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The Democrats Don't Know What To

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Co with i: now they'v.' got it. Up to date the demo rat pap rs have neglected to aecuse the republ enns of plottinig to steal the senats scat made vacant by the death of Mr. (ibson of I.onfeiana. This is an oversight which almit.s no excuso.- Detroit Tribuni'. Congiess will tak: a lioliday vacation ! The iM)or, overworked 8 -.-nators and ropresentativis, wlio recelve about $7 a day for their valuable services - not caunting iKrqu'sites and boodle- will take a rest. The country will rejoice. If the opinions of teading leal farmers are an index of public sentiment t'hroughout the state, the time for a chanire Tn the system of road work is at hand. Tlwy are unanimous in eondemning the present systein and are wiliing ,to endorse a ahange that w.U be an imp ovcm n. - Dcx'er New. Tlie demosrats are crying "stop thief," constantly to the republicana, whlle all the time cndeavoring to steal everythhig in sight for themselves. Wilien baffled in their stealing operations then they oommence pouring forth abuse upon thoss whose honosty baffled them. Congressman Hater, 'of Ohio, has ai scheme all perfeeted, on paper, which calis for tha doing away with the ten per cent. tax on state bank circulation, and the re-eetabl'shment of the lormer clr'culating medium known as wild-cat currcncy. No more national suprema e y ïiereafter. Every state is to be Bupreme in itself. Speaking of its editor, Col. Elliot F. Sh-epard, and h's good fortune, the Mail and Express says : "Blesings floük .toigether. He wins his case in New York. He is unanimously reelected president of the American Sabbath Union in Chicago. He overcomes the last obetacle, and secures the first Columbian toins from Philadelplii . Pretty good for one day." II the Ypsilanti Sentinel lives another year- and it will- it can celébrate its seml-centenial. The vSentinel has a ' field oí its own whieh it sows witli its own style oí literatura, and reaps tdie same ort of a harvcst that all the newspapers reap. It is a ,good paper, and has some of the cleanest cut, original articles of any paper in the state. The sectton from one of the big California redwood trees whifh the ernment "will exhibit in its building at the TY'orld's Fair, ha8 arrived at the Fair grounds. Eleven freight cars were required ,to convey it across the continent. It measures tliirty feet long by ,twenty tliree feet in the diameter. Tire sectton is hollowed out and when placed on end, divided into two Btories anfl liighted, as it will be, it iwill form a rustic house large enough íor a family to live in. The postal service lias been greatly improved of late and PostmasterGreneral Wanamaker thus sumniarizjs the work of his department during the year : "Five millioa dollars added to the gross revenue ; the deficit reduced nearly a million ; money order offices Increased two-thirds, or from 10,070 to 16,089 ; eighty-two cittee supplied witíi fres delivery ; 2,790 new offices established ; 203 offices advanced to the grade ; sixteen anil tliree-.'ourths millions of miles of additional travel ; 1,590 new mail routes establislied, ombracing 8,500 miles of new service ; otean mail service extended, and pneumatic tube service introduced." The southern tobáceo growers have of a sudden had a flash of llght flit across their intellect, and illuine Jor a moment, at least, tlieir bull-headed pig-headednes?. ïhcy have followed their soutliern leaders so long that t'hey had come to believe tliat a protective tariff was unconstitutional. Now they begin to see that if the tariff is taken off of tobáceo, and the "West India Islands and other countries send tlieir erop here free of dtity, down must come tlhe prices, and their revenue be cut off. So they petition congress to retain the duty on tobáceo. They eay not.hing about wool and other northern products. How generous of them ! Hut it is reassuring to learn that they are bezinning to have even a ray of liglit penétrate their tree trade be-fogged Intellecte. The writin.i; on the wall-"Post no Bills." If you are looking for opera glasses you can fin dthe best assortmen tin the city at Haller's, and prices that will please lyou. Arnold can show you the fines t line of opera glaesee iluit ever carne ■ to Ann Arbor, and the prices of them so low that they are going fast. Ixok at them while the assortnient is good. We are ha ving in u,nprecedented cali for Buckwheat flour, but are able to Bupply the demand. Our brand is absolutely pure. If your grocer does not offer it, send your order direct to the mili. AKLMENDIXGER & SCHNEIDER. Peal. Chriatmas bella, peal loud and deep ! Kin out a merry Christmas chime, Till darkened eyes forbear to weep. And hard hearts glow with love divine. - Elaine Goodale.


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