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The boya are killing lots of rabblts thls f all. Gaused by ercptJoa - "Jjeuet days of Poní pe ii." L. D. Loomls 1) us removed froru ChelK-a to Jackson. The Chelsea U, E. Sunday School jiow has an oivhestni. Lafayette G range, of Lima, meets mext Friday, at E. Keyes. Mi-8. Judge J. Willard Babbitt is president of the W. B. C. of Ypsilanti. Stotkbridge is now vmited with the Test of the world ly telephone connection. Kellog & Homung, clothieis, of Howell, íailed laet week, their liabilities beiiig placed at $15,000. Tlu'i-c is :i man in Hendon who braga aboirt dlgging -OS post holee in one lay. A wll post-ed man. That town olock will tick in Dexter'e ecbool houst' tower. l'i--iminaries liave been practically coinpleted. llrs. Xettie Stringham is president of the new Manchester W. R .C, and UtB. Charlotte Silkworth is secretary. Mell I'.arncs is havtag a racket with íhe grip.- Milán Leader. He wants lo look out oí' it iiiay take hiui 'ha loft. M. E. McNell is commander of the (. A. EV, post at Dexter, Jas. Hanna, sénior viice, and H. O. Smith Junior ■-ice. It is said th;it a nerw bank is being orgaalzed at TecumseSi to take the place of the buisted Bill's bauk. It is hopel that their bilis wlll be better than were their predeessors. A Mutual Improvement Association has been oranized by the gooil peopleof Dist. No. fS Seto, wlio aro searching ior more knowledge. The NeUson - Ivchr case whlch was to have been tried in the circuit court, lias been settled. Mr. Lohr paying $500 - Manchester EnU'iprisc. AVe learn that the Plumber case has lieen settled in the courts, awarding 4,700 and costs to L. D. "Watkins, the plaintilf.- Clinton Local. The -house in the state legialature of "Vermont has wported a bilí enacting that one dozen hen's eggs must wei'gh one and one-half pounds. Mrs. Henry Collum asks the village for $1,075 damages from her recent tall.- Saline Observer. My ! that ought to pay ïor several columns. John W. Spoor is W. M.; CE. Coy, S'. W. Bd. Evers, J. W.; A. Dancer, treae.; L. 1). Kodinan, sec'y.; Al. T-athrop, S. D.; and Ii, H. Erwin, J. B. of the masonic lodge at Dexter, no says tlie Leader. Hurón Ldoge I. O. O. P. at Dextcr, has O. ('. Gregory lor N. G., E. P. Chase V. G., Benj. Culy R. S., O. C. Bostwlck P. S., and Levi R. Lee, treas. Rev. S. T. Morris of tlie Dexter Congregational dniTch, preaclied on the oeean the other night, or clse Thompson, of the Dexter News, prevaricates. The Xorthville State Savings Bank, having 55 etoqkholders and $25,000 capital, has been organizad at Northvflle, and will soon be ready for business. , Miss I'oll.y s.hiu'iila, a bright youn grirl of Clinton, lost an eye a lew days sin;c by a stick of kindllng wood tlint elie was attemptiug to break llying up and hitting it. Ira Cook, one of Pinjkney's mighty. Imnters, took a great tumble to himself wliile out hunting one day lagt week. Ifyou see a man with a crutcli on his thumb - that's Ira. Olive Lodge F. S A. M., helsoa, has the followmg officers : W. M., H. M. Woods ; S. ÍW., R. 8. Annstrong ; J. W., Geo. Blaicli ; sec'y, T. E. Wood; i nas., H. S. Holmes ; S. D., Ed. Vogel. It luis been suiggested that the board furnish ari" alarm clock for the High School.- Cheteea Standard. Why ? the pupils there do not ñeed waking np. At least, we dom't belleve they do. . Charles Gauntlett has sold the yearlmg fiily, Norline, by Coralloid, 2:13 1-8, Dam by Waverly, lor 100. She will be lelt m Mr. ura-ntlett's care tor ilevelopment.