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Dr. .lames P. Angelí was in Chicago Tuesday. E. E. Barney was in Detroit Monday, od business. John F. Lawrence was in Detroit Fiiday on business. Frank Bailey, of lonia, ealled on Ann Arbor friends thi.s week. Mr. 0. Ihvyer, of Detroit, was the guest of Sec'y Wade Monday. Miss Grace Jenkins, of Flint, is visitinir ber aunt, Mrs. B. F. Watts. Mi's. Herman Crapp, who lias bees ill for some time is Blowly convaleacing. Dr. Walter Wright, 'f Albion, bas been visiting Prof. W. W. Beman, thia weck. Mrs, Dr. A.C. Nichpla and danjjhter j visited frienda in Dexter the latter part i of the wiek. Justice Butta made Jacob Schaw and Miss Ella Maikcy man and wife Tuesday evening. Geore II. Bnow, of the Detroit Evening News ataff, spent Sunday wiih Mr. and Mrs. W. ;. Doty. The mail carrier, George Stevens, accompanied by Mrs. stevens, visited friends n Saline Sunday. John Bchaepper, was in Ann Arboron Monday, for the purpose of having his eyes treated at tlie hospital. J) J. M. Martin who was confined to the ! week vit h an attack of quine ralescent and out again. Mrs. Jon. is Otto and sister, Miss Louiee Walz, have returned frotn their ex; isït with relatives in Dr. Rivera Ti f performing ;i W; iiion. the Co house for the past ten days by sickness. Geo. il. Pond, city editor of the Courier, is, and has been for the past week, confined to h by a sevi re cold. Capt. V. E. Smith, of Ypsilanti, wea in Ann Arbor, Saturday, homeward bound from ra trip to Chicago and Lansing. John II. Grant, of Manistee, and W. B. Cady, of Öault 6te. Marie, both lit. graduate8 in '82, were in the city last Prof. J. C. Knowlton and clanghter left for Lansing Tuesday. Prof. Knowlton had a case to argüe in the Supreme Court. Nelson Garlinghouae and son, on Monday morning, shot three fine mallard duck on the Huron river below the Argo mili pond. X. J. Kyer returned last Thursday from Lansing wliere lie attended a meeting of the Michigan Millers' Protective Association. Paul Snauble, superintendent of the Michigan Furuiture Co., spent last week in the state of New York on business for the company. Jos. Clark, superintendent of the hospitals, was in Detroit Tuesday in attendance at the meeting of the Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons. School Conimissioner Michael Cavanangh left on Tuesday for Manchester where he will spend the halance of the week visiting the schools. Mrs. Henry Kellica, of Mihvaukee, Wis., whohas been makingan extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Sophie Hartley, M. I)., returned liome Monday. Typo Charles F. Deitas, is visiting friends in Detroit and Port lluron. He has notyet decided ií he will reraain in Ann Arbor or accept work elsewliere. Herbert Woodward, of Flint, was in Ann Arbor for several days last week calling on old friends. Mr. Woodward looks well and says Flint agrees witli hiin. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Booth left Tuesilay for a three week's trip to Missouri. As thev lived in tliat State for many years they sxpect to moet many old frieii'ls. Representativos Mills und Kllne peni Sunday at home, Mr. .Mills leaving Lansing on Friday and Mr. ECliue Baturday. They both returned to tlieir arduous diitics on Miiiiiliiy. Richard Eearns, of this city', w!n held the poaition of chiei clerk oí tli land oflBce al Lansing, ander the democratie administration, has engaged in the inBurance bnsinesa in thal 'ity. Miss E. Cora DePny, of thc Li(x Centnry, and Miss Bmma Bower, of tln Democrat, were i" Churlotte Tuesday, attending the meeting of thé Michigan Woman'a Press Association. Frank Bassott, of S;ilin', i brother of E. ('. Bassett', of No. II 8. Ingalls Bf., Aun Arbor, died tilia morning of pneumonía. He had been the route agen) between Detroit and Peru, Inl. Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, Mich., proprietor óf one "t the best stock Farms in the state, was a ealler at the Courier ofiBce Monday. Mr. Ball in speaking of the outlook ior Farmers says t lu great drawback is in securiug good licl].


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Ann Arbor Courier