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The Comet--it Cometh Not

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The cornet whieh is coming towards the earth at the rate of 125,000 miles anhour, de due within 1,000,000 miles of ub, or eiight hours journey, on the 27th. This cornet lost its tail some years ago by coming in contact with some heavenly sphere, and the tail is following after, though severed from the maia body, several hours behind time. It is asserted that the earth will pass ithrough this tail on that date, and what effect it will have can only Te conjectured. The beat astronomers say that the only danger is froia the poisonous gases of which tjie thing is comijosed, white others assert that there may be a shower of dust or small stones, and stül others think it will ouly be a halo of light, giving the atmosphere a peculiar hue. The cornet will be in stght to the naked eye in a short time, and will grow in brilliancy with wondei'ful rapidity. If this celebrated wanderer hould happen to make a down curve just before it reaches its nearest proximity, and come sailing into ub and knook tlie earth into emithereens, it will bc a terrible warning to the democratie party. Later information is to the effect that the cornet will not appear here after all. That it will not come nearer than 150,000,000 miles of us, and that it isn't much of a cornet anyway. So .there is anotlier pretty scare dissolved. It is rumored that the cornet got Biight of some of the democratie jubilee torchlight proceesions, and at once backed out. Repreecntative Breckenridge, oï Kentucky, says that "the democrats will hardly repeal the McKinley law." Why not? You know it is unconstitutional, and any law that is unconetitutional ought not to exist. Judge Morse wil nevor be entitled t the title of govenor. He should ha boen contentad with juilge. It looks as if there were some cai didates for stiltes prison on the boar of canvnssers of Ionia county. The Argus takes half a column 1o prove that this county has alvvays been dtmocratic. Time wasted. "TJncle Sam eau gat along without his usual million of immigrante the coming year.''- Chicago Ínter Ocean. The ten per cent. tax on state bank circulation should now be repealed, and the "good old" wild cat times inauigurated once more. A sixty days stssiou oí the oom ing legislatura will Xm worth 0,000 votos to the republican party in this stute. Will they give it to us? The democratie coiigresa Bhould no íorget 1hat the democratie platform onder which it gained victory, de clares a protective turiff unconstitu tional. The press oí the southerii state are a unit in demandiug the carrying out of that part of the democratie platform which calis for the restoration of wild-eat eurrency. Keports from England state that nanuíacturers there are very much fiijouragtd, and believe that the electio:i of Mr. Cleveland on a free trade platform, meara proeperity for them. The Tree Press savs the farmers of llinois have got their eyes open to lre beaulies of free trade at last, and ïuvi' gone over to the democrat pary. Y i'e - tbe Haymarktt farmers.- Ypsilantian. The lavish appropriations of the present house, coupled with the reduction of the revenue ünder the Mckinley act, has caused a deficiency the trensury ! Ijet's see ! The tariff must be reduoed. The Argus appears to be a great deal livlier uow than bofore eleïtion. Wonder what'e the cause for this effect ? Perhaps its editor only has to look diagonally across the street from its office window to see it. Republicana will know better next ime, than to turn out their stuffed wild-cat agalnst the Tammany tiger. - Adrián Press. Next time the people wlll know beter than to let that tiger get out of ts New York cage. He is too ravenous to be let loose in such a manner. The demoirats of Libertyville, Hl., ïeld a masa meeting the other day, nd "humbly petitioned" Mr. Cleveaaid to cali a special session of conrees "to make such reductions in the ariff as your wisdom may suggest." othing like knowing what you want, nd going ifor it !. A great deal of one-man power has eveloped since the election. There is carcely a burrough or a school disrict In a doubtful state that does ot contain at least one man who links he did it with his Httle individal hatehet, and thereon bases a claim o a cabinet position. - Adrián Press. Jimminie Smith, bu.t you're a philsopher. "Left ! left ! left ! lelt !" the drill master said to the raw recruit some hirty-odd years ago. "Put the left oot down at the heavy tap of the rum." And o thls day when the and plays the old soldier catches tep, and keeps time with the music. '.e does not forget, he never can, the xriod he 'spent in the army. The Coldwater Courier comes to us lis week, with its inside printed upde down. We presume this relleets ie feelmgs of its editor, as he read he returns showing the great politial upheaval, that stood the repubeau party on its head. - Adrián Press. The Press carne to ujs the week beore election, with its title head line pside down. Was that indicativo f how it feit just before the unexpectd vtetory ? In Maspeth, New York, the demorats had a jolliïication last Wednesay night, and in the procession was wagon ou which was erected a iscaífold, and