- Mllan Leader. A man near South Lyon paid out $7 to have nis beans re-threshed, and ï-eeeived just $4 worth oí beans. There are men, you know, who don't know beans, tliis man is now an exeeption. One of the pastors of a Pin.kney ehurch is said to have remarked after gazlng at the hat after it had been paesed around the congregation : "Ths ehurch needs a revival." He evidently saw no cents in it. Among the relits found at the Hawks house after taking an inventoiy was an old-fashioned black swallow-tailed coat of very aneient pattem, and of the flnest of broadcloth. D. M. Litttifieeld and wife rejoice in leing its owners.- Dexter Leader. The members of "Wiltse Post G. A. R. met last evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: P. C, W. D. Slmmons ; S. V. C, J. H. Fish ; J. V. C, H. Collum ; Q. M., A. H. Howard ; serg., B. H. Moore; ehap., L. 8. Pierce ; 0. D., J. G. Dell; O. G.. F. L. Hotohkin.- Saline Observer. The Baptist Sunday school has taken a liew departiere in its Christmas entertainment, this year, each pupil giving presente 1nstad oí receiving them, teaching that it is more blessed to give 'tlian to rteoelve.- - Cheteea Standard. Officers of Ypsilanti lodge Xo. 128, F. & A. M., for the ensuing year : W. M.- W. A Moore. S. W.- E. N. Colby. .7. W.- John E. Matthews. Treasurer - E. B. N'ewball. Secretary- F. P. Denbel. 8. D.- Géo. YVilson. J. D.- W. Day. Tyler- H. S Ralston. Stewards- V. EL Brooks and Geo. ïollman. A. R. WeJieh has just linished one of tlw finest ice boats that has been built in 't bis ]art of the world. The weather that ivc have been havlng for the past few days has been very dis .(mraging to liim as he has been amable 1o try the boat.- Chelsea Horald. Thie iifv lodgie Knig-hts of Tythias, of Ypsilanti, has organized wlth 44 dharter nvembers, and started oïf with the following offieers : P. C- HenryM. Rose. 0. C- Harry C. Sullivan. P- Harry I.VanTnyl. K. of R. and S.- Herbert V. rhilds. M. of F.- David R. Morford. M. of E.- Henry T. Coe. M. of A.- F. D.McKeand. Two beaiutlfuj etatues oï a Guardian Angel guiding and protectiug a child, haA'e been placed on each side oí the Sacred Heart, or niain altar in St. Mairy's church. They are works of art and add greatly to the appearanse of the altar.- Chelsea Herald. At tto-e ïinnual meeting of the Cariwnter Post No. 180, G. A. R., Ypsilanti, the following officers were chosen : (Jommauder- Milo B SchafTer. Senior Vlee- E. Holbrook. Junior Vico -A. D. L. Knisely. Cliaplain .!acob Wise. Surgeon - Miltou YanTassel. Ofticer of tlie Day- L. C. Haight. Otticerof the liuard- L. E. Hissell. Quartermater - Albert Forsyth. Delegates- Geo. Coomer, Jacob Wise. Alternates- Milton YauTassell, S. L. Shaw. Postmasters will h;ve a rest for a time, now that the campaign is over aud campaiig-n literature has ceasPd i-irculatlng.- Pinckney Dispatch. A little wrong, Brotlier Andrews. A greater share oí tlie postmasters wül no douibt be asked to pack their "grips" and walk.- Fowlerville Observer. At the last regular eommunication of Milán Iodge No. 323, F. & A. M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : v. M.- O. A. Kelley. S. W.-G. W. Hitchcock. J. W.- E.W. Mead. Treasurer- Mell Barnes. Secretary- Frank Trussell. S. D.- L.'S. Salsbury. J. ü.- W. E. Ward. Tyler- John Steidle. Stewards- C. M. Debenbam, M. W. Wilson. Henry Booth has a curiosity iu the shape of a letter written on bii-ili bark as a substitutie lor paper. It is as thin as tissue, soft and plia.ble, and presents an excellent writing- .surfaee. - Dexter Xews. Quite a' scheme. When he gets through with the letter he can inake a canoe out of it, amd sail. See ? A Braiiíh couaity man struck this novel way of tlie public know that hiis wife had gone - perhaps to visit her mother-in-law : "Notlce - My wife E. E., has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, and I forlid all persons from letting her come to want, as I will pay all debts of her contracting. She will visit in the north aaid west part ol the state." The K. :P' of Salem will he offieered as follows this year : P. C- i. Rvaer. C. C- P. H'. Murray. V. C- F. Toucey. cluin.