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Tó-morrow is Thanksgiving. The day of all thie year in which we tshould be thankful- not especially as individuáis but as a nation. The nation has been prosperous. It has been eomparatively free Irom businees reverses ; it bas been free Irom epidernies, plagues, great disasters ; great inventions have been made ; scicnc?, art and rel'gion have all moved íorward ; civilization is spreading unto all the nations of the earth ; no vvars have made w-idows and orphans ; the year's graves have been made eolely ii-om the natural causes that extinguish human liíe. Very many of us should be thankful as 'individuáis. For all these things we, as a nation, sliould tx tliankful. Our thanks should be expressed not alone in feasting; neither should it be entirely in prayer. But in deeds. There are hundreds of pcople, right Ivere in Aun Arbor, to whom the All Witte Creator has not given the faculty of accumulating that which provides íor the noueesities, not to say luxuries of lile. There are tliose here whose tablea will be scant, whose wants will be unprovidcd íor. Let your thankuilness find exprssion in searching out at least one of these, and more than one if your means will permit, and cause thiem to be thankful with . you. Ii jou want to experienee the delight oí beiug truly happy, try the experiment of making some unfortunate human being happy. You ean tlo it, All that is necessary is a determinatiion. Try it. We haw evidente that in certaln polling precincts in this county, the members of the election boards not only went into the booths tinattended by anyone else, and fixed voters tickets, but they allowed tickets to be taken outside the booths and polling place and paid as little attentiou to the law as if there had been no law. As the reeuilt is, there are no close contests, but if there had been this evidence would cause those voting precincts to be thrown out. Which would tic a matter of justice. If election inspectors get so partisan that they can not be fair and honest, they ought to be taught a lesson.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier