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The common councll failed of a quonim Monday evening. Tlve W. .0. T. U. will meet on Thursday afternoon, .Dec. 22d, at three o'clock at Harris Hall. Oounty Clerk Brown has received six lioxes of public doeuments. Cali for them and augment your library. It is stated that surveyors for the Lakt Shore R. E. are laying out a new routo from Baline to Detroit via Bellville. Thi' youmg la'.li 's of St. Andrev's paii-;h and Holiart Guild will meet at Harris Hall on Friclay at 5 o'clock po form a. Sisterhood Sotietj'. Six candidatos w.-re initiated into the mysteries of the Knight's of r.vthias last M.onday evening. Deputy Chanoellor Commander 'M. C. Curtis, of Battle Creek, conferred the degie". Gov. Ira J. Chase, of Indiana, .jvill lecture hefore tlic Inland League, next Monday evcniiiK. upon "iiexk'O an-1 Mexicana, or Three Trips to the Wonderland of' America." The Ann 'Arfcor Riiles have a fine balance in he treasury, which they propose investing in one of the building and loan assoeiations until it accumulates sufficiently tobuild au armory. If (pou luave any doubt oï the fact ttaat the Ann Arbor merehants are all alivo and wttth eyes wide open, just read .their "ads" in this week's issue. A .more attractive lot of ad'vertising- was never given tlie readers of any paper. It .ivill le proïitable to read what thëy say. We liare arranged to give more matter for the long winter evenings. With our own paper, wliere our eubscribers pay in advance, we furnish' a year's sufcscription to the Farmers' Frieiul, a laig-e 16-page paper, puibliühed at South Bend, Ind., eepecially in the interest of farmers and their families. tf. In speaking of the dastardly act of a tramp at that place, the Dexter News raisi's up and remarks : "Nelther pereon nor property is safe in their presence. What we need is a stone yard. or some other publij work, and every one of" tln dirty thieving rascáis that crosses the corporate limits of the vllldge should be arrested as a dangorous nuisance and eompelled to earn his liberty." All very well to talk about, but when it comes to secure legislation the tender-hearted legislators can not be so cruel as to make a law that will give the "traveliag gentry" their juet deserts. Time áfter ,time attempts have been made to secure Koinethmji of the sort, but to o avail. ( onti-ai-y to the íxí ncral inipiesslon we ara confklently informeel that the signs all point to a mild winter, according- to a wise weather propliet, wiw lias been notes of things, and says t lm t snipes liave igone souh la-ter than usual, that woodtocks are still moultlng, rattlesnakes aire Ktill over bucklebérry buslies ,and that coons are as poor as crows. These, he saj-s are lufallitole 8%ns of a mild warm winter. AVlien a coon ivs poor in Xorember it means Ihat he does not intend to take his ciistomary long nap througli the winter months, Irat tlia.t lie expects to lie al)lo to skin aronnd as usual ,and -..i.ihiT liis daily provïnder as he needs it. The coon is an intelligent animal and does not waste his energie in Sa-Üneriing iip stores of fat when tmnieoessary. At a meeting of the stockholders of tli !■ Ann Arbor Savings Bank heW ycsU'nlay, the following directora were etected : C. Mack, D. Hiscock, D. Rinsey, W. Ii. Smith, L. Gruner, W. D. Hai-riman, Wm. Deubel. C. Mack was made president, W. D. Harriman yjoe-presldent, C. E. Hiscock ciishier, and M. J. Frltz assitant cashier. The Faeulty Concert given at XcwliiTi-y haül Thursday evening, was undoulrtedly the íinest one of the na son. The hall was well filled and the laculty seemed to le in the rinht raoud tio do thiélr best. The numbera were nll so excellent that it is difficult to select any spacial on? for commendation. ïhe songs by Proï S. R. Mills, "Bitte" and "ïhe Two Grenadier," were warmly reeelved. Mis-: Povey, by her grace and ingenious manipula' tion 01 the keys, won tlie audience at once, aaJ ihey ar.' nnst nted in their vneabulary of complimentary words, in describing her playing. One gentleman was heard to remark this of other member of the faeulty : I would pay my nioney to hear Mr. J. Erich Bchmaal more willingly than to hear Paderewski. I believe he is the cqual of .that gentleman." Su:h compliment are worth sometliinfi. One of tlie hantlsonwst Httle homes in tliis vity is the new one into which ('ounty Clerk ilirown and -iie have a-ecently moved, rat Xo. 5 N. Thayer st. It 'is finished olf in oak throughout the entire lower part and in Norway pine al)ove, Avith polished oak ïloors tliioughout tlie first story. The modern appliances to add to comfort are mimeroue. A water motor and pump oombined forces the water frorn the cistern to fthe tank in the attic ly the simple twning iof a valve. Water for the ibatb room is hcated by pipes running into .the furnaee, and in case there is no fumace fire, there is a gas fixture for heat ing it. Electric lights are in levery room in the house, as is ateo gas, na by thie turriing of n little thaimb serew, any light can be turned on in a twinkling. It will je a 'graaKl day for householders when electric lig'hts get cheap enough so Ihat theyx;an af;'ord to Tie them. This neat little Ciome shows how convenvent an'l attractive modern imventions can make ki residence. Tlie txhibition givn at Newberry Hall last Saturday evening, in aid ol the S. C. A., was an excellent one and callsd out a full house. The lrummmg of Maj. Hendershott and sou wan vci-y fine, and the speech of the gientlemam who explaiued the vii'ws was good alao, but the pictures Ininstlves wcre the pleasing part of the pni',Tammr. One can hardly conceive the immensity of the World's Fair buildings, even aiter viewing tlim on the canvas. The viwes were so life-like tliat little imagination was ie i ssary to convince you tliat you were looking at the buildings themselves. They were simply perlect - is perfect as it is possibte ïor such tihiivgs to be. Uibson & Üo., oï this city, took most oï the views displayel, anid they were worthy of all pralse. It is well worth one's time ■vnd it seems quite wo-nderful tliat tfluey can be made "so true to life." The entert ainment was enjoyed by lie audience about as well as any hat has been given here this winter. The couDcil has adopted an ordinance under wliich legal steps can be taken to remove the slaughter iouses from underneath the noses of hi' teachers and children of the 5th vard school. Erery one who goes o tbe M. C. R. R. station, when the atmosp'here is in a wrtain condition, s "regalad" with the "aroma" of hese "aromatic stench dispensers." 'lic ('ourier does not believe that the ■buti'hers of the city ownlng these ooiBea ouight to be ill treated or elled to suffer pec-uniary loss - though lic latter is oíten done for the publij iïood- but it does believe that these laughter Kouses sliould be removed, ost wliat it may. No one ouglit to ersist jii maintaining a auisanee to lie detriment of an entire eommunity. laugliter houees are a iiecessary evil but they sliould toe maintained outtde oí the city and sh.ould be under ome sort of control, so that their owners wilTbe compelled to keep them lean anti wholesome. The health f tlue people of the city is in quesilon. When good health is in ihe alaneé'thiere is nothing in this world hat can outweig-h it. The foilowing aboút Ida Van Cortand, wbo wW appear ín Aun Arhor or one night only, Saturday, Dee. .7, 1892, was clipped írom the London Ont.) Free Presa : " 'The Devil's Web,' á ,fine, romantic, melodrama, "as played to a delighted aüfllence t the Grand, last night, liy Ida Van ortland and ber stock company. The piece tontained a well balánced lot, affording an infinite number of raniatic surprises and intrlduclsg a ariety of fine aetlnigr. The star ppeared in her best and added much to the good impression already eated here ,by her previous ongau - lente. BDee'rty rounds of applaise reeted lier from lime to time, whJle he ohild actress, Ethel Day, was y nterestins and tho comedy of arie Day. a.s Bridget Doyle, exeit1 much meiTiment. Messrs. AA'ilson, iay and Alfred Taverñter bore the adimg male parte v.ith sufilclent tren.nth and talent."


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Ann Arbor Courier