LiddelLOak View, Miller Ave. AYOUNG lady desires a place in a private family where she can do light work momIng and eyening for her room rent. Address M, this office. Bueklen's Armea Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, and Geo. T. Haubsler, of Manchester. EBERBACrTlONS7ÁNN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS, T ATiTTTQ TKY dr. leducs "PEJLj.XJJLJ1iÍJ RIODICAL'1 I'ILLS from Paris, France. Eistablished in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. Yov Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Dcrungements. A reliable monthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Auy drnggist, 12. American Pili Co., Proprietors J Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co. wholcsale agents, and all other druggists irB An:i Arbor. Theso pilla are WSrranted iM bring on the " change. '


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Ann Arbor Courier