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In the United States the visible supply of grain on the 7th was: Wheat, 64,717,000 bushols; corn, 31,281,000 bushels; oats, 8,255,000 bushels; rye, 1,276,000 bushels; barley, 2,183,000 bushels. Stanlky M. Austin was sentenced at Cleveland to serve ten years in prison for falsifying the pay roll of the Upson Nut Compnny and embezzling upwards of $50,000. Sixtkrn persons concerned in thO lynching' of Chris Chambliss at St. Stephens, Ala., have been indicted for murder. C. Dki.inger stabbed to death Jack Wilfong, a prominent stockman, in a politica! quarrel at Catawba, N. C. A struck the vicinity of Oakland, Tex., and many houses were wrecked and others unroofed. One person was killed and eighteen wounded during a windstorm near Galveston, Tex. Joei, Davidson, a well-to-do farmer, was placed in the asi'lum at Richmond, Ind., a maniac. Campaign exciteinent turned his brain. The Boston (Mass.) Furniture Company failed for 810ü,000. The Atlas iron works in San Francisc o were destroyed by fire, the loss being 8100,000. Sixty-skven unions belonging to the American Federation of Labor went on a strike in New Orleans because employers would not agree to employ only union men. Fire destroyed several tenement houses in Pittsburgh, Pa., and a Mrs. Shuett and her mother, Mrs. Edwards, were killed. A handsome tablet in memory of the late C. B. Fisk, prohibition candidate for president in 1888, was presented by his widow and family to tho Methodist Episcopal church in Coldwater. Mich. Barney Dunning, an inmate of the city poor farm at Pittsburgh, Pa., for twenty-two years, has fallen heir to an estáte valuert at f300,000 left by his brother in California. ASSISTANT HECRETAKY NktTLETON, who is now acting secretary of the treasury, has tendered his resignatiou to the president, to take effect Decem ber 1. A train went throug-h a trestle at Honeybrook, Pa., and one man was killed and several others were injured. Captain Andrews, the American who sailëd f rom Atlantic City, N. J., to Huelva in a dory, has arrived in London. In a fit of insanity Alison Owena killed his wife With an ax near Danville, Ky., and then cut his own throat with a razor, but would live. Thk house of John Léete, a milkman at Hampden Plains, Conn., was burned and SI, 200 which Leete had in the house was consumed by the flames. The stage between San Francisco and Sierra City was held up by masked highwaymen, who secured the express box. On the race track at Nashville, Tenn., Direct loweredhis pacingrecord f rom '2:06 to 2:05KMjis. Mary MuRPny, an aged widow residing in Greencastle, Ind., was murdered in her dweiling by parties unknown. A fire in the New York Steel and Copper Plate Company's building in Williamsburg, N. Y., caused a loss of 8130,000. Peter Schultz, the 16-year-old boy who was convicted in New York of the murder of a 3-months-old child, Mary Wentheimer, has been sentenced to death in the electric chair. A dynamite eartridge measuring 5 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter was found by Route Agent Smith in a mail pouch on the east-bound Chicago & Alton train near Marshall, Mo. R. Weller, of New York, a memoer of Gilmore'? band, was found dead in a hotel at Dubuque, la. Excessive use of liquor was the cause. The ürst woman elected to the office of justice of the peace in Wyoming is Mrs. Ann Scally, of Fort Kinney precinct, Johnson county. The stallion Stamboul broUe the world's stallion record in Stockton, CaL , by clipping a half second off his own and Kremlin's recent record, making a mile in 2:08. An explosión in a mine at Pekay, la., killed three men and injured several others. Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, an aged couple who registered at the International hotel in San Francisco from Davenport, la., were asphyxiated by gas. The Porter Boiler Manufacturing Company of South Chicago failed for 8100,000. Thk non-uuion boarding1 house of Mrs. Marley in Sharpsburg, Pa., was blown up with dynamite, but no one was injured. A fire in Levy Brothers' lithographing establishment in Indianapolis caused a loss of 5100,000. The body of Thomas Borland, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who disappeared January 31, 1891, was found from a post in an abandoned coal mine at Braddock. In a battle in Bledsoe county, Tenn., between the Tolletts and Spaffords A. Spafford, his son James and Moses Tollett were killed and two other Tolletts were badly wounded. Capt. G. P. Rose, one of the bestknown dry goods merchants in Indiana, died at his home in South Bend of softening of the brain. For some time past he had been laboring under the hallucination that he hadn't a cent in the world. He leaves over 8100,000. Franz IIelbing, a mail carrier for seventeen years, corumitted suicide at Leavenworth, Kan. The Venango county almshouse at Sugar Creek, lJa., was burned, the loss SOO.OOO. The 100 inmates wera rescned without serious in jury. The general committee on missions of the Methodist Episcopal church in session at Baltimore appropriated $1,273,000 for missions in the coming y e ar. The treasury department at Washington has arranged for the immediate shipment of 5,000,000 half-dollar silver pieces to the United