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' "WOHTH A GUINEA A BOS." ji (Tasteless-Effèctual. ) Í For Sick-Headache,i Impaired Digestión j Li ver Disorders andji ?Female Ailments. j f Renowned all over the World. 1 % Corered with a Tastelpss ft Soluble Ooating. ! S As': for Beecham's and take no others. i Made at St. Helens, England. Sold bye S drugzists and dealers. Price 25 cents a j S box. New Vork Depot, 365 Canal St. , ductinn 01 1M1 Ii . and I feel io much Letter thit I -.-■ ;L nol tuke $1,000 and be put btck irbvn I u, I tm boih mrpi of the auam. I recoinriend voor trealmei.t t kl -:i!.rer f:-m obcsity. V.ill uimr uil inqu.rie If Rup u Eodowd lor nrply." PATÍENTS TREATEO 0Y MAIL. CONHDENTIAL. Hr.rmlfn, umi with n itin(r.i, incmreulcnce, or tutd etfecti. For t tieuiw ddrc, wilb 6 centi lu iuuip, 08. 0. W. F. SNYDER. M'VtCKER'S THEATER. CHICKSO. III W. W. NIÖHÖLS DLrTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor SavingS Buuks, Opp I uurt House Square. V1TAL1ZED AIR. Adniinistt'i'od. It ia apreeable Rnd easy to take aud do prostratlng effecta follow, while fceeto are ex trac tod without pain. Chas. W. Vogel, Dealer lu all kinds of Fresh and Halt Meats. Pnultrit, Lnrd. etc. EVKRYTHLNG NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Arbob. THE DETROIT {Founded in Eifhieen hundred and forty-nine) A General Family Newspaper. ( il ri.ATiox ií:..(H)0, Proven !j P(it(iBicp Kcreipts. Republican in Politics and the cliampion of the Old Soldiers' is a model general aewspaper, with its departmenta of Agriculture, Fiction. Fashlons, Household News, Sporting, Relig nus, Commercial, Etc, together with the liitcst oewa of the world, reu ritten in a most attractive marnier. The Weekly Tribune Won the position of the largest circulatiou in Michigan imuiy yearfl ai:o, rnd lui kept it beeause it is alwaya reliable, enterprislug and full of original matter, not stale reprint from the dalles. BETTER THAN EVER. One Dcllar per "2"ear. SPECIAL OFFER. Oood only until Januari 15, 1893 A cqpy of Bill Nye'a New liook of 500 pnges, with löu Illustratlons, sent free, post puiii.t':gether with the Weekly Tkiblnk forone year upon recelpt of only $1.10 Ons Dollar and Ten Gents. $1.10 . . . THE ... New Engiand Magazine At the Front. The fine llterary illustrated magazine of Boston, Able crltics say It is one of the most tnterestlng magazines nuhllshed in Aim-rlca. A ffreat favorito with New Englanders, and tht-y are everywhere. Loral only in name. It is the jM'ople's fnvorite. To see thfs Mairaxinc is to want it. lts cirrulalimi has ]uuhlc] the pant year. It Is unique, cootaining AMERICAN LKGRXDS TÜADITIUN8, HISTOKY. BTOBY and POETBY! A consplcuous feature of the Mag . nk, the treatment of the GUEAT AMERICAN C1TIES. wlll bf contlnued. SOMS OF THE ATTRACTIONS FOR 1333, HarTird College F i ft y Yearn A go. ) By Bev. Xen F.nglnd Tiwhs Fort y Tears Ago. ETeretl Vassar College. Society Life In Amlicrst, ('ollero. Manual Training in Aniprira. Ithnili' Islam! in thi' Kei 'tilut ion. Brother Jonathan and Hl Home. Whalllg ad FMiyrlfs of the l'iiltfd State. Each nnmber cunialns several intercsttng storloa and püiins. Prlc :.m ■ Yiar: ir, ( eati ■ Copy. SamiiH' copies st to any address feee. AGENTS WANTEI). Address Nbw Engiand Magazine, Boston, Mass. Nervew Blood T JaBifc BËJBKmmA MB descriptivo How to Get Something For Nothing. Ii you have not geen the Mammoth Illustrated Premium List just Issued by the Farmer's Friend, of South Bend, Ind., end for it immediatoly. It ('osts j-ou (nothing', and you wOl be nstonishat the large variety of articlcs oiferod and the low prioes. A postal card ■vvith your name and postoffice on. addresscd to the Farmers' Friend. Boutli Boifd. Iniï., vrtl bring; you th premium liet by return mail. tf. Does eye service only- The lorgnette.


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Ann Arbor Courier