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Svhool'scommenced. Oasting part les have been very faehïomible for a lew days. The Woman'a Press Association of ibis state meets in Cliarlotte, Jan. 17. The fine winter weathcr of tho past iwo weeks lias not been eqnalled before in five long yeo. Miss Harper, of tihe University, sang before the newsboys association of Detroit, at their last Sunday evening meeting. The Christian Endeavor S ieties of "Was-htenaw county will hold a unión meeting in this city on öaturday next, Ofternooa and evening. The Mende of Hon. V. N. Oregory, of Dexter, will be pained to learn tüiat by a fall a few days since he 1roke his right leg near the ankle. Prof. Chas. E. Greene and Joseph Wliitlark have been elecfed trustees of the Unitarian church, for three years, and W. K. Clülds chosen treasnrer. Tlie Mystie Shriaen are to have a lig time in Detroit on the 27th inst., jit which time W. B. Melish, of Cin iimati, Imperial Potentate of Nortfa America, will be present. The Atemben 'of the Itoaird of Managers for the eounty fair have resolved to sluit np shop thle year, ■i.iul all íí to the World's Fair ia C'lii0B0O. A very sensible concïusTon. A "leap-year" party oonetetlng of over twenty conple wout to WMtatore Ixike last Friilay ni,uht, and had a jolly time. Tius party would bave lveen gdven in ''.)- had there boen any The 28th of January wOl be known in the Schools as "ïfïchlgan Day," upon wbJcli iKTiisitiii it wlll be proper for all tttacben to attempt to ereate m pupOs au especial interest in the liistory of the state. Lorenzo N. Jolmston, of this city, was niariicd ion the 4th inst.,to Miss Cornelia SpeuldlaKi öf Evanston, 111., Dr. A. W. Reed ÉtCtiqg a.s liis best man. The iffair wu one of the greatest society events oí tttc seaeon, at tlint place. LeRoy Noble, wiíe a.nd "eliildrcn, lea ve the fity Ihis week fo-r an extended trip to Texas, California, and Uta City of Mexico. Mr. Noble wlll also do some commerclEÜ work for the large rnanufaeturin oompany wlttl which he is connected. The fainily of State Kepresentativcsherman, of Sliia wassi-t; oounty, íh pending flie winter in Ann Arbor for tiie 8chooi of Muele privüasjee. Thelainily of TV'irt Newkirk, also member of the state house of representativos, will pass Wie winter at Dexter. Thue Wa.shtenaw coimly Mili have two üDdil reputollcan members to bnlnnoe Uie two democratie 01 state strcct haa reaumed its okltime race track appearance. Contraetors gtate t ha t building prospecta for 1893 are even brigbter than tiiey were ter 1892. The Hobart Giiild 11 give its croml recepticni on Saturday evening from 7:30 to 11 o'clock. Ainong the appointments at I,nnsmg we notice thiit of Roy H. Marsh, f Saline, as messwger boy in the senate. Gootl. The new World's Fair half dollars and tihe new Columbian postage stamp are the latent thinjis ont, and the 'wonder of toe hom-. The W. H. M. S. meet in the priinary clasx room of tlhe M. E. cliurch, Friday, at 2:15 p. m., and the AV. F. M. S. in tlhe saine place at 3:30 p. m. The social of the ladies' Aid Society of the M.. E. ehurch occurs on Thuraday evening. Tea served at (i:30. To which a general invitation is ext eoded. MrB. Celston, cor. of Wasliiniiton and iHvision sts., mei witih a severe aceideitt last l'riday eveninji, retnrnIbg from the Chinese tea, by falling on a n ley walk on #tat atreet. Citas, E, llis-ofk has heen re-elpcted ■ apta in of tlie Ann Arbor Light Infaaitiy and aeoepted of the position. Wlll W. Watts will be ie lal l.ieut. aiiiain, au dWm, Armsttrong L'd. Lieut. The Wtwter o.ety of the law department iiae ]iresenteil Miss Mlnnle Darle witüi an elegant opera glas as a Bttgbt token of tlieir appreciatlon of her services in piaylng the piano for ühelr polbUca. A sermón to worktog men wlll be preacbed In the I'iret M. E. enarco next Snnday mtrrnlng. The eyenlng topic ivill be "The Three Gospels- The Gospel of Satan ; The Gospel of the Fooi; The Gospel of Chrlat." Ainlit!)]' Genera.1 Turner is remember1!- Washtenaw eonnty in a snhstantial ivny for 1he huidsome vote it gave him last fall. He has jnst appointeil li. H. Marsh, of Saline, to a clerkship to leïin May lst. It is the selection of a very worthy man. Rev. Dr. Goodwin, of Decatur, 111., aoted as prelate for Ann Arbor Commandery K. T., last Monday evening in conferring the Temple degroe, and the fortnnate knights wlio were present were fortúnate indeed, for the work of the prelate as made perfect. The Aim Arbor Cotirier was :i2 yeara old on 'Wednesilay and fi-om its appearance it bid fair to live an luindred. Altliongh diífering from us in politics, w-e nave reat respect for the Ocra-rler and wih, wlth its added ven is, mny come tocreaeeá prosperitjr. - Ann Arbor Democrat. On tiie moiniTijr of Sunday, Jan. 221, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., win occur the conseeratlon of th chancel of St. AniIitw's chureh. The ceremony -vill le perfkjrmed by ïUgfrt Rev. Bishop Davlea, D. D., of Detroit ; and tlie sermón wfll be preached by Right Rev. Bishop (iillespie, D. D. of Grand Eap"A Boy's Trip on a Bicycle Through Bngland and Sootlánd" will be the tiitle of a lecture to be glven in the Dime aral Half Dime Series of Sunday fk'hool entertainments in the M. E. chnrch, Tlnirsday eveninj? January 19. This 14 year old boy traveletl several liundreds of miles alone through those ('(itintriee. In offering the management of the estáte of the late Lmther James to Mr. Heman AVoods, of Ohelsea, at a hamlsome salarjr and house rent, Mr. Jas. L. Babcoek the legatee under the will, lias done a vory wise deed. Mr. Wooda is a keen business man and onp wfao will handle tíh estáte julicioi.sly. Tlie l'nity Club is making; extensivo prepara tóons for its animal banquet in lx' held in the church parlors on Friday cvenin of this week, at halfl;isi e, uVlock. Invitations have been extended ho the profeseorg of t6o l'niversity and otliers wlm are tliis year assistintr the club in the way ófglvlng lectures, papers, mnsical evenlngs, etc. The neoessity of haring the city ordinanees revised and printed was slurwn tliis treek by an instance In whioh a prominent tnx-payer ivas cbacged ■■?." tot a typewrlttea oopy of a Short ordinanee which he desired. The aniount paid was a thousand fold w-lint his share of tnxes for printkng the ordlaances wuld be.- Daily Ti mos. The thermometer goi very much depreeeed last Tuesday morniog. One instrument, on one of Ann Arbor's ni.iii.v liills s aecueel of resistoring 24 ilcüiees below zero at 4 o'clock Tuesilay a. m. But tlliat ■vas probably an extra spmrt, made for effect. Thirteen on Main st., and sixteen Ih'Iow on Observatory hill, is about as Dow as it is reasonable to believe the men ury went tlmt morning. The Courier lias placed more new n,ms on its lists within the past two weelis tham before for years at a eurrespondiii.t; perlod. The people know m (rool fhinir when they eee it. By t lic way, there is room for a few more names. Tliose who want to take advantaLre of the X. Y. Tribuut1 op I'armcr's Friend offer, should nut ili'lay. Uve bcnutiinl Miciw covers up a heap of tJii-ntrs t liar are not leautifii]. The demand tor cuttens and sleighe never was letter in Ann Arbor tlinn tor the past ten ïlnys. The clerks in Mack & Schmid'fl tore took a sleish ride last Friday i-veninfi, out to Mr. Wfftb'l, in Plttgfleld. The ladies of si. AndrewV chnrch wlll give a tea si,ial Thursday erenIng at Harris Hall. 'l'o which the public is invited. Th board of supervisors met ycsterdiay to approve of tHie Iwnd of the coinity treasurer and to Bettle up wifli the ut tioiiiLT coonty offlcers. The sixth anniml meeting of the Michigan Manufacturera of Fruit Goods, ivill he held at Lansincr, Tuesday ;uid Wcdncsday, Jan. 17 and 18. On .Tanuary 2."th Ann Arbor ('onimandery Knifihts Templar will make a pUgrlmage to Jackeon and 'iiile there viit the Jaokson Commandery upon invitation. E. V. (''hilKon, formerly of the South T-yon I'h-ket, nmv of Lansing, lias '■en eleeted to Ui ■ reaponeible positron of seroate journal clerk. Hfl is one of th kind known as hustlers. Don't soolfl the boys for ''jumping; on bobs." The hnppjest days of a loy's lifc s -vlien he cfin Klyly caten on for ai ride and not have the mirly driver turn aroimd and "lick behind." Saturday noon a sliiit blaze in bh shop of Wogoer & Blermann, on W. WasIiin.iTi on st.. caii.sed by the dnppini;s from a iras taking fire, oalled out the Ore department. No especial hann done. On Salui-day evealng of this week. Mr. E. X. BlïMe, of Ann Arbor. will irive a musical recital in the Unltarian church onder 1 he anapices f Tiiit.v Club. Ho wïll prabably be eusalsted by Mr. Seyler, of Detroit. The date of the tliircl concert of the Choral rnimi Series, hns been changed from January 20. to the 21st. Miss Marguen te Hall, the distinguished nopi-aiio. of Boston, and Mr. Oonstantin Stirulerg. the Prussian pianist, wil] take part. Among the bid Eiiglish TViltshire provertja is this one : 'Tf the grass prrows In Janiveer, It grows the worse fort nll the year." Also this: "A January sprirtff Is worth nothinjr." It doesn't look as thouirh the grass woold ki-ow much in January t,his y car. The receipte of the M. E. chnrch society for the year Jtwt closed wer? $4,377.00. dislmr.sements $4.372.12, ai balance on hand of $4.94. This does not huiude $1,800 paid on old indebtedness, $833 rnised for benevolent eollections. or the 81.000 left to the Weeleyam Gnlld by Mrs. Royer. On Saturday evenincr, Jan. 14th, Wt 4 o'clock p. m., before the Woman's League, at Xewiten-j' Hall, Mra. Aagel] irill tTlk on Tho Work of Women at the Columbian Exposltion." After t'he address there wlll 1m a social, and tlhe slnping of college songs. All younir ladies in the college are invit ed. The next meeting of tïie Michigan Folitieal Science Association, whieh has lts purpose the proper of questions of finance, municipal gtyrernmeut, taxattaa and the like, will be held in Ann Altor, on Fel). 