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In the senate on the4th a joint rosoluttonwas reported providing that the right of citizenship shall not be denled nor abrldged by the United Suites nor by any state on account of scx. The quarantine till was discussed. . . .In thehousea resulution was lntroduced to stop the purchase of silver bullion. The private pension nill was discussed, and a bill was introducedprovIdinK that the term of all person sappointed to oftlces under the United States shall be for ïour years, whether under civil service or otherwide, andno person is to be eligible to hold office for more than eiRht ytius. BBHATOB (Wis.) spoke in opposition to the. anti-option bill in the senate on Ihe 5th. A b} providlnp; that no person shall be excused from testifyin in criminal cases on the ground that hls testimony miKht tend to crimínate himfeeU was passed In the house the fortinciUion appropriation bill ($1,735,055) was passod, as were also several private pensjon I bilis. Tiik time in the senate on the 6th was (riven I up excliisively to the diseussion of the bill on thü eubjeot of quarantine regulation.s and its corelative measure, the bili t. suspend immigration for one year. After argument the measure was orddrod pnntod In iht; house the attendaace was smal] an;ï pr.vate business ruled, except the passin of ihe bill croviding for the muster mul pay-of erruin ofllccrs and men of volunteer fortes. About th.ity private pension bilis were also passed. DOMESTIC. The total number of murders mitted in this country in 1892 was 6,791, as cumpared with 5,90(5 last year, 4,290 in 1890 and 3,567 in 1889. The number of '.egal executions during the year was 107, as compaied with 123 in 1891 and 102 in 1899. Judge Lynch executed 230 victims, 231 men and 5 woinen, an increase over last year of 41. GaxDWKIX & Peterson'8 corrugating works at Wheeling, W. Va., were destroyed by flre, the loss being 5100,000. A 8TABI.K owned by T. E. Moore was burned at Shawhan, Ky., and eight valuable horses petished in the flames. Tro sons of AVilliam Smith, of Dallas, Tex., nged 7 and 8 years respectively, went rabbit hunting and were frozen to death. Railways in Illinois killed 720 persons in 189'J ind iujured 2,440 others. Louis Wagneh, crazed by jealousy, shot and killed Mrs. Fannie Spears, aged 32, a handsome divorced woman, ! at her home in Boston and then sent a bullet through his own brain. Zip, the 55,000 fan-e ared elephant of Ringling Brothers' circus, died at Baraboo. Wis., of heari failure. Stkwart Roqers, aged 11, was tried in the criminal court at Pittsburgh, Pa., for the murder of Jemmy Stevenson, aged 12, and was acquitted. A youno farmer named Garber, living ne;ir Fort Scott, Kan., having learned that his wife, aged 17, and his brother-in-law, Charles Kirby, loved each other, traded his wife to Kirby for a horse. The discovery was made in the Unica mine at Angeles, Cal., of a pocket so rich that a twenty-eight-pound piece of rock yielded sixteen pounds of gold. The public debt statement issued on the 3d showed that the interest and non-interest bearing debt increased 5518,284 during the month of December. The cash in the treasury was 529,092.388. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to Í835,432,165, or 55,975,653 less than on January 1, 1892. lx the Unitod States the visible supply of grain on the 3d was: Wheat, 81,294,000 bushels; corn, 11,426,000 bushels; oats, 6,341,000 bushels; rye, 1,190,000 bushels; barley, 2,205,000 bushels. Mayor Babbitt, of Taunton, Mass., proposes to promote temperance by fining every rum seller five dollars for every conviction of drunkenness. The eashier of the bank of Laurens, la., was held up by two men and the bank relie ved oí $500. The total receipts at the New York custom house during 1892 from duties were 8129,552,006, being $6,009,375 more than those of 1891. Twelvk more informations were made against Homestead (Pa.) strikers for complicity in the alleged poisoniug of non-union men. The electric works at Fort Wayne, Ind., were burned, the loss being 8150,000. Six men were probably fatally injured in a saloon row at Cory, Ind. In a quarrel near Salyersville, Ky., betweer. some of Magoflin county's best known citizens, John Davis was killed and W. E. Deskins, M. Deskins, Shepherd Cole and Brick Patrick were fatally wounded. Durixg the past six months the government veceipts were 8195,853,880 and the expenditures 8195,350,614, against receipts of 8175,745,287 during the corresponding months of 1891 and expenditures of 8176,018,751. A mob of masked men took from the jail at Lewiston, VVash., Albert Roberts, who murdered Jack Sutherland at Leiand about two week ago, and hang-ed him. Andrew Passetti, an Italian, was killed while rescuing two children at Pittsburgh, Pa., from in front of a train. Attornet Genebal Rosendale, of New York, says that Erie county must pay the expenses of the national guard used during the switchmeu's strike at Buffalo. The amount is 8180,000. The treasury department montbly circulation statement shows a net decrease in the circuiation during last month of 84,106,883. A bi.ock of frame buildings in Brooklyn, N. Y., was burned, the loss being 8200,000. Thirty-one men were burned and injured by repeated explosions of natural gas in the vaults of the Donohue & Heneberry building in Chicago and the damage to property was heavy. Calvin Snypks, the murderer of Isaac Osborne, was lynched at Bakersville, N. CL, and in the struggle to prevent the lynching eleven of the sheriff's posse were killed, as also were eleven oí the mob. President IIarrison has issued a proclamation dcclaring full amnesty and pardon to all persons liable to the penalties of said act by reason of unlawful cohabitation under the color of polygamous or plural marriage who have since November 1, 1890. abstainod frorn such unlawful cohabitation, but upon the express condition that they shall in the future faithful'.y obey the laws of the LJnited States, and not otherwise. Those who fail to avail themselves of the clemency offered will be vigorously prosecuted. Georoe Isrown and G. Jackson were killed by falling slate in a coal mine near Sedalia, llo., and two other men were seriously injured. The supreme court of Pennsylvania has decided that the old blue law, enacted in 1794 and relating to the following of worldly pursuits on the Sabbath day, is still in force. Á pire that started in E. F. llallack's paint works in Denver spread to adjoining buildings, the total loss being L300,000. Tuk ünal estimates of the agricultural department for the year 18'J2gave erop productions as follows: Wheat, 51;.'.I49,000 bushels, value 1822,111,881; corn, 1,028,4(54,000 bushels, value 8642,140,630; oats, 601,035,000 bushels, value $309,388,611. Fiue destroyed the principal portion of the village of Mazon, 111. Flamks in the four-story brick building1 of the Omaha (Neb.) Priuting company caused a loss of 8100,000. The four leaders of a gang of robbers who have stolen merehandise valued at over S100,000 from freight cars were arrest ed in Kpffalo, X. V. GEOROE TaCKKü died at Lima, O., from accidental injuries, and his wife lost her reason from grief and killed herself. Little Aston and Henry Stone, of Providence, R. I., dropped a lighted match in a keg of powder and they were blown to pieces. Fire destroyed three business buildings in Pittsburgh, Pa., causing a ioss of over 8400,000. Cotton valued at over 8100,000 was destroyed by lire at Anderson, S. C. C. VV. Dru'S and Mrs. Albin were asphyxiated by coal gas at Wymore, Neb. Wii.liam Riddi.e shot and killed S. E. Shelton near Marshall, Madison county, N. C. This made the thirteenth murder in that county la six months. In the United States during the seven days ended on the Oth the business failures numbered 340, against 435 the previous week and 295 for the corresponding time last year. The iron product for 1892 in the eight iron-producing states of the south is placed at 1,965,485 tons. Two men wrenched the lock off a United States mail box at Salt Lake City and appropriated an armful of letters, among thein being some containing drafts and checka amounting to 550,000, mailed by