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The fitst term of thie htgfa school ■In i'n mext week. November oamc n weeping; SfliTe si.mi win' will gw out freezlng. Ia'av H. Clement has recently pur rhased ft vi'olin that is valued at $500. There are upwards ol' thirty more students in tlip high school tliis year than ever before. Rev. J. T. wiclerlanrt is to exclinnjïe pulpitis mext Sanday with Rev. J. L. Janes, of Oiicago. There was a great rush oi politi cal dkX'Uimeins tlirouRli the mails last Friday and Saturday. 'Tlie xmt eailes al owv merchaTits liapí helped a great maay po-or peopie. i,a buying eWthes tliis fajl. The lairge ílakes oí snow that came Balllimg dtoiwn iwith tlue rain last Frid!ay, were abooit th-e first of the sea Kon. Cold Hogere will halve to1 poiind. iorsty mails before many houses about the city aire finished, or sotme of them etaelo.-se-d evn. Tt wem ir llttle carly tor holiday goode, Imt ithen it must be rememberent thatt ooir merchamts are, lmstlers, iand never get left. There was a notable absence of poli ticians ifro'm church last Sunday. Query- where could they have been? And what were they doing? -Poistmaster Ruslitom Clark, of Green Oak, last week, delivered hi's annual supply of frogs anö turtles to the University fkw scientific parposes. And rooKv ithe bicyclei is accused oí beinp; to iblame. for much Sabbatli breaking, and nxany absences f rom church service. Tlie bike should be conveirtted. The pTimiary school ftvnd has been appropriated, and is seven cents per capita greater than ever before, thue imaikinff 84 cents ior eiach child1 in the district of school age. ThO Old Pulier residenee, next door noTtli of tto Keek block, has been moved awa.y, an-d will be made over and ainiswer tor a residenee inany yeans yet, om W. Washington st. Rev. DTi-'iffht RaroSdel was married in. Omia.ha om the 26th cL Ootober to Miss Rhiebe. Vobrbeis. Tlieir homO wfill b in Clinrtoin;, this atarte, where he hias charge oif the M. B. church. Twice recently, the Detroit Jour nal has taken items from the Courier and credited them toi our republican coiiteimporary. There is no penalty attaclhed to saieh a proceeding, but ■we hope the mistake won't become chro'.nici Fred Pvull in an altercatrom last Thursday at Ritz's saloon on Detroit istreet, tet;a.lbed Adlam Ritz with a kuif e om the wnfet, making am ugly wonHid. Buil has been boiund over to the inext term oif coart, bail being fixed at $500. A nuim-lxT oí people united with the 51. E. clmn-li last S'unda.v. The Ccsann' verein Lyra aro to produce the opera "Trini by Jury" ia tlie upíii' future. Turnipseed lias been soiwn all over tJiis coimty and now the people can reap the har vest. The little x's weren't as plentiful Tuesday and oí the defeate.d candidate hoped for. The W. C. T. U. wül meet on Thursday a.fternoon Nov. lOth, at throe o'elook in Harris hall. The Oourier is recelvinj? many handoome coTnpliment for its lare and lively doublé editioa last week. Am3 the, Ainjeriean Bagle still occupies ite ald po&itiön- on American opiu. TliO last election didii't knock hiím oíf. 'There vrül be a meefcinK oí the Bi-otherhood o( St. Amlrew, at Ilarriis hall, on Friday evening next, at 7:30 o'clock. Wm. J. Arksey, foirmerly of Ann ArbOT, is to be married to-day to Miss Ixcttie Jayne, at DeWitt, Mich., where he nwv residles. Tjast Smmday 24 persons, by professfoe and letter, uraited with the Pre byterian ehurch, and two infanta received the rites oí baptism. Rev. K P. Davis, the presiding eider ■of this district, is now a resident of Aan Arboir, ha.vtng moved here from Detroit. He lives on Washtenaw ave. The next faculty concert, of the Uni versity School tff Musie will be given in Newberry hall tMniorroAV, Thursday evening. Atoisston only upon invitatioo. The beautiful fall weather is gettiing totea regular thlng of late years. If ■vve conld always have a late fall and an early spring1, wiiat a gramd thinig it wiould be. Brotiher Thompeíou, of the Dexter News, treads lightly, liitf the cover lett, kdoks, laniighB, oavefs it up a ga in, sniiles, tip-toes to the mirror, looks in, thatt, then turnia and remiarks; "Say, iviife, dkm't yon Uhink he looks like me?" On Thurday evening next, at the M. E. parsonage, an informal reception will be temdered Jolin M. Hall, of Flint, the general superintendent of the Bay View asisetnlbly. It is designed ito foi-m a Ctoautauqua cirele at that time. James B. Sanmders, foreman of the Cowrier job room, attempted to go down cellar backwards S'unday night, withoait a light, and now % has the appearance of a "tenderloin" who tried to vote in a Tammany precinct oï New York city. James M. Van Tassell, the probate judge of Tuscola county, will occupy Mr. Iee's w hiomse on E. Ann st., as eioon, as it is completed. Mr. Van Tassell is tu gentleman that helps to make up the g-ood citizenship of any commtiQity in which he lives. ThO sewer question is one that will n,ppeal tO tthe BOBtrite of the public uratil sew'ers are put in. The twio. -sidéricas of M. O. Petersom, eotr. 8. Fourtli ave. and E. L.iberty