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Eer. J. T. Suiidorland will In''m next Sunilay, a series of six morniug .serinons on "Religión and Evolution." The dates and subjects of the series will be: Nov. 20, The Evolutión of the World; Nov. 27, The Evoltion of Man; Dec. 11, The Evolution of the Bible; Dec. 18, Evolution and the Idea of God; Dec. 25, Evolution in its Relation to Olirist and Chrtstianity; Jan. 1, Evolution and Immortelity. Next Sunday evening he will speak on Thomas Paine, giving the Kecond lecture in his evening series on "Sonie Great Sbeptlce." WhO is she? Does anyliody know her? Bead thi itern frwn the ïpWlanti Scntinel: "A letter addresed I to MteO Florence Bartlett, from ell, Mas., i.s lying nnelaimed at the postoiflce. In a note from its writers to Ptostmaster Oarpeuter, great anxiety te exiressed lor its delivery. m„,r wvit that she is the daughter oí George W. Barttett, a carpenter, wao eaone to thfc, city ago, and and that rflie marrled, bht her husbandV fc nöt known. Any persc-n having knmvledüje of Bartlett or oSMttas Florence wlll coiiler a favor upan the parties in Lo-well (who are rt-p'Jtasi'ble businesH men) by givms PoBttnaeter Oarpenter swh totormatio'tt as wlll leed to the Uelivery ol the letter." The Bausfreinid, editetl by Mr. Tauí G. Suekey, the democratie county treasui-er eleut, paye Ita "coraplimentB" to the Aan Arbor Democrat and the Ann Afbor Oourier. in lts last editiou. Which U to accord wlth a reanark its editor is reported to have made some weeks ago: "I hall not say anything nwv, but you just walt until after I am elected, and then I wlll giVe tlwni h 1." He has evident ly done so in his best ItalioGermánica. What a cHMerenee theie is in men! Take a. broad, sensible, level-headed gentleman, for instance, arnd if he is sut'cesssful in any undertakimg, toe la abvays kind and raagnankmoua in his treatnwnt of those who have oppowed him, thereby making tor himself trtapüb lor the future. But the little fellows are sure to fly into a rage, strike, spit and ïlap tlieir jaws. one vt-ry much of a bantam rooster on a compost heap. The Christian ünlon, wliidi i.s made up of members from the various Yoimg People's Societies of the city, held & unión meeting at the Presbyterian thurch last Sunday evening. Not far Irom 1,500 people were present, and the exercises -w-ere very instructive and entertaining, eonducted by Pres. H. L. Walker, Mr. F. A. Manney, Mr. Bowen and Misses Buck and Eberhard. With a choir of over a hundred sings, accompanied by the large organ, the singing was excellent, especially when Mr. St. James rendered a charming solo in the song, "Throw out the Life Line, f olio wed by the grand chorus. The B. M. Q. rendered the Lord's PTayer in their usual impfresBive style. Tliese young people have ljecome a power, not only in the church, hut outside of it, by the amount of Christian work they are acoinplishing. There are now 1,300 ohurch members in the University. The more eme attent a-ny doingi at Ne-vvberry hall, the more he is impressed vrth the totally inadequate Bacilltlea tor entering or le&ving the hall. Shiomld anything ever occur to créate a panic, there wwaild be no possibility of saviug a liíe. The lea-dtng down are narrow and crooked, and vAien thé two etreams oí hiinranity meet at the mam,, il is eruahlng-, even on ordiaary wcaaioras. Of coui-se there may liever be a Ktaiinpedie in the hall in its histoi-y. tlie-n agaiin t here may tie on.' withi'n a blioirt time- there is no telling'. If there Kluooild be on1, H vould sorrow to the homes of Aimi Arbor in p. ioarful way. The cost of ai large and com(m'OdtotiB exit aad eivtrance would probably be considerable, but whafcevier the cost miight be, it wcrald be ntliiriK copipared wïth the loss of human liie tliat certainly vould occui in case of a fire on the lowei CDoor, or an alaran of any kind. Could not a rear Hteürw&y leadlng dlrectly otit of doona by arranged so as not tx iuterfere vith tlio architoctural beauty of tlie building, and make the hall a aife oe for the people to congrégate in?


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Ann Arbor Courier