the Consolidated Implement com pany to eastern firins. President Har;i on has extended by an aiueniiinent Ui postal rule 1 the classiHcation of the postal service so as to include all free delivery offices, of which there are understood to be 6J1, under civil service rules. A fire at Coney Island, N. Y., destroyed a hotel and other property, the total loss being $100,000. At New Cambria, Ma, Samuel Reed, whüe examiuing a gun, shot and instantly killed his 11-year-old daughter. An ice gorge in the Ohio river at Cincinnati caused a property loss of 5100,000. The Leeds Land and Improvement company at Sioux City, Ia., failed with liabilities of S500.000 and assets of less than $1,000,000. Bar.vky Hives, George Regel and Andy Fritz were killed by the cars at Cincinnati. The Kentucky hotel at Hot Springs, Ark., was totally destroyed by fire and nearly all the guests lost all their personal effects. The mayor, auditors and aldermen of Brooklyn, N. Y., have been indieted for inisappiopriating funds. Cold weather formed an immense ice bridge at Niágara falls, and Niágara river below the whirlpool, clear to its mouth at Youngstown, was frozen over, a condition which had not existed before in ten years. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL Gov. Foster, of Louisiana, has appointed Donaldson Calïery, of St. Mary's parish, to be senator of the United States to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Gibson, deceased. Hanxibal Price, minister from Hayti to this country, died from typhoid fever at his home in Brooklyn, aged 51 years. Rev. J. L. Burrows, D. D., the leading Baptist divine in the south, died at Augusta. Ga. Dr. Alkxander Siiaw, chief of the horticultural department of the world's fair and one of the board of world's fair managers, died at his home in Denver, aged 78 years. Wii.liam H. White and lïessie L. Backinter were united in marriage at Columbus, O. The groom is 17 and the bride just past 13. The legislatures of Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, California, Ohio, Montana, Pennsylvania, New York and Delavvare convened on the 3d. Mrs. Henry Meier died at Graf ton, 111., aged 107 j'ears. The republicansof the Massachusetts legislature met in caucus and nominated Henry Cabot Lodge for United States senator to succeed Senator Dawes. The official canvass of the vote of Oregon at the recent election shows the following results: Harrison, 35,002; Cleveland, 14,243; Weaver, 20,875; Bidwell, 2,281. Francis B. Stockbridge, of Kalamazoo, will succeed himself as United States senator from Michigan, having secured the republican caucus nomination. Gov. Russei.l was inaugurated for the third time at the state house in Boston. Henry Cooper, a colored man 102 years old, died at the home of his sonin-law near Oklahoma City. Flora I'oxtaine (colored) died at Columbio, S. CL, aged 117 years. t-he was taken to Columbla 102 years ago, and had lived there ever since. Gilhert Pillsbury, one of the last of the old-time abolitionists, died at his home in Boston, aged 79. The fifty-eighth session of the indiana legislature convened at Indianapolis. Charles J. Emery, aged 65, and a vetorun of the Mexican war, died of apoplexy in a street car in Chicago. BlCBAKD M. Diidi.ey, D. D , presideDt ot Georgetown college, well known among the Baptists, died at hishome in Georgetown, Ky., aged 5:2 yeais. 'J'iik democratie joint caucus of the Missouri legislature renomiuated F. M. Cockrell for United States senator by acclamation, starting him on his fourth term. The democrats in the Tennessee legislature renominated United States Senator Bate. Johx Burns, who had a fortune in lead mines and outlived it all, died in the poorhouse at Galena, I1L, aged 101. Thk well-known musician, Cario Alberto Cappa, bandmaster of the Seventb regiment, died at his residence in New York, aged 59 years. William G. Ladd, a banker, died at Portland, Ore., leaving an estáte valued at -20.000.000. , Jack Ashtojt, the heavyweight pugilist, died in New York, aged 30 years. Ma.i. Jamk.s P. Kkosi, financial editor of the Boston Globe and one of