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WANT COLUMN. ?hort advertiscments not to exceed three -. or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent. Wants. etc. iuserted three weeks for 25 ceuts. Situatious wanted. free. FOR SALE CHEAP- A oue hundrcd aud twenty ere farm for. sale cheap. Located about two miles from city limite ou one of the best roads leading from Ann Arbor. 4fi Euquire of J. T. Jacoes. NOTICE- To my Priende nnd Patrons and the public in general: My Curyeanthemums are iu nice bloom and ready for sale riglit away. Come early for choice. Ueorge Marsden, ('liayiin St FOR SALK - Two Farms. Mrs. North's f;irm near eounty farm and Hnllock-Everett arm in Ralem town. Androw K. Gibson, 30 Maynard street, Aiiu Arbor. Om SALESMAN WAXTKD.- Valuable commiBsion offured. $20 weeïcly earued by nnuiy .iX our aiients. ijamples free. P. O. Box 1S71, New York. FRAXCIS L. YORK, M. A., pnpil of üuilmant, Teacher of Piano, Organ and ('omposition. Studio. Si S. State street, Moudaya and Thursdays after Oct. luth. 3m FOR RENT- Furniehed House with modern improvemeuts. heated byfurnace aud all in good repair. Cali on N. (i. Butts, Room IS Mnsonic Block. Aun Arbor. 45 rilo REXT- A ten room house neiirly new, X plenty of water, barn, fruit trees ; and also seveu aeres of land thnt goes with house. Will rent with or without laud. Mx. i.iddell.Oak VTtew.Miller Avé. YOUNti lady desires a piuco iu a private .i" Y faraily where slie eau do light work mornad oveuing for her room reut. Address M. (bis officü. i SUPERIOR FOR SALE- A rich and . persistent mllker, glving a large quantitv oí rich milk eleven moiiths in the year. Haudsoine form and coior, goud ,si,e and cniiet. A beauty as well hs a greai perforas. and uould fillevery requlremuntof afamiiy con. A u ardid lirst prize at the last two eouuty fairs iu thc grade dairy class. Price. $75.00. She is wortli two or three comnion cowa. Ajply to J. F. Aveky. Saline.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier