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A saiv mijl te one of the new enterprises of Pincknry. There was a good deal of crow Ín last edition of the ïpetlantl Seiitincl. Wm. Bacon, of CSieteea, lias shlpped 18 car loads of poultry to New York city this lall. The registratton in Ypsilanti showed & net of 167 new ñames. Tlie city is growing. Burgulars haive been attempting to rob Saline stores but wre too noiey at their work and faik'd. There were oiily five bailóte tliro'wn out a-s defeftive a,t the Maii -hester ]Klls, iHlumiíh 557 were cast. Concerts, lectures, cburch soeials, etc., now fill in the time of the people of the country eveaings. It's the gay season. Prof. B. L. D'Ooee, of Ypsilaati, is mi officia] visiteur to Albion college; and Prof. A. IxxJeman to the (ermanAmerioan eemiuary. Anthony Rtnsbed, of Detroit, and Mise Mattte Dreeser, oí Viisilauti, were m-arried NVw. sith. at the home oí t-lie bride's parent. s in thie latter city. The I'icket i.s advocatiog electric Street liliting ïor that place. That's the l%hi the people never consent to part with after they once obtain it. The Néwls is plea.s!-d oivr the í.i i that the ra.uks od the bachelors at Dexter ,-irr grfccwiüag lR'autiïally less. Every new iamily, yju kninv, makes a new subacrlber. Tliere ware 485 bailóte cast in Scio töwusiMp. Of two were blank and 11 detective otlicrwi.-r. Tlie di'inocrats h,ad 24'J straight, republicana 138 straight, probiljitioiie 12 a,nd peo l)le's 1. Harry Ki? Jms ioiincd a rompanj' oí cadet s coesieiting of a.bout 25 school boiys and is drllllng tJiom. The busiih-.-s iiK'ii have cblpped in tol buy the boys same unifoi-ms.- Manchester Ei terprKst!. Geo. Higgins, oí Dexter, is gatherhijr a culk'ction oí curios, and his next ijurio-iity will be an alligator, it is eaid. IE the weather is not warmer thaii fliis, the aniiiKil woin't hurt nnylwidy. And now the girls in South Lyon have caught the brass band fever. We have it irom good authority that the girls mean business aud probably on organization will be perfeeted.- Ticket. 'The grangers are going to cluster a round O. M. Bowen's on Friday, Nov. 18th, and settle the question of forMgn immigration ae effectually as election has settled tha tariff question. All come. - Chelsea Standard. 'The farmers have been busy since tire windetorm, topping out their hay titacks and repairing their windmiïla. - Chelsea Herald. Sonie of our politicians have been busy since the cyi lone, in trying to find out wliere thèy are at. Reporte of Bheep Ixiing killed or worriel by dofes are coimnig ironi almost erery part of tlue ccxuaty. Wliat isto; be dornie with the dog-goned nuisance, aaiyway?- Dexter New. Ampútate the d'o's taite jus back oí their ears. Hotw woiuld tha.t do? The damaige to oat and wheat in Michigan by snuit this year is estimatd at $1,000,000. The experimental station at the Agricultural college hae published a circular mending the dippimg of the seed in hot water ae a remedy.- Chelsea Herald. Wan. Stoven1, who is well knowu o a grea,t maiiiy of the citizen oí the .rninty, dicd :i t his honn In Dexter, i! Kviday nltcriinon, Xov. 4th, aged 61 years. H was bwrn in Ireland, on, Chrlstmas Day, 1830, and carne to triis ooiuntry wlien 17 years old, and had ïired a,t Doxtor fot thirty years or more. "Wliat the Iearner has tcained by his invii observation has beeome an actuf)l possession, whieh he is able to explain in his own laiiKiiaKP.- Stockliridge gun. Quite a number of men Who oljserved something on the Mli lust., haw not yet been able to t-xplain it in thelr own language. oane oí the Dexter boys seem to be rtoing a. "land office business" in (Iiclsea. Scareely a week passos but the .1 papers that burg chro'iiicle a visit fi-omi Koniv of theni "on business." ■Wmilcr uiiat tilvat "bastnwse" ie?- Nw. Weren't t!].me visits made during the time that the dynamo, was lmrncd ut, at the etectrlc liurlit wwka and the mooii wa in it- firwt quarter? And all v(,s d.irkni'ss oo tlic Btreets? Sheep dniis are evideótly coustantly at laa-ge. Anuos Phélps' fine íl i k o sneep were wotrried ome nig-ht la-i vcck. as a,ls:) a ni e flock of coarfle ■sviool lanvbs bemonRinig to D. E. Hoy, ivlio fouml ooe (ii'ad a,iiil seyeral mans-led, 9Cne liidin the liarn il nd in by nootas. In Mr. Phelpe' floL'k worp ten regietered Aimerleaai Merino heep a-eee-ri'tly pui-cliawd art tho BallBoyden sala. ECow to stop this kind of work is a quotstioii farmers slioulil Hoon Kolve- Leader. teg islattcre give a botante on sparröw heads, -iliy molt on those of worthless rurs as well. E ght Imuilrrd an ! nvent.v-four votft) ■"■(' cast in thte towasüip, li oi v-hi;-ii (lid in: cotmt Pot the re-ason tlin.t the TOtor did not properly mark hls ballot to show liis intont.- Diindci' Reporter. Had it not been tor the much weleoane rala, whieh conve in abunddanee duriag the past few Jays, na do'ubt the il(■t CPOJ) in this part of the state would Ixh'u ;i slim uffair next year. Ais it is the prospecta for a. lar.iíP yiold ia very eneourag'ing. - Fotwlerville Observer. The county i.s ovcrruii with traveliilg aigents of one kind lunrt anoilicr, with all eoorte oí schemes to fleece the unwary. Let tlK' public be on tho locdcout au(i recnember that you can f;encrall.v buy trom a reliable bufidnieee man chieaper than o'i agents - and your purcliawe has sound backi'ng-.- Fowlea-ville OUsierver. A womaii coming from New York t'O Ho'well, wa.s obliged to change cara at Durand. &h wtm a reiuly convorsationalist and said she carne to Michigan becaiise nlie ho.ard there tlire wre o may ricli aiul inlluential wWowerg Ikto. Now is the wintr oí fe rt(ïo1wier'e dfacontent made glorio'us eiimmer by this maid oí York. - Howell Herald. Mrs. Middlestead's Palinyra dos sai!ed into a oí jrouug liunters, the other dlaj'. One of thi-jn. ter suve the s'hiclil of his ])ant:il()iis, struck at the 'ícritter" with his gaa. The stock "bueted," the gun, went ofí and the was si'i'.v emouigih to catcli the bultot, hut t killed him. Deputy Shéi Hl Han-intíton held au Inquiesf on the body of the dog a ml deelded that (leath vraa du ■ bo a bléasèd proridiMu-i', a ctogun-aitlc Invt s.'iHüiie. cönclüAdrian J'it-s. In listoniii'-i ( r tiiis sofand tíy whi:-!i a clotek oft iviurii üi'arks the pass-ing' nf diinimnivc partiona of timt-, ome rnifcht almost Eaucj tiiai deductioiae so oxtrcmcly snuall woiuld oever wear awiay the whoie du ratio oí a long lift'. But it has bt'ii by su h minute lajisc-s in ncver oeasiing 9ueccfes1o that the vast series of ages since the crelatlott) hats passed away; it has been by the1 suew-suin oí instanln that all ooir anoeHton'8 halve complet ed their sojoiarn oii earth, a:ml by this it wil! be that we shall ooie day have arrived at the enid oif Our nortal existenee. Eah passiDK moment, then, may be regarded ae havinjg a relat ion to the oml, ind werythlng Whlch hints to us that momemte are paissing, rnay be a monition to uis to be habitually to the great wxwk wliich ought to' be accomplished agaiust the period wheo the of tliera shall come.- Takea from the Saline Oteerwr. It was evident to the electrón board Tuesday eveining when canvassing the ballots that. to some of the voters the way oi stamping or preparing a ballot was not thorouglily understood, several ballots were fouiwl in a raanner we believe, far differenit than was inteawted by the TOters pajseing1 theni. There were found three ballots just as tiliey came fi-om the press, not a mark on them, aoiother was marked wjth a cross umder eax:h the three headings, republican, prohfbition and people's, makinff it to show three etraiffht t i kets, wliat was the voters intentioii? Ono ticket was marked with a vote for Gorman and no one else, while the first elector on the rppublican ticket of amother, received w vote, the balance at the ticket being blank, these are, no doubt, mistakes as few Vaters would vote for one man on a g-erneral election dlay and skip all the rest. We would suggest that voters Htudy more earefully the directions given, that they may n-ot los their


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