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The "W. R. C. of this city willl elcet officers thie afternoon. W. 0. T. U. meeting to-morrow afteraoon at 3 o'clock in Harris hall. Tea and social at the Presbyteriaan chui-ch Thureday at 0 p. m Everbody invited. County Treasurer Elect P. G. Suekey was the first man to pay hla taxes last Thursday. Some men are born wealthy ; Some men are born great; But all men are kicking Korever at fate. - Puck. Tlie State Horticultural Society is to hold its next meeting in this city Dec. 27 to 29 inclusive. A tTefective furnace caused a slight iire in Calkins' drug store on State et., on Jlonday morning. The rush to pay taxes is not very -n at so far, but the rush to find out ïow much the taxes are has been quite lively. The Arm Albor Banjo and Guitar Club wish to pubüely extnd their thanks to all who assisted them at their concert. Dr. Snell, of Yermontville, Mich., is lieve Tor a lew days, liaving "brought j his little girl to Dr. McLaehlan for treatment ïor her eyes. The Woman's Forelgn Jlissionary Sccety oí thie M. E. church, will meet Itn the primary class room on Friday aitenioon, at 3:30 o'clock. County Treasurer Brehm reports $10,476.28 received and $8,405.42 disbureed during November, leaving tlie overdraft Fee. lst, $23,629.89. The jLadics' Aid So.iety, oí the M. E. chiupch, will iiive their regular inonthly social in the church parlors, on Thursday evening, to whicli a general invitation is extended. Tea servBd at ü o'clock. You can obtain one of the AVorld's Fair souvenir coins by depositing $1 with Oa&hier Hiseock at tho Savinga Bank. John V. Eisele has bought the stock of grocertee tlvat J. M. Lord and Co. left on Ann et., and is ready to wait on eiistomers at the oíd stand. E. J. KnoTvltom nías just re?eived an order from M. Sami Raii, Arulapa, Nayaker st., Mylapnr, Madras, India, for some of his famous portable bath tutos. On Christmas morning, at half-past kíx o'clock, there wlll be a celebration of the holy communion at .St. Andrew's churc with íull vested choir and servfce. Notwithstanding the loiv priee of Wheat, the millinj? industry Ín and about 1he city is wry lively, and our milis have to run night and day to kep up with orders. The next encampment of the G. A. E., department of Michigan, will be hEld a-t lienton Harbor, March 7, 8 aoad 9. So says the council oí administration in session tore Saturday. Messrs. gheldon & Nolan, attorneys at law, have opened an office at No. 4 Masonic Block. Tliey will give especial attention to collections, both foi-eign and local, and ask your patronage. Don't forget the sale at the Ladres' Libraryon Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, for the benefit of 'the ae.soeiation. The sale opens at 3 p. m. each day. Come and buy your Chrietmlas gifts. On Mondiay evening next, beforo the Inla.nd League, at thie Cliurch of the Disciples', President E7 V. Zollars, of lliram College- the college at which 1hc lamented President Garfield was ecfuoated - will lecture upon "Life's Ideáis." St. Tliomas hall was filled to overflowing last Sunday evening to listen to Bishop Foley's a.ddress before the l'niher Matthew Temperance Society. No one who attended regretted it. Tlie address was a Btroog one, and very effective. The Oharitable Union solicits contributions of second-hand bedding and clothimg, not so oíd as to be past fci-virr. Sucli gi'fte may be left in the basement of Harria hall, and will materially assist thO Union in its work among the poor. TVe iurnisli feach one of our advance paying sul.scribers, old or new, with a full year's sulistription to the'Farmers' Friend. This givos you more reading for the winter days and nights than you can get eteewhere for the same money. tl. Th'e regular monthly social given by t(he ladies oí St. Andivw's parish, takes place Thursday evening, at Harris Hall. Everybody is invited. The effort to start a Young Men's ( luist ian Association ior the benefit Ol the ycnuui men who are rseidents of tïie. city, is meeting with great cmocesB. Died, at her home at Birkett, Dexter township, Friday night, Dec. 2d, 1892, at the age of 73 years, Mrs. Baiah Aon Birkett, wife of Thomas Bii-kett, Ksi]. The comet'e tail that touched the eartb last Snnday night, was beautiful.- Enterprise. Just li ov our Manhecster brother iound that out we should like to know. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give noxt Sunday moining, the third sermón in his course on "Evolution and Keligion." S-unject, "Tlie Evolution of the Bible."' Subject of evening lecture, '('liarles Darwin." Township Treasui-er Mills, of Pittsfield, will lx at the county .treasurer's office on ISaturday Dec. 17 and 24 ; at Saline on Dec. 15 and 22, and at Rathford's store, Ypsüanti, Dec. 21st, to accommodate those desiring to pay t'heir taxes. A lire resulting from an explosión of chemicals took place in the cellar of the store occupied by the Extract Manufacturing establishment of Prof. Wm. Bress, on Fourtfh ave., on Sunday afternoon, but the flames were extinguished before the fire departmnet could get there. The following officers were choscn by Golden Bule Lodge F. & A. M., last Wedneeday evening : George Blum, W. M.; A. W. Gasser, B. W.; H. B. Dodsley, J. W.; T. O. Fall, treasurer ; N. D. Gates, secretary ; AVilliam L. Baxter, J. D.; Herman F. Miller, S. D.; Isaac C. Handy, tyler. Fraternity Lodge F. & A. M. wlll be officered as follows the coming year : AV511iam H. Dorraiice, W. M.; Fred G. Xovy, S. W.; Charles B. Davison, J. W.; Cliarles E. Hiscock, treasurer ; Charlee "W. Greenman, secretary ; John M. Smoots, S. D.; Eliner E. Hagler, J. D.; Oscar F. Burkhardt and John W. Walker, .stewards ; Thos. Taylor, tyler. In the description of the decorations and memoriaLs of St. Andrew's church in 'tlie last Courier, one of the very important memorial decorations was by accident omitted. The choir screen -iiich is one of the most serviceable and handsome of the many new featua-es of the church interior, was presented to 'the parish by Chas. S. Millen as a memorial for his father, the late Cliauncey H. iFillen. 1 The K'ng's Dauighter's of the Baptist church will give au oyster supper and entertainment in their church parlors on Friday evening, Dec. 9. from seven tlo ten o'clock. All are cordially invited. Rev. J. M. Gelston commenced a series of lecturas at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening on "Explorations in Palestine." His first lecture-was given last Sunday evenninsj on "Jerusalem.' Next Snnday evening he will treat of explorations in the vfcinlty of the Dead Sea. Announcement is made that the ehurch oï Christ is to eetaJblish a theological school in tliis city, whleh will "be to thie sevcral lesser colleges of di-nomination ■vhat the University is to the high schools of the state. Rev. C. A Younig is maturing the plons, and tli' school will be au important one when fstablishcd. At the aoinual meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, at Harris hall, on "Wednesday evening last - St. Andrcw's Day - the regular election of olíicere occurred. G-eorg H. Pond was ve-elected director, M. Duke reeiected soeretary, and Tom W. Mhigay chosen treasurer. There was an excellent attendance of the membership, and the order is in a flourishing coudition.


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Ann Arbor Courier