on the gallows was angling an effigy of Pres. Harrion. That was in Ne"vv York, and ie Tammanyites were the celebrators. To the credit of a few of the better lass of the place, be it said that they aused the dastardly and insulting efgy to be torn down, though their act ame near ending in a riot. A monster mass meeting was held n Sydney, New South Wales, last Thursday, in eelebration of the elecïon of Grover Cleveland, president of he United States. Our wool growrs will be able to see through that, ill they not? One speaker said "tli lection of Grover Cleveland marks the pening of a new epoch in the histoy of human progresa." And he might ave added in "Australian wool." Th3 lelbourne (Australia) Argus says: We are quite able to understand the alue of a democratie victory to Ausralia." 'These Australians are concientious. "A protective tariff is mjonstitutional." Tammany to Cleveland: "Now, Grover, hand over the spoils, as you agreed to." The Indianapolis Journal says: "Dear Tammany: If you don't see what you want, just blow open the safe and take it." - G. Cleveland. Newfoundland never has entered the Canadian confederation, but has always (been coaxed to do so. Representatives of the two governments are now confering in relation thereto. All ttoat Newfoundland asks to come in with the other eolonics, is $9,000,000 and the building of a railroad to her frost laden shores. T'retty dear prioe for a fishing station. With a deíictency of $86,000,000 staring them in the face, as the result of the extravagante of the present democratie house, and with a prospect of the appropriations this winter bringing the total for the 52d congi-ess up close to $1,500,000,000, we do not wonder that the democrats approach the (subject of tariif reform with íeaT and trembling.- Cleveland Leader. This from the Burr Oak Acora is uo chestnut: "Strange, isn't it, what a i-hange a nevv administratlon wil bring about ? Even the ternis iisec over the telephone line are changed Just before election the term useil was 'Helio;' when the result of the eles tiou became knowii the word was re vereed- 'O, li 1 !' Some pcople are nra;i enovugh to assert that all the telephone operators are republicana.' For the last half century the repuhlican party luis been conïronted vitli the democratie war cry of free ratte. Now that the democ-rats have an opportunity to test their theory they ought to do it. Perhaps the repnblicans have been in the wrong. erhaps free trade is what this counry meeds. Perhaps we have not cnown what prosperity is. Perhaps res trade wül raake U'S all inill'onaires. vet's try it once. The man on the democratie state titket wino is all tilinga to all men, "good Lord, ind good devil" in the same instant, has pulled thrcmgh by the aid of the populist vote, and Bilis will again be attorney general, deieating a sturdy and honorable man like Gerrit J. Dikema, of Holland. Ellis is the only man elected on the democratie state tickef, and he was elected because some of the labor vote was poisoned against bis opponent. The republicana of New York City have at last decvided to do what they ought to have done years ago, i. e., effect a permanent organization. They will attempt to cope with Tammany, by using such methoils as Tammany aises in so far as those inethods are legitímate and lawful. Tlie great trouble is that the slum element of ttoat city is almost wholly democratie, and so the republicans are at a disadvantage in attemptto fight fire with fire. The demócrata are bcgining to hedge already. At least we judge so frorn the íollowing taken froui the Mt. Ciemens Press, one of the brightest democratie papers in the state. In telling its readers what the democrat party did not promise that paper says: "It never promised wild-cat money, it nerer promised free trade, or anything like either of them. Dom't expert too muoh in tour years, either. It will take years of time to undo the mischief done by the fepuhlican party in the past 20 (niake it 30) yeair. lie demosratic party did not promise ie latxrer higher wagea, nor did it vromise the farmer more for his heat or wool." Tlie outrageous condui't of Lieut. ov. "Sheehan-s henchmen in attemptng to count out two republican canïdates in Buffalo, N. Y., who were ected, at the bidding of that official, as brought them to sorrow. They ïare been arrested, positive proof of ïeir dishonesty produced, amd if there any justice for tlüeving boards of anvassers in the eourts of that city, ney will serve a few year's in states rison for their dishonesty. There is nly one way to preserve this nation, nd that is to preserve at all hazards, ie parity of the ballot box, and make n example of every thief wEo atempts dishonesty in its management. The Dexter News remarks: "Now ïat elect'on is over the state press ïas agaiu lxtgun the agitation ior etter country roads. It begins to ook very doubtful if this agitation ill ever amount to mueh. Notwithanding the amount of fault found with the roade at the very seasons f the year when the farmers use ïem most, the effort to permanently etter them does not seem to materalize very fast. The remark is often ïade, "IL the farmers don't kick, it nght not to make mueh difference to ou townspeople." But do the farmrs kitek ? We answer most emphatally, yes ! And it also makes a diference to we towns-people, for whatever acts to the detriment of the farmer mjures us all. TVhy not all "get together" and see if we cannot effect p, remetLj' ?" None of the cabinets fornied for Mr. Cleveland contaln the name of David Benmett Ilill. What'e the matter with 'Hill? It is rumorea that Justice Field, of the TJ. S. Bupreme court, ivlio is a demoerat, but who does not love tha president elex't as a brother, is about to rtsiign, because of adraneed .veurs, to give President Horrison an opporfeunlty to appoint his suceeasor. He won't thouigl). Church end state are combined in Austria, although that country professes to allow fx-ee religious belief. Tlie Methodist have been making great inroads among the people ot that nation of late, and now tomes an order to suppress the Methodists beeause in the TVesleyan articles of ïaith the mass is spoken of as "blasphemOU8 deceit." A pretty thin excuse íor Kuch a prooeeding in a country where rerglouw belief is said to be f ree. Now that the ïepublkans have been given control of ths leigslature by the people, that body will do well to take warning. Instead of allowing the coming session to draw its slow length along until tl middle of next summer, the legislature should meet, transaet its business, and adjourn within ninety da.vs at the utmost limit. Twenty-five business men seleütec from as many counties of this state could be selected ivho ivould do al the business needed in the way o legislation, and do it better than it ever has been done, and only require sixty days time to do It in. This is 'a proposition the truth o which -villibe admitted by almost any citizen. Then why can not the com ing leg!slature listen to the voice oí the people and give lis a short ses sibn? There is little use in attempting to conceal the fact that the inhabitants of the United States are very nervoue over iJie indkation of cholera the coming season. The oocasiona] outbreak of the disease in Canada and m other countries even in this cool weather, is prophetic ai a serious visitation of that dread enemy of human life next summer, unloss the most strenuous efforts are made to prevent it. Every citizen ought to organize ïimself into a lively board of health, and 6?e that his premises are in excellent sanitary conditlon. Every cesspool ought to bc cleaned and every bit of decaying matter taken away. If wie are to walt for boards of health to move, then we shall wait until it is too late. They are proverbial in loiking the fbarn door after the horse is stolen. Every inhabitant should act in this matter, and act now, if ïïe haB not already acted. A British company has just learned from its mining expert that a hole n the ground at Silver Mountain, Boise county, Idaho, in which they had invested $4,000,000, is periectly worthless, not even one pay streak eing fouTid. Tlie mine was salted. Sever mind. Tlie Englishman seldotu comes out behind in the end. He may ose in one way, but he'll make it up in another. He has already salted he commercial plank oï the democratc platform with froe trade, the Amerian people have invested, anti if the bargain is carried out by congress, as that body is in honor bound to do, ■here will be a hole in whlch billions nstead of millions of American money will find a grave. When the Eng[shman gets the balance of trade with hie United States in his favor, he will ïot be seeking for investments in Vmerican silver mines. He will have a gold mine riight at home that will be worth more than any other ever iscovered. There seems to be a determination on the part of the Catholics and the Lutherans, although at swords points hemselves, to unite in opposition to he republican party. It is pretty veil imderstood that the cause of he repnblican defeat in Illinois, Wisonsin, the almost defeat in Ohio, and he loss of other republican strongïolds in the last election, was the reeu'lt of thte alliance. As this paper has remarked many times hereo íore, this attempt to forcé religión nto politics is a sad mistake. No hurch hould allow iteelf to be dragged int o politics. No candidate's reigion should be asked. No candidate hO'iild be voted for or voted against because he is a Methodist, or a 'atholie, an Episcopalian, a Congrejationalist, a Lutheran, or anything lse. Tliis country was founded on religioii'S freedom. Every citizen hould be protected in liis religious or on-religious belief, if he is peaceable nd law-abiding. Whcn the day t-hall ome that a candidate shall be quesioned as to his creed, then look out or trouble. This ship of state which veathered a monstrous rebellion, nevould eail safely through a religious var. It is to be hoped that the calm udgment and cool heads of all hurches will keep them out of any ttempt to affiliatO with, or to inuence even, any political party. Their varlous cares in oue great front combine, The business of tbeir lives- thitt ia, to dine. - Youug. The mein'ry of which sort o' mnkes me disBOlve in a varit, slicrjiess sinile. - Wult Maeon. Our stomachs. VVill make what's homely, .-avory. -Shakespeare. Prayer is the roj e lip in the bolfry ; we pull it, and it rings che Lell up in Kernen. - C. Evans.


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