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Lost--last Monday, Probably On

Lost--last Monday, Probably On image
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Main or Detroit st., a leathi-r can case marked "Mabel K. Pond," fiad er pleaee leave at tliis office or a store comer of stati; and William sts The tariif is lwmnd to engage publii- attent ion more than ever. Tne protectlon Journal ror fiie price is the Home Market Bulletin, ol Boston. We will srnii it one yi'iir in connectlon with the Oourier, tor only $1.25. Davhl WOatsy, of Pittsfleld, dled udilriily Tmsday morntng, ol :i]oilexy. iiavini; been in poor bealth ior gome nionfhs, ogen 78 yeaiw. He as a nativo of Gtenesee county, N. Y.. and came to Mtefctgan in 1881, hls ratber jaktag ap land in Plttafleld, where be lias ïivt-d ever slnce. H is wl!e, lióse malden name was Lydia Boyïa.n. survivei htm together itii two elilldrea, one sou Geonge, and one da.uííiitfr. He lias ïillcd all the ofHoea ol lita towuBhip, and has always been a staniu republlcaa. On New Ycar's Day izi Detroit, the Nobles of tihe Aniient Order ol the MystiC Shrine distributcd to poor fainili', -■" baskets, eacb one eotadnlng: Ten Us. of beef, one can of eorn, olie can of toniatocs. one-lialf ll. of cbotce tea, one 11). of coifee, two loavee oí hite bread, one Ib. f crack("ï-s, usuiiii at wiiolcsali' ratee $1.50 eacb. These ore glvcn to famtllea Wfaose ñames ere ïuriiislicil by pasns of chui-ciit's and superintendent f the poor. It was a noble deed of Uie Nioitleii. ome 15 or 'JO of hom eelde in Ann Arïwr. The Clnclnnatl Enquirer oi a reent date has the foiiowinK notice ï [ss Katharine Rober, Who wil] apiear at the (rand Opera Houee on katurday eventog, next : "A EDeroine in Ra8," drew twci arge audlencee to Bairis' yeeterday ttemoon and niuJit and a Mg busiB88 the weck is aesured. Th ■ ter of the compa.ny is Miss Kathalic Rober, au actreae ol ability and leanty. The piay vut wit u a vim uid woïi tibe hearty applaueë oí the vudience. Mlee Rober is supported y a (oinpany of more ilian orüinary xceUence and Bhe perfonnenee was sattefactory." The firra ot Steil y & Berviw, elther as a-w Mk-alfi-s OT lauiidi-yiiicn, is no uure. The trouble in the newB-depoi lortioo of tlie concera load to tho pUTCbaritBS of the laimdry hy Mr. ServJae, wiho aesumee all obUgatlona of the Orín. Mr. Stoffy .steps out of business entirely, iKXr kut honest, Itayinir dollar for dollar every tent of iiidebtedness, vlhen it would have been poseible, by a little sliai-p practice, tO have effectcd n compromise. Such men do not stay doivned vei-y long, and as the old saying goes, "no man canbea gi-eat lincceee uut il alter he has once failed;" we predict bright future for this young man yet. Mr. Stofflet bas puirha.sed the old stock and ageney for tiw papen, and is now rusmlns tlie stand. New books received by the Laili -s' Ubrary : Autobiography oí a Slanker, by Edi.a LyaU ; Prtnce Tip Top, y Murguerite Bouvet ; Cousin Philk-, bj Mis. Gaskell ; The Preacher's [anghter, by Amelia E. Barr ; In Old 3t. Stephen's, by Jeanie Drake ; God's Fooi, by Marrten Marrtens ; When i Man's .Sinple, by J. M. Barrie ; Boyiiood in Norway, by Hjalmar Boyesen; Hennine's Triumphs, by Madame C. Colomb ; Along ithe Florida Reef, by Charles F. Holden, LL. D.; Other riiinii.s Being Equal, by Emma Wolf ; The West from a Car Wmdow, by Uicliiard H. Davis ; Prose Idylg, by John Albee ; Autunin : from tlie Jourmal of Henry D. Thoreau, edited H. G. O. Blake ; In Gold and Silver, by George H. Ellwaager ; Spanlab Cities, by Oiarles Augustus Stoddard ; My Autf)bir)frrn.]ihy and Reminiscenees, by ly W. P. Frith, Iï. II.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier