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WANT COLUMN. Short aU' - not to exoeed three Unes, or Lost or i'onnd Houses for Sale or Kent. Want-, etc., luserted three weeks for 25 cents. Sitnations wnnted. free. FOR SALE, or ill trade for woel and hay- curiase, cutter, robe, harnees umi y to .lAS. 1!. SAUKDIBS, ■' ' MainSt. FOR SALE CHE AP- A one hundred and twenty acre farm for sale ebeap. Lo nbont two miles from city Umita 011 one of the besi roads leadlug Irom Ann Arbor. je, Bnqulre oí J. T. Jacobs. NOT1CB- To my Frlenda and Patrona mul public üi general: My Clirysantheinuins are In nlce bloom and ready for sale rlgbtaway. Come early for cholee. . s. Chapín St. FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. Noiths fnrm oear county farm and Biillovk-i fiirin In Salem town. Androw E. Qlbson, 80 Maynard Btreet, Ann Arbor om C3 LESM ■ X WASTED.- Valunbli mmlsO slon offered. $90 weekly earned by many f om -ampies free. P. O. Box 1371, New York. FRANCIS L. YORK, M. A., pupil of Guilmant, Teacher of I'iano, Orpin and Composltlon. Studio, :n 8. state street, Uondays aud Thundays aiter Oct. lüth. 8m T70R RENT- Fumished House with modern r Improvements, heated by furnace and all In good repair. Gallon N. Q. Batte, Boom 18 Mu-onic Block, Ann Arbor. 45 i YOUNG lady deslrea a place in a private f. faiuily wberé she can do light work moming and eveuing for her room rent. Address M. t;


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier