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A Chatham Miracle

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(Chatham Plauet.) In a Raleigh street residence there lives with wife and one child - a little ten-year-old daughter - a musieian known throughout Ontario, if not thO vhole Dominion, as a prince among pianiste, organista and choir ma stens - a veritable maestro and "Wizaa-d of the Ivory Keys," aad no one vfho has ever listened to his m.anipulation of the great organ in the Park Street Muithod'ist church, or heard hiiin evoke ■niairic music's mystic melody" fram the maguificent Decker Gra.nd in hte on di'a.wing room but wiU declare that his eminence ie well deservt'd, and li is peera can be Jrat fey a.ntoiiíí the professois oí DiTine Art. The door plate liears the foHawlne inscription: - CONSERVATORY ÓF MUSIC. Dr. Cari. Leo Vf.rri.vder, Director. To si t, as (lid a Planet reporter a few da.ys igo, in a very atmosphere oí sweet ha.rmcmy, (.-reatad liy Dr. Verrindt'r's mugician-like touch, was au experienioe tha.t mig-iit wi-n be envled, and ec cakulated to inspire the most .-cntiniiiital reverles. But sentimental moods fimally vanisli and leave one facing the eajber and practical side of Ufe. The music ceawed and the conversa t ion took a turn leading to the real object of the reporter's cali. "There are storie abroad," said the newspaper man. "regarding gome extra-ordimary deliverance iroia death, whith jku have met with recently, dlojíor. TVcmld you object to stating what íoundlaftion there is for them, and, if any, fuirnisli me with the true Saots flor publication." Dr. Verrinder shrugged his ehioulders ainl laughed. "I liaxe not," he replied, "been given to eeking newspaper notoriety, and at íifty-five yeare oí aige it is mot likely I filiall beig-in, and yet," eaid the processor after think ng a moment and consuíling Verrinder, "perhíips it is best tliat I sliould grive you the eireuTOstances for use in The PlanT et. The etO'ry oí my rescue f rom the grave might fittinigly be prefaced by a little of my early hisitory. We resided in Enjíland, -niiere though I wías a; professor of muísic, I was not dependent on my art, tus I had aequired a competence. My wife was an hieiress, having L50,000 in her own right. Through the rascality of a broker she was robbed alniost of all hier fortuine, wliile by the lïank of Glasgow toiluire, my money vanished forever. It became necessary for me then to retuTn to iny profession in ordie-r to liv-e. I do not wpeak of it boa.stimgly, but I tood wéü a.mong the mmsicians of that dey in the oíd land. My teee were a guinea a Íesson, and it was no uncominon thing for me to p,ive twenty ín a day. e carne to America, landing in Quebec ■vhere I anticipated getting an en gagement as oilganislt in the cathed ral, "but I was disappointed. Sub sequently we moved to St. Catha riiifis, in whfch city I procured an organ and choir and soon had a large clientèle. Later, in order as I thouftht to bertter my fortune, I took up mj residente Ín Iondon, Hwrt iillintr ai (mu'agvímcnt with a Mi'tlindist ohurch and aft-erwardtj aeeeptinff the posi tion of organist in St. Peter's Ca thedral. ín those clttes I made manj wanm fricndw, and their tributes ant gifts I tdiall e'r retain as amonK the most predoue of my possessions [t was while livins in Ijondon and Hirsuiníí my art with mnch earnest iv-s and labor that I recelved a stroke oí jparalysiis. Perhaps," - here the speaker rose and stretcning himelf to his full height, thus displayng liis well-built and well-nourished ráme - "I do not look like a p&ralytic. But the truth I have hati t'hi-ee etrotes- yes, sir, íirst. seconc and third. and they say the third s fatal, ninety-nine tinww out of one miMli-ed. Yet here yon see before you a Hiree stroke vict m, and a manwho feels, both in body and mind, as vigoa-o'us as lie ever did in his lite. My ultímate cure I attribute t my testing the virtRies oí a medicine ivlioee praiee I ehall eeasc sounding a.s long ais I live, and which I Büall recoinmeod to Bulfering humanlty as I ani now eonstaintly doing, while I kmow oí a caise and can reach the ear oí the patiënt. After removinjí to Chat ham I hald not long been liere wlifii my hmillh farther bega-a to ffive way. (iradually I noted the chantre. I íelt it rirst a.nd most) stixjugly in a Btcxmach aifection which grew v'oi-se and worae, I myself attributed it to bad water poisonmc; my gyatem. 0n? doctor said it waa catarrh oí the ntomach. Another pronounced it dia,1eti,s, still another a Lifferent diaírnoisiis. I kept on doctorng, but gettinig no reltefe. I tried oae medicine aifter omotlher, but it van nw use. Grippe attacked me and a,led 'to my paia, discomfort nnd veabnet. At last I took my bed and t swaned tliat I wats nevi-r gotng to get well. N'othing oí a nourisliuijí; iature would rema i m on my stomaih. No. dlruíjs sewned to have a counteracting- influnce on the disease wnicn vas dirasin)g me down to deatli. My vito wioudd it at my beSbide nnd noisten my lips witlh dünited spirits vhicli was all that could be done to i-lieve me. Besides three local docors wliii g-ave me up. I liad doctora rom IjOTKkm and Kingston whoae kill I beliewd in. and to whom I )aid heavy lees, ouc wiiihu'ul rctcirukj; any lielp r gncoaragement. It a truc' that a etoamach pomp operaion aiforded temparary relief, luit ett I Ceït that niy peculiar cae needd Home special and particular eommud ri'inedial aent whi.