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Repeal The Bad Laws, Amend The

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good acts, le a süiort session, and tion't trav I o h passes !- Be Th i intense feellng among thv rural diBtrietg, especially, about the long drawn out leg'.slative sesBions. Thley want to see a prompt i tuve on c. The Alii:m Priss says tliat : "Th re wfll be i;n fre ■ tirade ; no wild-cat currency ; no legislación harmful to our mamifacturing industries; no tariff on salt, himber, coal or wool," etc, no nothtng in tact. The commission appointed by Gov. Wlnans, 't o report upon a plan to benefii public roads, lias practi declded upon eome radical changes in the present roail law, it is sald, and ■vill report the same to tha legislature through the retiring message o.' Gov. Winans. I.and OommituiuiT Süaffer, viiio has paid up the mortgaige on his farm, by the regular and persistent drawing of (out salariiea in the family trom thi' stut;' duTing iii!' past two ye ■vill i ;i brokeii henrt. H has filed m tfiUiavit to the leffect tliat he ras i lied to the tune of $1,246.19 by ■ and popul'st cominKt. ■(. . And v;il be obliged to gil office beeides. Toor 8hOuM not Weed so profustiy. 'nievo appears lo be a great división o: e ntinrnt among the democrats relativa ,to the repeal of the etate bank tax. fome of them favor the present svstom of national eurreney, som" are indifferent, but the solid BOuth ronws Tip unnnimous for the carrytog out oí the platform. The nouthern nanbers are anxious for the good oíd i mes, so that they can "make" money as well as the gorernment. And the solid soutli will arry the ■ KoTb, w'u) ran for gove-mor of Ala! .ama, on the allianoe ticket, claims 'l'na: hie . ■ tliat the votea 'm the bal'.ot boxea clected kim by 47,000 majortty, ut ttoat the demócrata t-1io had charge and control of those returaed 11,000 majority for his opponent. That was a change of 58,000 -votes. It proves what repniblicane have all along asserted tliat (ure lut demócrata can vote in the isouthiern etates of this nation, and havettriie votes counted. We ask every reader of this paper, te he a democrat, republican, prohïbitionlst or alliance man, how long can a reptil litan forni iof government exist under Buch ciroumstances ? Repeal the Jliner electoral law. Xorth Dakota Chose HarrLson electora y a plurality of fiíteen. Pretty .sm.-ill margin, hut cnoirgh for all practical purpow.s - 1-his jeav. A ninety lay's session of the legislature Is about all the p-eople wlll stand. Th'e republicana should make tío mistake in this matter. Whittier, altor sixty year.s of labor (lK'd poor. Cörbett made fovtyi'ivv- thousnnd dollars in a two hour's prize 'íi'iíbt. .Suvh is lit'e. The great atenea oí {w ople preíer "educated" musCle lo cultured brains. The s-upply wf wheáí is so great in tlie Dakotas -that the railroads are unablc to n-ope. wftb the demands for ars, and the result is a bloekade at Sioux Falte and other shipping points. Ketter Wave too much wheat than not enougli. The greatest evils that eonfront US to-iiay are the outgiowth oi bad bo.v tiCvelopd uto bad inen. Boys are not naturally bad. A bad boy is the work of education, for education m.iy be bad tos w.-ll as good. Save the boys and 't'lie men wül be all right. - Ex; 'luiiige. Death has again entered the White House. TIlls time it lias taken the venerable fatluer of the late Mrs. Hairlaon, tlhe Kev. Dr. fcfcott, who had been UvIilj: witb the faniily for a number oí yea.r.s, and who died Thursday last. line President has the sympathy oí tire nation in his bereavemeut. The State Agrieultural fc'ociety has ilevided not to liold amy fair during rlue coming yeair, on account of the Woild's Fair. Yery sensible, for everybody will save every penny poseible to atteiwJ thie Chicago exhibition, and state faire and couuty faire will je passed by witb givaï unanimity i.nü ditidain. It is .to be hoped that there iré no republi.cin membeis of vhe United tates senate tfoolish enoug-ii to help the demócrata by for any of tlieir tariff or other scliemes. When the cra.sii lomes iroin free tradfi Leglation lliai t:aity u ouid be only iüo glad ito have a repoibliean senate to lay 'ihe Llame upoii. Taiere has been a loss of 57 yessela iring ihe year - ciuiuo a Qeet, ii ,ou but gire it a Khought - valued at !jl,01-4,2.r)0- quite a fortune - and having a tairving paf ui '2S,lj,i gros! tons. The ■ -is oí the Great Lakes iormous thac but lew can realize tkeir magnitude. Ai : is been held in Detroit mmigration quÊBtion, .: fcevmi'd ii be i ' ense oí those pses; nt that Eomething shoulil be done to ir.hut o;'f the liordu of paupers and tuhers brouglit to this country by ocean limes. Burope has no rijght to m a country an aeylum tor her paupers au. i crimináis, h she is doing to-day. There is a churcli in the towu of en, Xonvay, ilia! i;i luilt. entireJ oi paper. It can seat one thonsand pereons in Comfort, and lias been in■ :oof by a tiolution of quïcklime, curdled mük, and white of iggs. Sav;' jout newepap rs, l.-oys, m;l build youisi'lves a liouse.- Exchange. Waiv, Lo.-, s, muil lieKinley bill b repealed. Eggs will b;; cheaper then. Il i 1 i.iiiied that thephyBi lianswho fou.ght the cholera during its recent ravages in (Hamburg, cermany, found a n;w iremedy for tive disease. It consi pystals dissolved ín i .:i ■.-.. and tiren injected under the pal kiai. This is said to be harmless to human liíe, and that in Hrst .stages of the disease 93 per cent. of thoso attacked can be saved by lts ust', arui even in a malignant form 70 per oant. can le cured. This is v.-orth remembering in case the dread poyer comes to America next year. ThSs will not be a nation for the next four years. ít wlll be a eonl ration of Istates having rights paramount to of the nation. M will ssuie money an,l Btates will inake liawa : ss of the will oi the peopteias a nation. The njation will be a mation with a iittle n. The B-tates Avill be States with a big S. Tlie idd Southern Confedi ra y prin■ ; ! . o. :;i trade - "a prolective tariïf is unconstltutlonal"- enfeáp lator, oï silvcr, state rights, Hot boxes are no-.v to : ii ■■;, o,i! and will make themselves 1 of cong;i nator Jos. M. Welss, of Detroit, has gvon notije that he wil! Lntroduce a bill repaalLng th ■ Miner law. The senator's action in that respect will be approved by the people of Michigan generally, and by republicans in particular. That law would Ji'ever have !. en enacted had the democrats considered that there was any possibility for them to carry the state. It was a partisan measure, of the worst tort, and ouglit to be wlpeE off the statute books. Michigan should not te compelled to lose her influence in the electoral college by any sutíh unjust law. There ought to be, ho wever, -a general law, by which the manner of choosing presidentia ■ electora should be uniform in all the (states.


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Ann Arbor Courier