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See that the name of CHARLES E, H1SC0CK ■ is on the ticket that yon vote. Drunkenness or the Llquor Habit Positlvely Cured by administering Dr. Halnes' Golden Soeclflc. It te manufacturad as a Dowder. which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde oí the patiënt. It is absolutely hurmless, and will effect a permanent and 6peedy cure, Tvhether the patiënt is a. moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It luis been given in thousands oí cases, and ia every instance a perfect cui-e has íollowed. It never fails. The eystem once impregnated with the Bpeclflc, it becomes an utter impossibiliry for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed . ■ÍS page book of partk:ulars free. Addres GOLDP:N SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st., Cüicinnuti. O. Teachers' Examinations. Eriaminations of teachers in Washtenaw county, ior the ensuing school year, vs-ill be held as follows: The regular examinatiou will be held each year on the ïirst Thursday of March and August at the county eeat. Applicants for all grades can only be examined at these dates. Special examinations will be held at: Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug., '!)2. Ypsiianti, last Friday of Sept., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor. last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAÜGH. Com. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE Ass Mar Savings Bask At Aun Arbor Michigan, at the close of business. Sejit. 30. 1S92. KESOUKCES. Loansand disconnta... $442.00140 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 30,711 94 Overdrai'ts . 4,032 13 Due frorn banks in reserve cities 102,129 27 Due from other banks and bankere.... 592 50 Banking house 18,500 00 Furniture and fixtures 1.930 5 Other real estáte 5,924 43 Current expenses and taxes ... . 1,872 80 Checks and cash items. 1,469 (( Nickels and pcnuies 133 82 Gold coin 15,000 00 Silver coin 3300 00 U. S. and National Bank notes.. . 21,806 00 Total 999,404 80 LIABIUTIES. Capital stock paid in $50.000 00 Surplus fund. 100,000 00 Undivided profits 52,101 Oh Dividemls uhpaid: 348 00 Individual deposits 174,88105 ('ertificates of deposit 49,387 5! Savlngs deposita 572,478 ft( Due tó bank anp bankers 148 59 Total $99t),104. S0 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. 1. Charles E. Hiscock. Cashler of the abore named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mj knowledge aud belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK. Cashier. Correct- Altrat: CHKISTIAN Mack, W. D. Hap. rimas, L. Gkuner, Directora. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisöth day of October, 1892. MICHAEL .1. FRITZ.Notarv Public. PÍSTATE OF LüCY W. S. MORGAN. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of VVashte At a sesslon of the Probate Court f oi the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at tho Pro bate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mon day, the thirty-first day of October. in the yeai onethousand, elght hundred and niuetv-two Present, J. Wifliard Babbltt, Judgc of Pro bute. In tbr iimtiiM ii i;ie estáte of Lucy W. S Morgan, deceásed, Kdward D. Kinno. Kranklin L. Parker umi Otia C. Johnson exeeutors of the last will nul testament of said deceásed. come into court snd represent that they are prepared to render their annual account as such exeeutors. Thcreupon it is ordered that Tueeday, tht tu-enty-iuuth day of November next. at tei o'clock in the foreuoou. be assigued foi ox nmining aud allowing such account, and tha the devisees. leeatees und heirs-at-luw of sait deeeased, and all others persons interested il said estáte, are required to appear at a sessioi oí said court then to be holdeu at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. in sak (ounty, and show cause, if any there be, wh; the said account should not be allowed : Aik it is further ordered, that said exeeutors ílve notice to the persons interested iu said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hear ing thereof,by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a aewspaper priuted and circulating in saic ounty, three successive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy.) Judge ok Probate Win. G. Doty, Probate Register. The Amn Arbor Oourir and the N. Y. Tritmne, topether, one year, for $1 iu advtuice.


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Ann Arbor Courier