-h I anOw nat of. But, at last. thank Ood, I liad been lor i-ihtrii juin: a niiscralilc v.-i':k. unable . -vork, unable to aat or to nleep )roperly. M.v mearas were becomini; shauisfed. My poior wife in worn ut in liod.v and spirit. Suildcniy the elivcréi easmié! !'inl piU-rf Yes sjï-! 'inl; I' 11 - - ;rd MfK tiu-ir invi-uMr W dis:'OVt'i-Pi'! - ha vi' rcsnu'd n ' irom he jaws at death ivnd miraculously ia de me wha.t yion see uic tu-dav, icarty, toppy. vntn a spl'-mlid appeite. i ilear bruin, a capneity for ■ork and a.n ability to sleep sound lid refrelnnir sieep - a Ixinn that ony a wiw has oxperieu -ed the tWrors of inwomnia cam rifïlitly appreciat. Beiir in mrind. my friend. I am no irild enthusiast over the supposed raerits of this inedicin. I havo tesrted the virtues of Pink Pilis and ajn rnlv to tak oath to their eificacy. Ño ame coul-d shake my faith im theani be cause w'hat a man lias tínoro'u-írhly provfnl in lus own experiernee, and wliat he has had eanfirmed in ie cxperk'nce of ohere - I have prescrfbed the pills tf other sick persons and knoiw whart extraordinary Bood they h-vve efftMited in their cases - h oni.sriit to be comvinced is so. I Khall till yora liow I (.-atine to try thetni. A ielloiw member of the A. O. I'. W., the brethreu of whieh order bad been anoa-e than kind to me during my illn&ss, recommended l'ink. I'iiK I knew nothing about what they were xr wliat they cernid accomplish. Tu íac't, I wm rather a Bfceptic ora wrhat aro termed 'ppoprietary remedies.' But I Ktai-ted to tabe I'ink 1'iLl.s for Palé I'c(,.ir. made by the Dr. Willki,mi.s' Medicine ('o.. Brockville. From tbe vny first, one at a dóse, I began tí mema and böDore I had taken more than a box or tvo I knowthatl had íound tlio rteht reimedy and that to the Pink Pilis I awed my Ufe. ín niño momthe I have taken t wel ve - juist six dollars worth. TUink oí it my friemd! Huindreds of dollars for otter treatmcnt, and only six do'llar.s íor what has marte a man of m and set me again on the highway of health and pros-perity. The re i3 som Fíii'btle, liíe-giving principie in Pink Pille wlik-h I doi not attempt tfí íatluMii. I only knew, like the blind man olf oíd: "Once I was blind; xtoiw I can wee!' God, in the mystery oí nis providenee, directed my brother oí the A. O. U. W. tóame. I took it. I live and nefodoe in niy healtii and (rtremgth. I have nr physical malady, save a aUght MtiiLiicss ïn my lei; due to grippe. I ïeel as well as in my paimilest dayia. My prospects are good. All thta I gratefully attribute to the Virtues of Pink Pil'ls ïor Pale People, 'and noiv my story is done!' as the ñui-KC'i-y bailad runs. Ii anvliHly slicnil dask coiinrmation of thie tal ■ of 'mini; let him wrttt' tc me and I shaii eheeriully furnlsh it. The l'ink l'ills wcre :ny reeoaer and I'll be tlirir frieud and advocate while I livi : The repioirter fin-ally to'ok his leave oí Dr. VerrilQder, Init nut without the pi enitertalning hiin to another pian treat, a (symphony played with faultleee execntiom and soult'ul interpretütiou at the compoeer's thought. Callinn" upo.n Misrs A. E. Pllkey & Co., the ivell-kmown drugigst, 'the reporter aeeertatned Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis have an cnorinous sale in Ch'atha.m, apd that iixnn all quarters come glowing reporte of the excellent results iollowinir their use. In fact Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis are recognized as ooie of the sreatest modern medicines - a perfect bkxod builder and nerve restorer - isuch diseases as rheunrattem, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' danice, nervcws headache, nervous pi'wstration and the tired feeling reBTiltlmg therefrom, diseases depending upon huiniiors in the blood, such as ecrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pilis restore pale and sallow complexiO'ns to tlie glow of health, and are a speciiic tor all the trombles peculiar to the temíale sex, Avhile in the case oí men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising i'rom mental worry, overwork or excess of whatever nature. These Puls are manu factu red by Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Scheneetady, N. Y., and Brockville, Ont., an d'are old in boxes, (never in loose form by thej diozen, or hundred aml the public are cautioned agalnet nuimei'O'us imitations sold in this Kihape) at 50 cents a bo'x, or six lxe for $2.50, and raay be had of all (trutrsiKts ot direct by mail f rom Dr. WUiiam' Medicine Company from either address. Tlie price at which these pills BOld make a course of treatonent comparatively inexíspensive a. eoanpared with other remedies ot medical treatment.


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Ann Arbor Courier