st. are leing repiaimteU. ïlie next quarterly mieeting of the Detroit convocation of the Episcopal cíiureh will be held ia Ann Arbor. Tlev. Eflvvard M. Duff, the new ns sistant rector of S. Andrew's church, preaclved at the evening service last Simday. Next Suuday, the 13th, there will be a unión mieetinj? oí the Youug People's Societies of the city, at the Presbyterian chuirch. H. Randall lias a violin 228 years old in liis windto!v. It would be ■worth a half-dozen, season tickets to the S. L. A. to liear Mr. Beat play oa tlie instrument. Bolmquetis of flowter-s wiere picked 'roim oiuit doors beds u,p to laist Fridaiy nfeht,, Ndv. 4th. That night a heavy freeze xup killed theun all. This Is baid to be-at the record. Prof T. O. Aibbotit formerly president of tliie A'sricultMi-al college at Ianlsing, amd tlie first principal of the hiph ísc'hioiol of this city, died at his hom in LaoBkoe last M-onday. There were probably more lies reeordied in the polling booths last Tuesday than eau erased in mionths. A great many promised to vote íor soimebody and they didn't do it, you know. Ainnioniinceiment is made thato the law fiiini ol Lehman & Ca.vanaauffh has been dfeöalved by multual cionsemfc. Mr. Oa:iain'aiuigli fündte thalt hi!a duties of (telioiol cammissicmer require all hls time. Soimie miserable tliie.f stole tho el'othes off of the line at the reisdence oí Mr. B. Foley, on. E. Huron street, last Friday night. Clothes line thleves are about the nwanest sort of thieves extant. Several of the facuJty and quite a nuniber of the Ktudents attended the lecture givein by Ingersoll at Ann Arbor last Mbndaiy e-ening. All were charmed by the grea.t orator's el quence. - Ypsilanti Commercial. They must have been easily charm ed, for the eloquence that Ingersol dleplayed that night was all on pa per. On Sumdiiy evening next, at the M E. chuTCh, Rev. "Wim. Dawe, D. D., wil deliver a lecture befoa-e the Wesleyan Guild, upan "Tlie Dra.mai of the Refor matfan." This lectui has been twice delivered at Tlioaisaind Lsland Park The St. Lawrenoe Daily says: "One oif the mioist eloquent orators that . hare imet i'n my rambleB te Dr. Dawe HiB lecture on the Reformation "w-as a masterly effort. H'e traced the web of history backward and picturec many touching scènes, and so eloquen was tlie nppeal when he asked, 'Wha shall we d-o wïth the Bible?' tha the aiudience slvouted a response." A Standay school has been started n the 3il ward, the schooi house being ed for a place, the hour beng 3 o'Clock p. m. It is ander the u.spices oí the Cliristian. Association, nd Sumdny had an attendance oí 1(7. The idea i a.n excellent one. tay it oototlnme to prosper. Hon. J. T. Jaoolbs is the superintendent. The latest venture in the high school a that the stuidients infemn each other f tlie d'aily niew. EJaioh morning one las.s is expectfd to talk to the studen-ts upon the principal news items oí the (lay. This is au excellent plan oí lea.rning the tuidente the great imortant'e of reading the daily newspaer8. - Ypsilanti Se-htinel. Btudenta have iound the true road to knowledge. The Fawlcrville Observer oí Nov. 27, vas e doublé edition. It contained a handsame write up of that nu sh nis village, andi many illustraions of its streets, business liouses, echoole, churches and prominent peole. It alMo havS a picture of the place after .the great fire of March, 1891. Tlie Ohserver has a, right to feel very proud of its "Trade edltlon." It is a huramer. On "WTednesd'ay evening last, at the home of rthe bride's paren ts, Mr. aaid Mre. Ludwig Walz, oí W. Liberty st., occurred ithe marriage of Miss Amanda Walz and Mir. Jonas Ofcto', of thia city, Rev. Max Hein performing the eeremrony. The g-uesta were about 100 in iMMnlber, and' all relativos of the bride or groom. Jiany handsome presents were received ty the couple, wl went directly to their home, No. 64 west Liberty st. It i nsserted by all wha were pres ent at the Rink last Friday evening, tha-t Mre. Hazlettt's address was the best one delivered thte year. She made her point clear and plain, and there was to her argu rnments. On account of the rain the audience was nat ais large as it ought to lvwe been. One enthusiastic auditor next dlay said: "I teil you phe was grancL I actually belteve that ehe would have converted a mup wump had there been one present. fMie ias the best political speaker 1 ever heard, without exeeption." From every eide conne these goo words foi Mrs. Hazlett. Tlie revised prograinme tor the Clio ral Unnion series of concerts, to be given at I'niversity hall, is as fol1-ows: Theodore Thomas Orchestra Nov. 21. Handel 's "Messiah," Dec 21. Franz Rxummel Piano Recital Jan. 20. Mex Heinrich, Song Recital Feb. 24. Boston Syinphony Orches tra, May 9. Memdelsshoo'S' "Elijah," May 27. Tickets ma y be purchasec of Profs. Stanley, Wines, de Pont, a' Calkims', and Ann Arbor Organ Cola store, Ann Arbor; and of Prof. Peaee and Fred Dansingbuirg, .Ypsilanti Tickets for the entire cauirse, $2. Eith er the Tltómas orciiestra or Boston Symphwny are woi-tli that mucl alome.