the most widely-known journalists of New England, died suddenly. FOREIGN. Seventeen Mexicana were slain in a battle with the. revolutionists near the Texas border. An immense aerolite feil atPozaldes, a town in Spain. Yiolkn'T snowstorms prevailed throughout Austria and Hungary and all kinds of traföe were impeded and scores of villages were completely isolated. The principal Italian ship builders anj owners have resolved to register their vessels under foreign flags hereafter in order to escape the ruinous imposts levied on Italian vessels. The czar of Russia has given orders that relief works be started in the distressed districts forthwith for the benefit of those suffering from thé effect of the f amine. Fifteen men were killed by a mine explosión at Retchitza, Russia. Ei.horn & Luszmann's great factory in Elberfeld, Germany, was destroyed by fire, the loss being 5750,000. The Germán minister of the interior has ordered all provincial authorities to arrest Mormon missionaries whereever they are found ana send them to the nearest harbor on their way to America. M. Charles de Lesseps and M. Marras Fontane, general secretary of the Panama canal, have, under certain secret influences exercised in prison, made confessions inplicating prominent men in the canal steal. Marius Huuad. a rum distiller ol Martinique, France, and a member oJ the chamber of deputies for that island, has failed with liabilities ol 1,000,000 francs. i storm on the Black sea thirty steamers were wrecked, including the British steamer City of Manchester, whose entire crew were drowned. A. W. Webstkb, the Canadian government iinmigration agent, says that fully 500 families have emigrated from South Dakota to the Canadian northwest during the past year. Thbee cotton warehouses in Liverpool were burned with their contents, the loss being S750.000. LATER. 'i'ii'. quarantine bill was further discust-eii in tbe United States senate en the Ttn, bnt no action was taken. No business was transacted in the house. The First Baptist church at Binghamton, N. Y., was burned, the loss being 8110,000; insurance. 830,000. Albert McDonald, agpd 20, shot and killed his faii er and stepmother at Huntsville, Tex. A quarrei over a horse was the motive. A fire at Fd.ll River, Mass., destroyed the Troy i uilding, causing a loss to several fi ms of $14'), 000. The Brit sh s eamr Fernside, from Odessa for Christiana, was wrecked, and the ca t: ia and eight of the crew were drowned. The explosión of a lamp set on fire the Elkland furniture works at Eikland, Pa., and a li ss of $100,000 resulted. John Woo:iev, of Cleveland, O., a shiftless feil w. a 't r a domestic quarrei cut his wife's throat with a razor and then killed hims lf with the same weapon. It is proposed to consolídate the wire, wire rods and cut nail industries of the United States n ith a combined capital of L'.25,000,000. The breaking of the ice gorge at Cincinnati destroyed forty-five loaded barges and sixty empty ones, the total loss being L300,000. Uzay, pólice judge, died at Oakland, Cal. He was probably the largest man on the Pacific coast, weihing 4S0 pounds. Isaac H. Slavin, a wealthy farmer residing near New Castle, Pa., (30 years old, and his wife, were probably fatally wounded by burglars and robbed of a large sum of money. Nine business houses and one dweiling were burned at Odessa, Mo., the total loss being 8100,000. Thomas Dvffy and his wife and child were killed by an explosión of natural gas in their home at Pittsburgh, Pa. A dangerous two-dollar counterfeit is in circulation in St. Louis. It bears the head of Gen. Hancock and is of the series of 18S6, letter B. The paper is so good as to defy detection by auyone exci'pt an expert. The lower and middle classes of England lost 835,000,000 by the collapse of tne Liberal Building society of London. Early on the morning of the 9th it was announced tliat James G. Blaine was nearing death. liis 1 i fe was passing slowly and peaoerully awaj between spells of sleepiug, nrhich is another name for a state of coma.


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