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The stone hont of the Allmendinger mocil, oa JE. Hurón t., looke very flne. Neai-ly one-tbird of the city"B taxee are paW, but December ts two-tfairds gone. Jacob Ardner died at hls home on Detroit st., Mondwy morning1 of blood pofcoriing. The animal meeting of the Ann Arbor Agricnltural Co. takes place .January 3. These 3aye are not long enough in whlch to draw a sigh- not a long drawn one. It is asserted tliat 30 gallons of new ïder were lately consumed at a ban■qcet in this city. The lOth reunión of the Union Exprisoners of war will be held at Laosiaig öe?. 27 and 28. At 7" o'clock yf sterday morning the mercury in the thermometer marked 12 degTees above zero. The New England Slipper at the M. E. church, Thureday evening Dec. 22d, ie not conflned to descendente of New EnglanO. Everybody invited. The tickets are only 25 cent.". TheiBtores of this city will close on the Wonday aftor Christmas and the Monday after New Years, giving the proprietors and cïerks a legal holiday in which to catch a fresh breath of air after the rush. Maccabee Hill is tfre champion ]i 1 sM the many liills on which Ann Arbor fitandc. On tlrat hill are 28 families, rtiid belonging to tliem are 88 chillren under 10 years of age. There quite a number or 10 also. Telephone connection can now be had with S+ockbridgf, Gregory, Anderson, Munith and Pinckney. Eberbaeh & Oo. expect to commence moving their hardware stock into tllwirnew store in a day or tw o. The aimual election of trustees of the M. E. church takee place Mond&y eveming, January 2d, 1893. .Chrletmas exerci&es are to be held in the Northside chapel Fridny evening for the Sunday School wliieh is held thiere. . New England Bopper at the M. E. church, Thursday levening, Dec. 22d, at 6:30 o'clock. The tickets are only 25 cents each. On Saturday .afternoon at 4 o'clock a Christmas tree will be had at Harris Hall for the member of St. Andrew's Sanday School. Wm. F. etiegelraaier, of this city, Ie married Dec. 28, In 8t. John'g chuTch, Berne, Huron eounty, to Miss Mary B. Dietïel. Hev. J. T. Bunderla-nd will speak next Suoday tnorning on "Evolution in its relation to Chrit and ChrtstianIty." No evening1 fiervioe. The ohildren's clase in dancing will meet at Granger's Academy Saturday as usual, also the following Wednesdeiy afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The "Pirates of Penzance," will protably be given in Ann Arbor before lonff, under (tbe auspices of the ladies of St. Andrew's church. Henry Richards is Noble Grand, A. O. Richturds, V. G., J. D. Vanee P. 8., and Michael Staebler treasurer olf WaeEtenaw Lollige I. O. O. F. At the last meeting of the school board Misses Carrie "Wheeler and Alta Saimilei-s wcre appointed assisiant teachers in the ward schools. George Vanalstine was brought to the connty jail yeeterday by Deputy Sheriff Guantlett oí Milán, on a charge of stealing from residences. If ever I had two puppy dogs. And loved one better'n tother, The one I loved was sure to die, And leave me ■with the other. Eli W. Moore has gone west and will visit Iowa, Kansas and Missouri in the interest of the Ann Arbor Agricultural works before returning. "My Chiistmas in Rome," will be the title of the address to be given by Dr. C. M. Cobern, in the First M. E. clhurch, On Clirlstmas evening. A special musical programme provided botK morning and evening. A Sujiday School festival of song will be held at St. Andrew's church next Sunday, ChristmaH Day, at 4:30 o'clock, in lieu of the regular session. If tte wish of the people In these parto could be carried out, there woulil be a. fine show storm, and good slelghing would help make the holidays lively. Living Whist is an entertainment in whieh a. game of whist is played, the cards being represen ted by ladies and gentlemen in costume. Opera house, in January. Rev. Mr. Duif, curator of Harria Hall, and assiatant to the rector of St. Andrew4s church, conducted the services at St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, last Sjunday. If the Washington street front of the Eberbach block could be continued clear around to Main st., it would throw every other block In Ann Arbor way into.the Bhade. The animal fair of the young Uidie's and young men'a furnihing club of the Bethel A. M. E. church, close to-morrow nlgftt. It 1b proving a great success. There will ie only morning eervices held at rthe Unitarian church the next three Sundiays. Evening serviceH will be resumed after the holiday vacation of the 'Universlty is over. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet hereafter on Wednesday evenings, at 8 o'clock, instead of Frlday evenings at 7:30. Next Wednesday eveainig is meeting night. Postmaster Beal very irequently gets inquines by letter from people living aiway from liere about whether there a-re any vacant stores in the city. He hais to teil them there are none. The Ann Arbor Democrat has a new dresp. It never did look bad - has always ben neat and bright - but now it is neater and brighter than ever. In fact the Democrat is a right Bower. Bad roads have effected the holiday trade ,to an extent of Imndreds of dollars, in this city alone. And the roads in tliis county are excellent compared with many counsils in tfhi.s state. The Yolunig People's Society of the Presbyteriaan church has chosea the following oificers : Geo. Little, president ; E. Hall, fivst vice-president ; Miss Allen, second vice-president ; Miss ItenBleyker, se.retary ; Henry Clark, treasurer ; E. P. Mills, udvisory committee. Sec. of State Jochlm hos made the mosFof his appointmemte for clerkshlp in his otffioe, and among them is Miss Xeila Stockirag, of Chelsea. She was formerly in tlie auditor-general's office and was a very efficiënt clerk there. Herman Yolland, a brother of Jarob Vollend of this city, died at his home in Manchester, last Monday, of oíd age. He was born Dec. 1, 1808, inKurfeetenthum, Germany, and eanie to this eounty in 1835. He leaves a wife and two sons. At St. ■Andrew'és church next Suuday, which is C'hristnias Day, there wlll be two celebrations of the Holy Communión. The iirst service wlll be at 6:30 a. m., at which time the full vested choir will be present, and the next service at 10:30 o'clock. Register of Deeds Seerey received" for record last Monday, a deed glven on tlie 13th day of April 1837. It was igiven by Hiram Donaldson to Wm. Bonaldison, and was for about 100 aci-es of land in the township of Saline, the consideration being $500. Tlie deed .was made out, witnessed and sworn to before George W. Miller, justice of the pealee. Souvenir spoons of elegant design at Arnold's. Through the blue and frosty heavens Christmas stars were shiuiug bright; tilistening lamps throughout the city Almost matched their gleaming Hgnt. - Adelaide A. Proctor. Chriatmas is near 1 Chriatmas Is near ! The inerriest day of all the yearl The children rule, instead of the men. And the grave oíd folks become children again. - Mar y Bernard. Ah. happy world of little folk, ... The gala days draw near ; Again the merry Christma time Comes tripping down the year. - Rose (iraham.


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Ann Arbor Courier