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DREADFULSKIN D1SEASE AfllictsaWell-Known Merchant. Itcfaiiig and Burnlog Terrible. Doctors and All Remedies Fail. Tries Cutlcura. Relleved by the First Application and Entlrely Cured In Five "Weeks. About cighteen monthn ago s small speek ap. peared od my ankle; it resembled a tísh acate; it becuine larger, and I consulted a pbyslclan who pronounced it psoriasis or monied distase, becauae It reseiublcd money. I applied aD ointmeut, hut it spread until at Iaat it covered almotst my eiuire body. My suffering was something terrible, burn. ing and itchiug sensation continually uutilitbecame ahnost unendurable. I suffered tortures especially at night, and ior two montbs I was compeüed to sleep withgloves on. I became desperate. Iwouid have given anytbing to be relieved of the itching senaation. I tried a nuraber of remedies without any relief. I was requested to try Cuticuea ; this I did, and to my great surprise, I was relieved af ter the first application. 1 used the CuTICURA, Cuticura Soap and Cuticüra Resolvknt according to directions for about four or five weeks when I was entirely curcd. But what a relief it v.a me after the suffering I went through. I cali! t speak wúh too much favor for the "CüTICüKA Kemei)IE9." and I would recommend it to all thoxe who are si ering f rom the same disensethatl have suifered. JOHN T. SIEI.ODY, o: SIelodt Bbotuers, Wyandotte, MLh. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Purifier atid greatest c: Humor Remedies, internaHy (to cleanee the i of nll Impurittee, and tlms remove the cause), :i:. I (' yinr.A, the great tíkin Cure, and Cuticüra Soap, un exqutelte skin Beautifíer, externally clear the ekin and scalp and restore the hair), el every species of agonlziDg, ltehing, bnrning, sen y aud pimply discases of the ekin, scalp, and blood.' Scld everywhere. Price, Cüticura, 50c; So25c; itESOLVENT, $1. Prepared by the POTTl Drug axd Chemical Corpohation, Boston. tS Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," t . p:igea, 51) illustrations, and 1U0 testimoniáis. Qiaai'LES, blackheads, red, rongh, chapped, u I 8 I íll oily Bkin cured by CuTicur.A Soap. LX I CANT BREATHE. Ví"a jj) Chest Faina, Soreness, Weakness, ívS!Sn:'ci;ins Cough, Athma, Pli-n-, aml "flammation relieve! in oíSSxíT"" minute by the Ctiticur.i Anti-pain Ploeter. Nothing Jike it for Wenk Luugs. (fnlike the Dutch Process % No Algalies JmT Oíher Chemicals ilfriílm are used in the I lili preparationof Breakfast Cocoa, which is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easili DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass, JNO. BAUMCARDNER, üd W 7 : 'w o ...MONUMENTAL .... o CEMETERY o BILM8.. g E-H i r-1 OQ [ { i JL i Also, Stone Walks. - Estímales cheerfully furnlshed. Cor. Detroit and Caíherine Sts .ANN ARBOR, IHIO'. WW r N I CHOLa D "NTIST. Rooms over Aun Arbor Saviugs Banks. Opp court House Square. VITAL1ZKD AIR. Administered. It is areeable and easv to take u ud 110 prostrating effeets follow, ivlnie teeth are extraeled without pain. Chas. W. Vogel, Dealer iu all kinds of Freh and ialt Meats. Poultry, hard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. ANN 8t.. A.N.N A.BBOB. GRANDMA says t is 20 years since she mad such good bread as this. She says GlLLETTS MAGIC YEAST fs likethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again : and we all hope so, too. Cali for it at your Grocers. It s always gooc! ant aiways ready.


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