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E. F. Mills & Company

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REMOVAL! ■- REMOVAL! -- RENOVAL! " SANTA CLAU S," (formerly of Lapland,) To the spacioiis and elegant store oí Where, for the next two weeks, he will make bis headquarters. We have not only securecl the attendance of Santa Claus with his traditional bag of presents, but we have made preparations on a very large scale to provide every one with something for Christmas. A special trip to New York for this class of goods was made by us a month ago. Importers and Jobbers were closing out large lines of Holiday goods at a great sacrifice. We bought heavily and can supply you with Holiday goods at the lowest prices you have ever seen placed on these articles. " How beautiful, how elegant andyet so cheap," is a sample of the complimentary remarks we are hourly listening to. Take a glance at our two showwindows- finest in Ann Arbor- note the prices- you will observe we are not ashamed to mark every article. If the windows do not tempt you to step inside you will be different from the great majority. Recollect we do not descend to " teasing" our guests to bu3r, but are always pleased to have you look around, even if you do not buy a single article. HANDKEROHIEFS. FANS! FANS! KID GLOVES. A bewildering array of dainty styles. Every variety froin 3e to $7.00 By a recent purchase of a Paris manufacturera sample line of fine Fans we are enabled SIjïc:cia.l IjIKTe; foe christmas. ach. AVe cali special attention to our line of Chiffon Handkerchiefs froin to offer the latest designs at prices fully 2-5 per cent less tlian usual prices. Fine Party Oor Famous Biarritz at 98c, worth $1.25. 25c to $3.00 cach ; Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, liuest of embroidery, from Fans, worth from $1.50 to $10.00 each, at from $1.00 to $7.50 each. Glance at samples in our "B,r1t.holtl Suede" at $1.50, worth $1.75. 25c to $1.25, and choice Linen Goods from $1.00 to $3.00 each. north window. $2 OOa pai6S "P" & "" warranted gloves at im L25' L5 aU(í We closed a small line of exquisite Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with 7- AT7t -, -, -,--,- -,-, , -, C1 . TT-r-r a a t -.-,- -,--, ,-, Children's Gloves in all shades. real Duche Lace ornamentaron, which we offer from $1 .00 to $7.00 each, BCS! PUKSJiS! CHATELAINES! &S?Í22! LSÜSJÍ H-00}" .„, , , . ... . ... , . ' . ( t. f ia . nn i J'ull assortmentof Evemng Gloves ín 16, 24 and 30 button lengths. abont two-tlnrds tlieir usual pnce. An enormous vanety. Pnces lrorn 10c to $o.00 eacli. The only complete Kid Glove stock in the city clÖakr " I SPECTAUS Foy the CHRTSTMAS ZZ Ru&s. Lae Curtains, Portieres, Special Prices on every Cloak in imr store for Christmas WiíimS-s tl :l) Gents' Collar and CuffBoxes, fiill leather, worth $1.50, at 98e JüáraSpCL fñ 50 Embossed Plush Box Toilet Sets, with fine Celluloid Comb and Brush and Bevel 7% ART SQUARES EVERY GAKMEXT IXCIXDE1) IX THIS SPECIAL SALE s'lX PJate Minor, sold everywhere at $1.25 and $1.50, our price 98c '} - . Ví y "0 Fine Embossed Purses, clieap at 25c, at 19e a4 SUy -200 Gents' $1.00 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs at 73e -ïïUs Make very acceptable presents, and our Carpet DepartFXJRS, 2?ÍKr 10 Handkerchiefs, iucludine Elegant Embroidered Linen Goods, worth up to 40c, ""íjHT Tr,ni„.ü„ i.-.,v n ut i i ii sv Embroidered Chiffon Handkerchiefs, worth up to 35c, Superb Japanese Silk VVUV ment, on second floor, offers a choice line of Including Pnr Capes, Muffs, Choke.s, etc, allat ' ) X Handkerchiefs, with drawn work and Embroidery, worth up to 50c, Initial Goods, OX Special Prices. Plaiu Linene, etc, all at 25e these goods at Popular Prices. DRESS GOO DS A N D SILKS. FANOY G-OODS. T ABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS FINEST LINE IN ASS ARBOR The fiuest line of Plush and Leather goods ever shown in the city, including: .' ' Gente' Collar and Cuflf Boxes, from 98 cents Perfumes 5 cents to 73 cents a bottle. A 1WOJT STIPFBR jhowixp Giveraaud Bros.' warranted Black Silks at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 a to $3.75 each. Handkerchief and Glove Sets 47 cents to w nuirnnj nvnjsix. Toilet Cases 98 cents to $12.00 each. $1.98 each. y;m ' 5"L ip'ti'T WS'Sm'i a?01" Setl' ir?iP Ce"ts t0 4- eachElegant new patten in Bleached Damasks. Fine effects in the darUnequaled for Beauty and Durability. gSïïSSSft %L$LL!L " S'SSfcfö.W'tó118' aWe Napkins in a great variety of patterns at Dress Patterns in fine imported Dress Goods all reduced in price. Writing Desks, from $1.25 to $2.23 each. Baskets, worth $1.25 at 98 cents popular prices. A Tmoul Prieslv'? P''eSS G00'1S at PPUlar PrÍÍ'eS' imhlding thC Infant8 S?' fT 98 CentS t0 a SCt Fine Towels at 25 ct8-' 50 cts- 75 1.00, worth more. famous InestleMabm-s. Axd Hu ndbeds ok Othe Aktux ,r Abo.-t ?, t„B Usva,. Pkicks. LÍDen Sets, Table Spreads, Bed Spreads, etc, i. latest designs. SSpLT8' E. P. MILLS & CO., P.S CLOAKS. WLJPLZTi 8TRBBT. ONLY.


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