21st. Judge Obfll, of Lansing ie president."' nnd Prof. F. M. Taylor, of this city, secretary. On account of the continued 111ht-alth of Mr. S. 8. Rlitz, who feels tliiat he is obligvd to leave this climate t he continúes to live, the finn Of The Two Sams has concluded to go oirt of business. This f act we reare t to announce as the finn lias boen a progresslve, vide a-wake business iiouso. and alwaye up wlth the times. The fJnn "f Wadhams, Kennedj & Reule has been changed, Mr. Kennedy retirinir and Mr. .T. I. Ryan takiog lus jilaco In the finn, maJÜng the more euphoiuous tltle Of AV.iilhams, Iiyan & Keule. The firm lias been a prosperon one ever aluce it Btarted, and proposea to keep right on climbing the lt ill of prospority as long as it livr-i. When the Artriis attempt to make politlcnl capjtal for tïie democratie party by oseertlug that the Municipal Club of tüiis city is a republican or.n-anization, it goe.s a long way out of its j-aad to accomplish soruethiiii; it can Jiot do. The prime mover, in iact the great pillar of the club, Prof. V. W. Beman, is nmv and ;.'iv:ys has iHïen n stunch free trade democrat, without any pretense to republican principies, while the great majority of the dub'8 nieniixTs'hip s compoeed of mimvmnps dt'iiKu rats and pnhil)itioiiists, witii a sjirinkliiiii of ropublicans. Krausc. who had been a rinIdent of Ann Arbor since the year 1844, (lied at his home on W. Liberty st., on Thursday momlng last. from a Stroke of apoplexy. Tlie den-asi'il was Tl' ycars of age, a native PruKia, and a man Jtho occupied at one time 'a prominent position in the business tircles of this city. He lcavcs a "widow, ttiree gons, Henry, Adolph and Samuel, nf Aun Arbor, and fmir dauiihters, Mrs. (ieo. Haller and Miss Rosa Krause, of this city, Mrs. Perklna and Mrs. Herpoldsheimer. of Lincoln, Xeb. The lst National bank chose directors yesterday, re-electtng the old board, as follows : l'liilip Bacta, John M. Wbeeler, Mosea Beaibolt, Wm. McCreery, E. D. Kinne, Henry Cornwell. Ma}. II. W. Boule, Jami's dementa, jia, L. Baboock. At a eubsequent iiifi'tiuii, I'. Ilach was elected president ; John M. Whi-eler. rtce president, and Sidney W. ( larkson, cashler. The l&dles ol St. Andrewa duin-h. not [lading (juartere tbat wwe lonvcnicnt and buitable for tlicir snpply kiuhen and lunch tables, oponed same íast Saturdáy aftemoon, at th rooms In Harria Hall, wlicre they may be found hereaftei every Saturday. Those deslrlng to leave orders can have tliem promptly Ulied ly sieiiiníí in at tlie Hall and telling fho tadlea what they desire. The usual gervicen at sume of our Churches last 8unday were somewliat deraiiKfd. No services at the l'rcsbyterian cliurch on account of the illncss of ilic paator; half a day's service in the lecture room of the Baptist ciinrcli, owing to tmrating of the -tcain ]ipes in the aniüi'ii-c room. and lirca.-lnnií all day in the lecture room of the Methodist church, the pipes in fhe audience room having bursted. l'r.Ml. S limid, E. I!. I'ond and Wm. Warner have leen re-elected trustees of Forest Hill ('metery Co. The com])aiiy has alxnn 916,000 in assetts. At a sulieequent meeting of the trustees neld Monday a. m., John M. Wlteeler as made president ; Col. Henry 8. Dean, i e president; E. B. tand, secretary and treasurer. Evart H. Sn'(tt wae oboeen a trustee to fill tOie vaicancy caused ly the death of tía ï'aitlier, J. Atustin Scott. Twelve weeks irom to-day the spring eleotion Vill be held. City At torney Norria Mi.urgests the followlng democratie ticket : Mayor, Eugene 1 Mann ; of the peace, J&mef Kearns ; cterk, William Miller ; asBesaor, I'atrick O'Hearn.- Daily Times. That Ts certa inly au equitable divisinii of the municipal offices between Bbe (lermans and the Irish. But the Ooilege Professor, and the Americans; and the Pollocks, and the Dagoes, and the Afro-Americans- so many of hom were converted to democracy last fa 11 by Xorris' rooster- are all left out in the cold in that deal.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier