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The Ann Arbor Courier

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WEDNE8DAY, JANUARY 11, 1893. The Aon Albor Courier iPublished Every Wednesday. Has n Large Clrculatton amona Merehants, Mechanica, Manufacturera, ("armera, i lanerally. i Yery Desiralile Medium for Advcrtisers JUNIUS E. BIC AI. FDITOR AND PROPfilETOR. TEKMS: $1.00 per Year n Advance. To Subscribers out of theCounty, 15 cents extra, to pay postage. Entered at the Aim Arbor Postofficeaa SecondClaM Muil Matter. ONLY ALL METAL CUTS INSERTE1). JOB PR1NTINO W bave the most complete job offlcelnthe State or in the Northwest, whu-li enablea a to print Books, PamphletB, Posten, Programme, Bill-Heads, Beads, Carda. Ktc. in superior style, upou the ihortest urn toe. BOOK-BINUING. Connecteil witli Tui CoOTUM oiiice la an extenaive Book-Blndery.employlngoonii and ezperienced bands. All kinds of K. Ledeers. Journals, Magaxlnes, Udies' Mooks. Kiiralaaml Harper's VVekUes.Etc., bonnd on tbe shortest notlce aod In the most anbstan tial miiiiner. at reaaonable prlcea. Mus peciiilly bound more tasterall; thau at any other bindiry in Michigan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier