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UNIVERSITY ■I OF MC. Board of Directors. Fkancis W. Kelsey, Ph. D., President. Levi D. Wines, C. E., Treasurer. (t. Frank Ali.memmxger, C. E. Henry S. Dean. Ottmar Eberbach. Adelbert L. Noble. W.m. H. Pettee, A. M., Viee-President. A. A. Stanley. A. M., Musical Director. Jas. B. Angell, LL. D. Paul R. dePont, A. B. Chas. B. Nancrede, M. D. Jas. H. Wade. Axdebson' H. Hopkixs, Sec. Faculty. A. A. Stanley, A. M., Director. Leipsig 1871-8. (Professor of Music in the University of Michigan.) Composition; Orchestration ; Advanced Theoretical Work ; Harmony ; Organ. J. Erich Schmaal. (Late of Hamburg, Germany. Pupil of Riemaiin and of Griidener.) Piano-Forte aud Ensemble Playing. Silas R. Mills. (Pupil of Lamperti, Shakespeare, and Stockausen.) Singing and Voice Culture. Frederic Mills. (Pupil of Jacobsohn.) Violin and Ensemble Playing. Frederic L. Abel. (Pupil of Crossmaun, Urspruch, and Kaff.) Violincello. Frederic McOmber. Flute. Gekald W. Collins. Brass Instruments. The names of other teachers will be announced later. Gourse of Sti-dy. - The University School of Music offers systematic courses of instruction in Voice" Culture in Piano, Organ, Violin, 'Cello, anc Orchestral Instruments; in Harmony Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue, Öom position, Art of Condncting, Música flistory, etc. Special Lecturers. John Dewey, Ph. D. Psychology. ü kxky S. Carhart, Hl. M. Physica Basis of Music. FüKii JS. Scdtt, pii. i). Aesthetics. Víctor C. Vaughan, Ph. 1)., M. I) Hvgiene. Vu. H. Howell, Ph. D., M. D. Physiology of the Voice. saac X. Demmon, A. M. Songs of the Elizabethan Age. Rev. Martin L. D'Ooge, LL. D. Music of the Ancient Greeks. Georue Hkmpl, Ph. 1). Speech in Song. Expenses. The School Year is divided into two emesters, corresponding witfa the divison of the academie year in the L'niersity of Michigan. The tuition fee or each .student, (ortwo lessons a weck. t une semester, are :is follows : InilChiss [DSl'lns rri.;('. (if tliree. f two. Leons. ano $5 00 $:!T 50 $; j 00 rgn - '.'.") 00 :; 50 73 00 lolln 25 00 7 .")() ;ö oo clin 00 7 60 76 OU ilee „ 25 oo '.i 5i) ;s (n Oiclipstrnl Instruments 16 00 SO 'Mi The fees for each student, one lesson a week, for one semester, in orchestral instrumenta, are in a class of two, $10, and private lessons, $15. For special classes in Harmony, Counterpoint, and Composition, fonr in u class, the fee for each student is $20 a semester. The Director 's office in Newberry Hall will be open one week hefore tlie beginning oi each semester for the assignment of lessons. The regular office hours are from 12 to 1 daily; in registration week, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4. For further information, addresa A. A. STANLEY, A. M. Ann Arbor, Mich. INSURANCE, lUlESTIÏÏinMIIIER No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companie Eates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lotsin Hamilton Park Addltion f or sale on easy terms. Office Houks : From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and i to 5p m. A. W. HAMILTON. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte naw, ss. At a sesíion of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washteuaw, holden at Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday. the third day of November, in the vear oüe thonsand eight hundred and ninetv-two Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Caroline H. Chapin, deceased. On reading aud filing the petition, duly verified of Alice tl. Wilsou praying that adininistratiou of said estáte may be granted to Charles Ii. Chapín, or some other suitable persou. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the fifth day of December next. at ten o'block in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearin of said petition. and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at s sessiou of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor. and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be gra"nted And it is further ordered. that snid petitioner give notice to the persons lnterësted in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition. and the hearing thereof, by causing a codt of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a uewspaper priuted aud circulated in said County. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD KABBITT. (A tme copy) JiDBGE of Probate. W. c. Doty. Probate Register. The Ann Arbor Ccurier and the N. Y. Tribune, together, óne year, ior $1 in advance. [jjfr êf'W Jftort Latí y 8E.F0R& ■ A&tEf{. ' WHcpX Beard Crower produces a heavv moustacbe or beard on the imoothust face in from two to six monüi The abov cuts are f rom Photograj.hs of Mr. Henry Jobi:wn, ol oanlt sií. Marie, Midi., ttie heavy mfiuïtache Mnr yrolvcít on a imooth face in five mouthf time, by WíH'OX BSABU íiKOWKK. Sent senled in plain packir with dïreotions to any nddreíi upon receipt of prlee, $1.00 per box. Sil boxes for 5.00 jibstpaid. WILCOX CHEiflICaL & IRF6. CO. Lock Box 134-. Marquette, Mich. SPEÑGIMÑ STEEL PEIS ARE THE BEST FOR EXPERT WRITER3 --33SP U ' FOR FOR __-" ■ .y jrjíw „ FOR WRITIKG "üi.-.xAl H"'35 FOR ENGR03SIKG " J Ka. 36 Solo by STATÍOMERS everywhere:. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage, 2 cents SPEiíGERIAN PEÑY..6ErYAoRr


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