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Something To Think About

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Borne remahml a repufolic iour huu ilrcd ye&r. Tbe ündted' 8tLute8 luis lm! reeemtly paseed her first centiu-y. v;n the lite oí tiii iepublic reacu that oí Borne, even? Wha it is possible lor thieves, thugs and bnims, 00ingregatd in our great c-ities to oarry the faite oí the uatiou In tlieir hands, als is nmv the case in New York city, welí nwiy the citizcníj oí this repiublic pause aind ask: "Whither are wc driftinií?" It i's a n impoKsibility to liold a íair electtom in New York City. Tlie so. called eleetioa iníspect-or-s, appointed by Tammany, do tho bidding of that organización, wv-n if it be inurder. A respectable man going to the polls to vote ín many of the precincts of Ise"W YJork, fcakes his Ufe in his hands ■vhen he fetoe there, and' ií he escapes ■without being killed or mained for Ufe lue is fortúnate. A man, vlu votes againet Tammany jii three-fourths of the voting precincts oí Xew York City is a ma.rked (man, aaid lie is treated as is the man, white oar blat-k wha dures vote against the democratie party in Geor gla. The cshotgum policy of tlie south has it muiter part in the bhog policy of the slums oí New York, Chicago, and miany inore oí ota large cities. Tí this republie stands as a repub lie amotlver huudred year.s, some dif ni micMicil vrill have to be adopted for chooBing nilere. Tho larye citles v i 1 1 liavc to he disfranfhised same as "Washington, D. C'. fe. Wlhem a city becomes so corrupt that properly appoánted officialí of both 1 1 1 . ■ gijeat ])litical parties will (Dit 1k allowed in the booths at thc votiüjí preciiifts, to see that a Prée ballot and fair count existe, thcu i'b is tjme to take Rteps to bar that coinmunity out oi' the privilege oí In lp ing tí) choe the rutera of the nation. Anl ira;le-s hnmctliing of the kind is ñ-ow. 1'liere -ill nat be a. nation anj :_;i'e:i{ lí'iigi'h 'ai time io choose rttlers for. !■'. ■■.■ -e, fraud, mtijnidalicn, murder, are rocke on w'nich the gloriou sliip of Btáte vill MKín íouniler. Talk about the oppreeöian of Kus -;.■■: book .-tí thr lioeoÍ9e under tlie n:mr ol [reeilo'ni. hen' in America! The prewt questiom, the O4ve most intereisting ita o'mr nation, and the 1 jllst 11OW AVÍ11 be se-ttled next Tuesday.- Saline Observer. The otbservati.ous at' the Observer are anioBt always correct, but the above ia in error. The great queetion now bofore the people is, ehall s-e continue t-o paddle and wade throuph the mud, cvr shall ■n'e take the buil oí bullhcvidednpss by the horns, g"o to ■Hwk and build decent highwaya That'H the iïreat qustion o'f the day aml it isn't aettled yet, by a Ion sho't. To drop right down, sudden-Hke ircran coIuimh upon column of politica noltes, tö nary a word, is rather hard di-dp ior the writer who mub fill np io many columns of space It tries hie wits in e serions naai ser. Tlie raler (lid it with liis little ballot. .- l'.in't vote- no don't vote again- utitil iii'xi spring. TbS co'uintry te sa'íe! Thought perhapa v-ou bad mu lu-ard oí this íaet. No lad rcwuds; no mud domination! TJiat omiglit to be the cry of every ,,ml Citizen from now to thfi time when the legislatura meets. [so-w that thie electtom te a thing oí ihp pat, a,md will nút absorb t he time i ml attentkm o'f the public prints and ptiblfc men, can not the qnestioin I gooá roaös and bad roads be made a retí liot croe? Giro u= tess mud and li's.s laz'mees and more good, hard, oom mon eenae work. A ffnod way makc tramps mend thelr v, ay te no maJse thein mend the puMic hiftliway.--. If every tramp Avere ooanpelled to earn a. me-al befare lie ffot it, by preparinjí oiiougli macadam to íix e'u one bad rut, there would be rewer bad places mi the rond or tratops on it.- Dext-er Xeiws. That's tJie ■ idea, exaetly. It is a to'lse sentijiwnt that prevente tlie ennl'tment oí law oömpelllmg tramps nd mendicante from bring tfbliged o wOrk for the food and lodgings they rOi'Biie a't our oo'unty Jalla. The News ooi the right travk. At a recent prayer-meing in New er.-ey, a democratie brother prayed that Gkxl would cause tlie demoratic party to hang together, where[on a republican brotlier present íouted: "Amen, amten." This led ie democratie brother to make the ui'iidat ion in liis prayer: "Not, O Liord, in t he Besase our republican rother meaos, but in the spirit of ccord an.d concord." "Any cord will O," interjerted the republican. Tlie istor immedia U'ly made a rule that íeTeafter politice should be kept out f the prayer-meeting.


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Ann Arbor Courier