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JOaIIUOld iOXE3ia5vrlTÏÖNYTun9? ntfi ?SS? &WEB LATHKS, C!rcular, Scrolland Fret öawinp, Turning, Borine. Örilline, GiindiriK, Polishiiig and Screw Cuttine. Kor Carpenters, Cabinet Makers, Carriage Makers, fílack. White, Silver. (opper and Goldsmitha; Architects, Amateur. Gentlemen, Clerüymen, Teachers, Jewölers, Dentists, FAKMEIÍS and evbbybody elsk. Ueers havo Wrltten : " Had It 8 years, would not take 8100. Ove. "Cortniclco. i have r tusad $100. Had it 12 yearu." " It is worth twice ita cost." " I could not do without It. ,. „ ' I have secn many. This isthe best. Beata them alL" "lam carning iny living wlth it." Frice $5 to $f0. Send 6 cenia for 100 pages af Lathe Instruction and Description. EPHKAIM BKOTVN, LoweH, Mas CARTERS _ CURE 6ick Headacho and relieve all tho troubleg incient to a bilious etaio of tho ityetom, sucli a3 DlzzinesB, Nausea, Dro73iiic!ss. lJistrcss af tor eatini!, Pair. ín the Sido, kc, While thoirmosè lemarkable Bucccwe has boen shown iu curiug Hefïflache, yot Carter's Littlo LIver Pilla oro oqually valuablo iu Constipation, curing r.iid preTcnting tliisannoyiiiRCorjplamt.whilo thoy alao jCorrectalldiBordcrsot'thostomach.stimulatotlio 'iivcr aud regúlate tlie bowcla. Even iï they only AchethoywouIdboalmostpriceleBatotnosewho uflfer f rom tliis diatrssing coiuplaint; bïft f ortuziatoly thoirgoodneösdoes iiotomihcre.audthoso ■wbooncetrythem will these littlo pülsvalu,b:eïu po man y waysthat thcy will not bo wüÜDg to öo without them. But aftor allsick hea4 Is the bano of bo many lives tbat here in whero Tpemalieour grcat boast. Our pillo cure itwhilo ethers áo Dot. Cartor'a Little Llver Pilla oro very small and Tcry easy to ííilic. One or two pills maköa doso. Thcy are strïctly vegetable s:ui do not gripe or Lrríc. butby thcir gentío acíion pienso all who use them. ín vialaat 25 cents ; &vo for $1. Sold by draggiots evccywh", or poní by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. -SMALL PILL; SMALL DQSE. SMALL PRICE RIWSEY & SÏÏABOLTS BAKERÏ. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constnntly on band BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc., for Wholesale and rutail xrade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIFT & DEÜBELtS BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOU5 DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLÜUR, CORN MEAL, PEED; etc., at wholesale and retan. A general stock of GEOBEIIS ui FBOTÏSIUHS Constantly on hand, which will be sold ou a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BOTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. Tlfïlp Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AXI HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy aud light Draying, FREIG-HT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. GET J TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And yon are entitled toachoiceofTheHome Instructor, the Lile of Geueral Sharman, or the Life of P. T. Barnum (free). when cash purchase to tl)e amount oi $15.00 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. 1ARGE OCTAVO, 478 PASES, ILLTJSTRATED. A compendium ofuseful knowledge neeessary for t.he practical uses of every-day life. A complete and perfect guide to lite in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF ftBX, W. T. CKOWS OCTAVO, 56S PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrative of his boyhood and orly life, education, career in Florida and california, military achievements, life asa oitizen, last stckness aud death; with Une eteel portrait. TES LIFE QF P. T. BARVÜX. Tbs WorldRenowncd Showman, CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTItATED. Hisearly llfeand struggles, bold ventures and brilllant sucoess; his wonderful carear, his wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a citizen, etc.- to whieh Ís added his famous book, "The Art of Money Getting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. ' 1640 The way to secure gooü. reading is fa sutiscribe for the Courier, pay $1 and eeeure that paper tog-ether with the N. Y. Tribune.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier