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Cowb die of paralysls near Fowlerville. Wayne hna a sueceesíul banjo and guitar club. Seio farmers are crying to pay their road warrantB. The Salem cornet band ia a bout to make its debut. Surprise porties are bui priBingly plentiful just now. CTnton expectB to be liglited by eleetrieity for Ohristnra?. The Dexter News is just one year oW. It's a nummer, too. Nortliville has no bad places in her sidew&lkg. Happy coiporation. The sportinjï men of Azalia are to hold a ghoating match Dec. 24. A feed mili is one of the improvements in co'.itemplation at Salem. The pay roll of Uie eajríage factóry at Wayne is over $700 weekly. John Eauer has bought 40 tv res near;(';!v;muug-h Lake, of H. G. Hoag. Rev. Sbier thinks Ihat the Ixland church wlll be refurn'ehed befoie Oliristmas-. Milan's new opera house was opened last Monday oveniiiK with a theatrieal troupe. The silver wedding of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Benz, of Webster, "as celebrated a short time sinee. A Maonic installation and spread at Milan last wieek was enjoyed by about ninety people. The water works trenclies at mout'h are not movtaig forward with a Nancy Hanks rapklity. The residenc of Mrs. Voorheis, on Towner st., Ypsilanti, was burned at about 2 o'clock a. m., Thursday. Alex. Lieet, of Azalia, had his leg broken by the caving in of a rlitch in which he was at work last week. Pin"kney now yells "Helio" through the telephone just as natural as if she had alAvays been accnstomed to it. The annual meeting of the Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. ('o., is to be held Dei. 81, at Mancheeter. A largif organ factory is casting a covetous eye on a site in Wayne on which to plant itself, so says the Review. The M. E. church entertainment which was to have been given at Azalia, has teen postponed until after 'the Folidays. The "Snnday School class of Mrs. H. Rógers, of Dexter, surprisert her on Monday tvoning of last week, that beiiig her birthday. Tlie Reporter is endeavoring to turn the dynamo on in Ihindee, and is Icooming electricity. Tlmfs right. F.lectricity is ïigli-tning. Mr. Martin Haller has a splendid. dfeplay of Holiday Goods. Go and see, you will surely get a suitable article at the right price. Gapt. Allen Jias been suggested to Gov.-elect Rich as a suitable man for the o"fice of railroad commissicmer. He would make a ffood officer.- Stntioel. Mr. Glover bae been making some neptled repairs nml additions to the pump fa -tor.v, Tpeilaati, much to the benefit of th working capacity of the institution. Plymouth expects to have to build two Jiew ln-idiges this year. That will mak? a chasm in the poeketbooks of tih taxpayers that will be (lifík'ult to bridge. Henry Tower, oí I.odi, who ha leasil liis farm and moved into Aun Arbor, gave a very pleasant farewell party to bis many írtomds and neighTiors beCore leaviug. Tñe new officers oí Wolveirne lodge No 197, I. O. O. F., íor the ensulng term are : N. G., Asa Whitehoad : V. ()., JoiliB Steldle ; secretary, W. H. Whaley ; trea-surer, Byron Smith. C. P. McKinstry, of Ypsilanti, who was the republioan oandidate íor register of deeds last iall, and made a handsome run, has taken a position witli a laige paper house, of St. Louis Mo. Geo'. A. I'eters declares that the 32 men tvIio promised to vote for him in Webster on the occasion of the delivery of his stump speech, were protraeted nieetang converts.- Dexter Deaider. Of the 47 liquor dealera paylng tax in Monroe connty, only four pay $500 tax. Do all the. rest of tbem si 11 .spirtious liquors under a beer tax ? There's money for that county is aseertainuig. Prof. Primstone, Of Detroit, is teadiing Milan Peoplï to dance. There is a certain Prof. Brimstone wlio In the future may also teach the Milanese. the art of "shaking the foot." - Adrián Press. AVith the outside world Stony Creek still rctains its place on flie map, and its natives do their chores, sit ly tlieir fires, read the news, and ■wonder if these things are, so.- Ypsilantian. Wonld like to take it easy ourselves for a month or so awful well, bnt ■.iwn't do it ye know. Good adviee eays paintlng the trunlcs of young trees and rgrapë vines next to the ground, will prevent their bark being eaten by rabbite, moles, etc., and do the tree no harm. - StockbridgeSum. Oreo. W. Arms, a former Webster boy, but for the last 30 yenrs a prominent business man of San Francisco, Cal., died the latter part of October, leaving a large estáte to his family. - Dexter Iveader. The Howell Herald says TV. 3 Gar!ok, t!h' -wnell-known breeder of Phropf!hire eheep, has sold his farm in Geïioa townsliip and propose to go to Wyomins ind engage in sheep raison a larg-e seal. Thos. Neat haa resiffned tlip position of .superintendent of the motor road, and ii snece 'd?d by W. F'. Parker, who lias be?n book-keepor for the First National Bank for man y years. - YpBilantl Commercial. Higlnvayman- '-Halt ! Tour mone.y or your Ufe." VL-tim- -It's no r-o. stranger ; my wiïe is in the saine buslneaa always at fhiisimas time, and she's just finished with me."- Fowïervills Oliserver. Air. Draper has rented the Ypsllanti opera honee to P. W. Shute, of f?ault Ste. Marie, who takes possession we u miei stand, this weak. Mr. Dra per is said to le going upon the road with a eompany. - Ypsilantian. The TVabaeh claim agent gave A. Gabel $25 for the thB horse that was killed on the track at Whittaker last gunimer. It was a olear case of generosity as the company was in no way t.o blame. - Milán Leader. Mss Ruth Trim, datughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Trim, of Ypsilanti. was marrjed Wednesday evening-, at the home of the bride's parents, to Mr. rilarlos L. Melntire. The cauple will return in about two weeks and reside in Ypsilanti. . The "Piratcs of Penzanee" was g'.ven by lo?al talent at Ypsilanti last weck, and deliighted the audience very As amateurs the Ypsilanti actors wüio took part in the play, are credited witli "actfntg well tlieir part" -in whi -h all the honor lies. (no. A. Peters gives a spicy report of his candidaey for longresa in the last Dtexter News. He thinks the dear peojjle didn't understand the situatioi?. Wel!, looking at it from a republican stiindpoint, Mr. Peters is rig'ht. In fact "Gus" is liever wrong - not ií he knows it. The Alpha Sigma, the literary society of Manchester, lias electe;! the iollowing olfkers for the coming term: President- Miss Marpraret BiOsser. Vice President- Klwiu English. Secretary - Harry Kies. Treasure'r- Miss May Ayleswortli. Chaplain- Chas. Ijeeson. Librarían- Miss Ida Silkworth. Chief Marshall- August Oberschmidt. Assistant Marshall- Miss Belvia Waters. Our senatör 'is again absent. His senatorial duties seem to keep him aiway from his studies most of the time.- School Notos in Chelsea Standard. The alluring hum öf i:he political toee spolls many a good student and ruins many men who are otli-rwlse practical and useful. Plreonix ï.odge, ÍXo. 13, F. & A. M., Ypsilainti, at its annual commnnication, ehosie the following oificers : V. M.- F. K. Owen. S. W.- W. A. Poole J. W.- F. D. McKeand. S D.- W S. f'arpenter. J. D.- H. I Wells Secretary V. W. Parpenter. T W. Ij. Pack. 8tewards-W. J. Boatwick, V. B. Eddy. Tiler- Geo. W. Kishlar. It is said o!' a farmer, living not many miles from here, who drove to wlthtn half a mile of Plymouth village last wek, and ttoen hearing of the diphtheria scare, tied his liorse in a bain and walked into town !- Xorthville Record. He wanted to sihow them tliat he wasn't atrald. M;ian Leader : Ihe Epworth League held an il.vtïon of oöicers last Prlday evening, which resulted as l'ollows : President- C. H. Kelsey. First Vice President - M ra i. K. Sloan. Becond Vice President- Mrs 1. (. Eddy. Third Vice President-Miss May Bt-11. Fonrth Vice President- Mrs. H. A Taylor. Secretary - Miss Ethel Bnxton. Treasirer- Miss Hattie Jacobs. A dramatic club at (Sherry Hill wiil R"ct as many people as possible to listen to t'h'éir nemderlng of "Dot, the Mlner's Baughter, on the evenings of Deo. 30 and 31. They have taken a great deal of time in preparing for tQiis, and will doubtless jrlve a piensan t ntei tainment.- Yps'lanti (o n-incnia.1. The farmers a long the lim of seetions 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 aawJ 30, Vpsilanti town, ses visions of a new metropoiis spriniging uip, as the surveyoi-s for tlie new Lake Shore R. U. fioni Saline to Detroit, have passed thröagh there. It wiil cause nnotlier motor line to be built frora Ypsi. probably to coimect with it. Fiozen pot-atoes can be restored to palatableness by pooling them and letting them stand in a cool place with plenty of cold water poured over them. In 24 hours all the sngar which lias been formed during the freezing prorss wi]l have been removed, and the otatoes can now be boiled in tresh water and will bs perfectly palatable. -Es. Just the same ive prefer our tubers tmtouched by Jack Frost, Whiat was known oh the Plumber case in Wasntenaw, has recently beeo det'ided in court, with an award of $4,700 amS coate, toL, D. Watkins. Seems at flret lüe a large sum, 8till we know what plumbers' billa are.- Adrián Press, i A Cantón farmer named Croas lost a fine faog the other evening. He had been killing, and left his porkcrs hanging out over night, to find them te'Wier in number by one. Some one hád helped hlmself during the night. - Ypsilajiti Sentinel. ,Tliat thief had probably remmbered tlie old war time slang phrase : "wliole hog or none." Wh-Ue Eider Case, of Stony Creek, wae making a pastoral cali, last week a thief snieaked the robe from his carriage. The eider is not making proc-lamatlon of his loss by loud lamentation, but is holding nightly meetings, expecting to yet make the thief swi at out tlue value of the robe, fn !h -:ool of r;pentnn:e.- Atlran Press. Lucius Taylor Post No. 274, ft. A. R., of MUam has elected oíficers as follows : Commander-A. M. Sloan. Senior Vice Commander-S. H Hvans. Junior Vice ('ommander - Charles Shaler. Surgeon- Dan Case. Chuplain - Morrij Vincent. Qnartermaster- John Steidle. Offlcer of the Day - James E Johnson. Oftieer of the Giíard- Charles T. Buxton. ('olor Heurer- E. H Lewls. Delégate- Alex. Smith. Altérnate- M. Vincent. Furman Losee, of Whltaker, sees where he made a great mistake last week. He "let go" at something wlth an ax and totally ruined one of his boots, ineidentally a few of his toes were cut off, an occurrence which IxRtee looks upon as worthy of remark. Suili little episodes do mnch to relieve the dreary monotony of eheerless winter. - Adrián Press. Tlieodore Ja-cobe is losing a big fio k of ehiekens. Knterprlsing thisves steal them nights and chicken cholera tarry them off day times, until he has but íew left. If the thieves eat the ehiekens they steal it is all right, but if tliey dress them for the market they commit a doublé crime - first by stealing and second by marketing diseased meat. - Milan Leader. Ypsilanti Lodigs Xo. 15, A. O. TJ. W., elects the following officers : Master- Wm. P. Stone. Foreman- Robert Martin. Overseer - Henry Clare. Recorder- S. B. Mereness. Financier - Math Stein. Receiver- H. R. Scovill. Gnide- Wm. Wheeler. Inside Watchman- Andrew Gibsou. Outside Watchmnn- C. M. Holmes. Trustee- Wm. Robbins. Medical Examiuer- W. R. Barton. Representative to Grand Iodge- .H. Umld. Altérnate- J. H. Whitney. Mrs, Frank E. Mills is hard at w-ork drillmg the children that nttend school at the school house on the Saline road, wlio are to produce a cantata, "Waiting ïor Cliristmas." The entertainment will come otf Christmas eve., after twhlch Santa Claus will distribute presenta to the children. Miss Ix'iia Mallory is the teacher in this school, and is assisting Mrs. Mills. - Democrat. Ypsilantian : Owen Camp No. 1,369, of Modern Woodmen, organized here tivo years sago, has 41 members. They have eleeted the following offi:ers for the ensuing yenr : Venorable Consul- Frank Edson. Worthy Adv'ser- Perry Watllnp. Eminent Bauker- James Herrick. Clerk- Walter Fnller. Escort- V. H. Fay. Physlcian- T. S. Murdock. Wiitchman - Lymnn Walker. Sentry- Wm. Campliell. Delégate - Georg;e Alban. Business Mnnasers - F. C. Andrews, T.8. Murdock, George Slayton. It is trme blessing of our age that we are bezinning more and more to estímate a man, not Ty what he owes to his birtli and fortune, but according to the advantages lie has won for himself by his mind and heart, that even those wliom civil order has placed in the lowest rank are.learnlng to t'hink of tbelr riglits and to feel themselves as creaturcs avIio can demand respect. - Saline Observer. Will our Saline brother please explain just what he maans by that ? An Indiana farmer n ves this method of huniaiK'ly dehorning calves : "As BOOD as tlhe buds of the horns appeur on th? oalf, or can be found, I take an ordinary stic-k of potash, such as ia soW by any druggist for a sliglit sum of inoney, and after molstening the liorn btid with a drop of water or saliva, irub the exposed hoin with the end of the stick of potash. I use stick potash 'beeause it is about the size of a lead penoil and is very convenient to take hold of, and aft-r beIng used, it r.m be slipped nto a bottle. wliere it must bc kept closely corbed until one wishes to use it agdfn. It takí's but a sllght application to kill the young hora, and the eall (lo.s not mlnd t at all." If this niethod works all right those who wisli tlicir cattle dehorned siiould adopt it. It will lie far easler and certalBly more humnnr.- Mi, ïiian Farmer. Yet plant a flower, or pluck a weed. Beside life's way, aud wbo ihall tell What erowth may íollow from the deed Of simple, silent doiug Well? The time draws near the blrth of Ctarlst. The moon ia hld, tbe ntrht la still ; A single church below tbe hill Is pealing, folded in the mist. We keep the day with festal oheer. With booka Hiid music, surely we Wiil driuk to htm vrhte'r he be, And aing the aoiigü he lored to hear. -In Memoriam.


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