States mint at Philadelphia for coinage into souvenir half-doll;ir eoins for the world's fair. It is expected that the first lot of the souvenir coins will be completed by the close of the present year. A freight and passenger train on the Missouri Pacific collided near Pleasant Hill, Mo., and several persons were injured. Wili.iam F. Keck, who was to have been hanged at Allentown Pa., for murder, died in hiscell of nervous prostration. The business part of Camden, Me., was practically wiped out by a fire. A fast f reight train dashed into the caboose of the local freight which was standing on the track at Highland Center, la., telescoping the caboose and four cars. The caboose eaüght fiie and Miss Lizzie Battordoff, Mrs. Jones, Joseph Thornton and an unknown woman were burned to death. In an election row at Big Rock Creek, N. C, knives were freely used. Fourteen men were seriously wounded, six fatally. OcEAtr steamers arriving in New York report great storms at sea and that submerged and capsized wrecks were drifting about in mid-ocean. The amalgamated council virtually suirendered and the great strike at New Orleans is over. They abandoned the demand for recognition of the union and agreed to arbítrate the questions of time and wages and to allow the merchants to retain the men employed. The representatives of the United States to the international monetary conference at Brussels have sailed on their mission. It is believed they were instructed to use all the influence of the United States toward securing an agreement by which the parity of silver and gold may be established. At the leading clearing houses in the United States exchanges during the week ended on the llth aggregated 51,176,159,123, against $1.398, 798,448 the previoua week The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1891 was 11. 8. A fire in the large peanut f actory of the Merchants' and Farmers' Company at Norfolk, Va., caused a loss of 8100,000. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the llth numbered 210, against 238 the preceding week and 291 for the corresponding time last year. Auditor Ackerman has furnished another statement of world's fair finances which shows that the total receipts to November 1 were 811,416,677.81 and the disbursements 811,063,813.18. Mary Morris, an old lady living 6 miles southeast of Kokomo, Ind., was burned to death in her bed by fire from her pipe.. In view of the possibility of a fresh outburst of cholera in European countries in the spring and the consequent danger of its introduction into the United States immigration will be generally disconraged and the provisions of President Harrison's proclamation of September 1, imposing a quarantine of twenty d;iys on all suspeeted immigrants, will be vigorously enforced. Ernest G. Timme, fif th auditor of the trensury department, states in his annual report that the relief of seamen during the year cost the government L.34.000. Thuee train robbers held up a train va,t Adairsvfè, Ga., but were driven off without any booty. Threk cannon - 32-pounders, weighing 5,700 po'.mds each - have been placed in position to mark Capt Miles Standish's grave at Duxbury, Mass. Dr. Lewis Swift, of Roehester, N. Y., saw a new cornet, making six nosv visible in the heavens. ' Artiivr' VV. 'VVuEjytvEákS, a Frenchman, wili begin fifi-y-day fast in Cleveland, on Deceoiber 5, under the auspices of the western reserve university medical college. State Treasurer Morhison says the total valuation of Pennsylvania is 5591,107,558.81, an increase of over 815,C00,000 as compared with 1891. Two more bodies have been found in the yard of the house forraerly occupied by the Makin family at Redfern, N. S. W., making thirteen bodies thus far unearthed. In a dispute over a bilí Robert Harvey, a notorious gambler, shot and killed Robert Lytle, proprietor of the leading restaurant at St. Joseph, Mo. Henby Fulmer's school slate factory at Slatington, Pa., was destroyed by fire, the Iobs being 8100,000. The mining rillage of Federal, near Pittsburgh, Pa., was entirely destroyed by an incendiary fire. F. A. Drew, the plate-glass manufacturer, has purchased the old homestead in St. Louis of the late Gen. Sherman for 8150,000. Four attempts were made by incendiaries to burn South Minneapolis, Minn. Simón Feldman, a retired merchant at Pittston, Pa., committed suicide. The deed was prompted by financial reverses. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Coi-umbia Suban Manak, the first child born on the grounds of the World's Columbian exposition, died after an existence of seven days. A. M. Alexander, who was a member of the Forty-seventh congress, died at Paris, Mo. Theophilus Abbott, LL. D., one of the most distinguished educators in Michigan and an ex-president of the state agricultural college, died at his home in Lansing, aged 06 years. -i The latest returns from the election on the 8th give Cleveland the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan (4 votes), Mississippi, Missouri. New Jersey, New York, ÏN'orth Carolina, Sonth Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin - total electoral vote, 2S9. Harrison: Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan (10 votes), Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode lsland, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming - total electoral vote, 125. For Weaver: Colorado, Kansas, Nevada - total electoral vote, 18. In doubt: California, Idaho, Ohio. The complexion of tlie next senate is fjiven as follows: Republicans, 40; democrats, 43; people's, 5. The next congress is placed: Democrats, 13; republicans, 136; people's, 7. The returns on the lOth from the recent election give Cleveland 276 electoral votes, Harrison 144 and Weaver 24. The next congress is given as follows: Senate, republicans, 40; democrats, 43; people's 5; house, democrats, 377; republicans, 127; people's, 11. "Uncle Jack" Hook, the oldest driver and trainer on the turf, clied at bis home in Paris, Ky.. ared fi4 years. Mary Giixki-pie Ewing, wife of Judge Ewing ana tirst cousiu of James G. Blaine, died at Lancaster, O., aged 62 years. FOREIQN. The returns issued by the London board of trade show that the imports decreased L2,150,000 and the exports decreased L2,440,000 during October, as compared with the corresponding month last year. The Brazilian government ha? passed a bilí for the encourageinentof Chinese immigration. Juan Ahumada, the new governor of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, says that ex-Gov. Enrique Rodríguez, his predecessor, pawned the revenues of the state to the amount of 8110,000 and that he also contracted a floating indebtedness of 1.10,000. Hans Nielsen, a notorious murderer, was hanged in Copenhagen. The ship William A. Campbell, sailing from Tacoma to Queenstown, was lost in a terrinc hurricane in the South seas and Capt. Havener, wife and child and eight men were lost. The duke of Marlborough, aged 43, was found dead in his bed at the Blenheim palace in Woodstoek, near London, from heart disease. Db. Raindl, legal adviser to Emperor Francis Joseph, and one of the best known lawyers in Austria, has been put in prison on the charge of raisappropriating 500,000 florins. Floods were again causing much damage in the south of France. While a surf boat was taking passengers ashore from an Austrian-Lloyd steamer at Jaffa it capsized and twelve of its occupants were drowned. Several members of a Polish family called Kinlikowsky and a number of their confederates were found guilty at Lomza, Poland, of the murder of about twelve Russian peasants. A Russian woman named Akkerman during the absence of the motner killed the latter's child in lsmail and gnawed its body. She also kilied a second one in the presence of the mother, who became a maniac. A dispatch from Shanghai, China, announces that the two American college students who set out some mouths ago to cross Asia on bicycles have arrived safely. A mili, collapsed in Ornu, Moravia, and forty persons were killed. A syndicate has been formed in Paris to finish the Panama canal, beg'an years ago by De Lesseps. Ten yessels and twenty-five lives ■CT-ire lost in the recent gale on the coast of Newfoundland. LATER. The chief of the bureau of statistics reporta that the total values of the exports of domestic breadstuffs from the United States during the ten months ended. October 31 were. 5203,280,583, Lainst 109,488,628 during the pre-: Loua ten months in 1891. A heavy shock of earthquake was feit at San Francisco and also at nuir.erous pdints throughout California. President Harkison has appointed W. R. Estes, of Minnesota, consul at 'lamburg, Germany, in place of Charles i'. Johnson, of Ohio, resigned. The treasury report for October shows the net debt of the dominion of Canada to be 3237,784,090. Charles Ryax fatally shot Susie Huff and Frank Whitaker in Chicago and then shot hhnself dead. Jealousy was the cause. The cholera was said to be spreading in the north of France and in southern Huugary. George Grill and Lawrence Maher were instantly killed by the premature explosión of a blast in the Greely mine near Fort Collms, Col. Groveton, the county seatof Trinity county, Tex., was almost entirely destroyed by fire. The steam tug Secret was wrecked on the Irish sea near Lytham and three passengers and the crew of six men were drowned. At Cumberland park in Nashville, Tenn., Kremlin lowered the world's mile record for stallions to 2:07%. Wiiile attempting to cross a mili pond near Webb City, Mo., in a skiff, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas were drowned by the boat overturning. Miss Leona Lott, of Purvis, Miss., eloped with three men in one day and fiually married Wilbur Griflin. A i-roposition to annul the enforcement of the prohibitory laws in Kansas was carried at the recent election and saloons were opening all over the state. Capt. E. S. Densmore, chief usher at the white house, died in Washington after an illness of several months. A terrible fight took place at Homestead, Pa., bet ween non-umon colored workmen and strikers, and many persons were seriously injured. A pbaiiüe fire near Farnam, Neb., burned three houses, nearly 100 wheat stacks and thousands of tons of hay. The emigration report of the imperial statistical office in Berlin shows that in the last ten months 112,946 persons have gone to America from German ports, against 123,041 the previous ten months.


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