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fSm FOOT POWBE LATEES, Circular, Scrolland Fret Sawing, Tnrning, Borine. DrilUnc, Giinüm?. Folishing and Screw Cuttine. For Canxnters, Cabinet Maker. Carriage Makers. ÍSlack. Wliite. Bilver, topper and Goldsmitbs; Architects. Amateurs. Gentlemen, Clergymen, Teachers, Jeweler, Dentists, FARM EES and evebybody else. Usere havo Wrltten i ■'Hwrltt Syearfl, would not take S100. Gave46. "CostmeW íhave rfíusad $100. Had lt 12 yeare." " H i8 woríh twice ita CüSt."f " I have s?en manyí This Isthe beat. Beats them all." " 1 am earning my living wita lt. Frice $5 to $50. Send 6 cents for 100 pages Of Lathe Instruction and Description. EPHBAIM BBOWN, IrfweU, Bias ICARTER'Sl Kek Hc-3lEch9End relieveall too tronbles lnoiis st.i'-e of tho sy.stom, such a3 noss, Naiü i after Si ■ . - ' theirmoat yeII-.-jrku'been slio-wn in curiBg Headache, yot Cnrter's Littlo Livcr Pilis aro CqiKillyval . ■ ■' ':. '"uriügaudproYCnting í !-'!■; íiüáoyi ■.ftO'-.:..:.oliti;ií. whilo tlicy also eorvectal] ñis;.-i ■ tQ3nach.JetÍmulatetífeo 'xí ver and i owelö. Lvan if tliey only Ache tloy -wculd bo almost pricelPs to thoso who euffer fromtUisdiatrcssingcomplnint; biftfortuDatelytheirgoodneriadces notondlioroauíltiioso tïliooncotryihcmwill flnd theae littlepUlBTalxiiibo in so manyways tiiat thcy .vill not bo wiljir.g to do without them. Bufc ai'ter alleick head Xs the bane of so many livea that here is where we ïuake out great boast. Our pills cureit whila othera do not. Carter's Little Liver Pílls are very Braall and ■very caey to talie. Ono or two pilla mate a doge. They are atrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by thoir geutle actïon pienso all who nee them. Invialaat25cent8; flvefor$l. Sold by druggiata everywbere, or pont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New YorkSMALLP1LL. SMALL POSE. SMALLPRiCE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, A 8 D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIIT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOÜR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, atc, at Wholesale aud retail. Aeeneralstockof &R0CERIES ani PROVISIONS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house In the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. TRUCK and ST0R1GE Now yre are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS A V II HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Carafally ALo-v&. All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. GIET A. TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a choice of The Home Instructor, the Life of General Shermau, or the Life of P. T. Barnura (free). when cash purchase to the arnount ot $15.00 has been made. THE BOHE INSTRUCTOR, LARGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATKD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day liie. A complete and perfect guide to llfe in public "ïïBÏÏRtfDDHDSOF&BlLW.T, SHEFJAN, CKOWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrative of hls boyhood and oarly life, education, career ia Florida and california, military achievements, Ufe as a Citizen, last sickness and death; with line steel portrait. IS LffS0r?.T.8AUÜX, The WorldHsnovned Showman. CEOWH OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. 3is early llfe and struggles, bold ventures ad brilliant success; his wonderful career, hi wit, genius and eloquence, hls life as a einzen, etc. - to which is added his famous bok, "The Art of Money Getting." V. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BEOADWAY. 1040 Tfe Arm Artor Cooirier. Tb Ne-w Yoa-k Tritrane. On year. $1, In dvanoe.


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