- Rev. II. F. Sliier. M. M. - F. C. W.heeler, K. E. 8.- W. f!. VnnLoton. M. K.- S. I). Chai. in. M. F.- Newell Withee. Rep. to Gnuirt Lodïi - Dr. C. Ii. Tweedale,P. C.; Altérnate G. Ryder, I'. C. Trustee for three years- C. Coldron. Relief Committee - A. C. VauSiekle. George Ryder. D. E. Smith, C. Coldrou, M. Sloane. Adoniram couneil Xo. 24 IÍ. & S. Mastcrs, "rlcctod the following olficers for the year : T. I. M., E. B. Oomklin ; Dept. M., J. H. Kingsley; I'. C. of W., C. W. Case ; C. of G., J. P. Xcstell ; treaeurer, F. E. Orttenberger ; recorder, Mat D. Blosser ; O. of O.i A. Gr. Case ; steward, Geo. .1. Haucsiler ; scntinel, 8. Hammon.- Manchester Enterprise. Excelsior Cliapter Xo. 25, R. A. M., of Ypsilantl, will le offieered as follows the coming year : H. P.- Charles L. Stevens. K.- George M Flower. Scribe- Wm. A. Moore. C. H.- F. A. Bnrmim. P. S.- C. C. Vrotnan. R.A.C - H.D. Wells. M. Sd V.- M. M. Read. M. 2d V.- Geo. Wilson. M. lst V.- F. D. McKeaud. Tr.- üeo. F. Schaffer. Sec- P. W. Carpenter. Sentinel- S. B. Mereness. Chaplain-W. H. Sweet. The Australiana have a novel method of juidging ebeep at their lairg. AU sheep entering for prizes in the wool classes are brought to the societips' paddoeks one Jear ahead of the show and sheared ; then a mark of Identification is placed on each one; the following j-ear the sheep are exhü)ited and sheared at the show ; the wool is then scoured and the prizes awarded to the animáis producing the heaviest fleece of scoured wool. This plan is a very good one, but would prevent an exliibitor from showing his sheep at more than one iair. Thomas Birkett in the loss of hls liie companion, and Mve. H. W. Newkirk, in the loss of a kind and loving mother, have the sympathy of many friends thi-oraghout the county. Mrs. Birkett's death, ■vhich was announced last weok, o -eunvd on 1h" 2d 'nst., and the funeral services were held at tha Baptist church, Dexter, Monday afternoon following, Kev. F. E. Arnold, of Ypeitarrti preaching the sermón. Tlie Dexter Xews has this paragraph In ieferenee to her life : "Personally tlue deceased was a lady of culture and refinement, always kind-hearted to those in need, and while being prevented by au injury received some years ago, from taking an active part Su social affairs, she wil! be remembered by those who knew her, as a kind ■wife and mother, a considérate neighbor, a.nd a true Chriistian." WHO PA VS THE TAXES? We (show below the a-ssessment oí tflie several towns as rqualized by tüie supervisors at late session. We have taken the pains to calcúlate tibie amount per capita, and find the result in some cases quite astonishing. Read tlie figures : Aggregate Per aseesBinent. capita. A lili Albor city 54.97:.l!00 f 5'27 Ann Arbor town 910,000 UT!) Augusta _ öa2,yl) 2X0 Bridgewater 7X0,000 Tl1.' Dexter 550.000 783 Freedom 740.000 (iiil Lima 823,000 991 Lodi IUÜ.000 74S Lyndon 410.01)0 664 . Manchestor _. 1.140,000 "._':: XorthfleM 74O.UOO 6lo Pittsfield 1,138.000 77 . Salem 9:M.0(K) 7Xl Saliue - 1.145.01)0 B8 Scio l,:M0.00O ■;:■. Sharoii 770,000 759 Superior 970.0O0 885 Syfvan __. 995,0' 0 440 . Webster 875.' 00 1025 York 972.01) 509 Ypsilanti town 970,000 784 ! Ypsllanti city, lst district l,SáO,000 4U1 " 2d ' 520,400 '243 There must be, of course, a wide difference ín average wealth, bet ween on agrlcultural township where there aire as many farms as families, and a city where a single lot measures the holdings of a niajority of the families ; but the contrast offered by some of the towns eannot be so explained, and must presume a greater difference in and values than we supposed to exist. - Ypsilantian.


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Ann Arbor Courier