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[OFFICIAL.] COUNCII. CHAMBEK. ) An.v Arbor JauuarT 16th, 1893 J Regular session. The eouncil was called to order by the president, Hon. Mortimer E. CDOley. Roll called. Quorum present. Ateent- Aids. Martin, Herz. O Mai;i -3. The journal of the lasi icaston was ajijiroved. BBFOBn OF STANDING COMMITTEKS. ' liairman Taylor, of the finance committee, offered and read, "'A Wil to .■tutlionze the of Arm Arbor t(i e money tu construct a system of sewt'i's." n iiioikm (if Aid. AVines 1lic i'ollowiiiir amendment was made thereto, i Bectton two. line three, strike out the word "ten" nul Insert In place :hereof tlio word "öfteen.1' (Mi motion tihe bill was re.eived ;nid ordered filed. REPORT OF THE 8TKEET COMMITTEE. Tolhe Common Council: Your Coinmittee ou Streets to whom was referred the recommendation of the Board of Public Works, mude January 2d. 1893. respectfully report that they have had the subject matter under consideration, and recommeud that the bid aud offer of Wllliam Herz, to construct such proposed wood (wkltaweooj street sign, to furnish all labor and material therefor In all things according to the speciflcations. for the aum of eleven cents oach, and to furnish a sumcient number to sujiply the city, be and the same is hereby accepfed, and the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to cause a contract to be executed on the part of the city by the President and Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Respectfully snbmitted. A. V. FERGl'SON, L. D. WINES, W. G. 8NOW. W. J.. TAYLOH. H. G. PRETTYMAX, Street Cotnmittee. Aid. AViiifs moved tluit report be amemled eo it ghould be optional witli the board of public works to Mlect wootl or tin siiins. Wiii.h motion was lost. Aid. Trifeaee moved that the report le, aml the same la hereby aDDroved and confirmed. Adopted as follov.: Yea - Aid. Wïnea, Scbairer, Flllmore, .Snow, FergTiYon. lïciilci, Taylor, Kitson, Pnettyman, Pres. Cooley- 10. Nays - Xon?. USKWALK (OMMITTKE. To the Common Ctuiicil: Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the petitioii of Allen A. Kent and others asking for a sidewalk to be ordered built on the east side of Forest Avenue, respectfully report, that they have had the subject matter of said petition under conslderation, and find that the grading and coustructiou of the followlng sidcmulka are nll necessarv public improvements. and ould respectfullv recommend that the following sldewalks bê ordered graded and constructed, viz : On Forest Avenue along the east side from Bonth Unlver8ity Avenue to Hill Street. We herewlth submlt a resolutiou orderlug the same. Kespectfullv submitted. ARf HUR J. KITSON, WILLIAM HERZ. .1. O'MARA, A. H. FII,LM0RE. D. F. 8CHAIRER, ERNKST REHHKRK. Sidewalk Committee. Received and filed. REPORTS O 8PBCLAL COMMITTEE. 'lo the Commim Council : Your special commlttee, appolnted to draft the neceasary amenamente to city charter have had the matter under consideratiou aud would recoinmend: First. That the charter be araended o that the city tiix -huil be collected iu Julv, and the State, County and Scliool tax in December. The amendment should provide that the unpald city taxes on August Ut, should bc earried forward into the December tax wlth the addltion oí umi per cent., so that all delinquent real estáte tax should be returned to the County Treasurer, in the same marmer now vrovldcd by law. ikd.' That Sectlon 171 of the charter be amended bo aa to allow the eouncil to lew a iceeding in anyone year one mili, I valui.tioa of the city for sewwewould id that couucil re1 the City Attoruey to draft the nee ndmenu and present them to the council conslderatfoa ut the next meeting. Respectfnlly submitted, 1.. li'. WINE8, W. (.. BNOW, K. B. NORRIS.Clty Atty. Commlttee. Aid. Ta.vior moved tiíai the report i'. and the game is Bereby approvod and eonfirmed. A.Ic.ptcd as follow: ïeae AM. Wfin-s. Scliairer, I'ilimore, Snow, l'crmison, Reh'berg, Taylor, KitMiii, i'i-cttymaii. Pres. Oooley- 10. Naye- Xone. Chairmaii Cooley df the serer commlttee reported progresa and asked inrtlier linie, whicli was granteJ. BKPOBT uk city ai nn gg. ity cit-rk Mlller'a report, contract and l'oini executed by the Aun Arbor '1'. 11. Electric .... ror the year 1898, ii were received and ordered flld. MOTION AND RBSOLUTION. By Aid. Wim Resolved, That the draft of the blll entitled ii to authorlze the city (o raiti money for :on8tructlng a system of gewera, be and the same U duly approved that the to transmit such l.lll to K. hls best endeavors in pr the leglslature of this state. Adopted. By Aiderman Prettyinaii : mi, That special Committee ou Charliiicm- in hereby dlrected to reporta ime to t li i -; Council at its next meeting for divldlng the Hret and sixth wards into ii cond and third wards into three wards respectively. WiiicH rcsohnion was [OBl as folliiws : ïeas Aids Scbairer, Kitson and J . Oooley- 8. Xays -AM. Wiiirs. Fillmon', Snow. rérgueon, Retoberg, T.-ivlor, Prettyman - 7. B.v Aid. Kitsnn: Btèolvtd, Tlmt the crndinR and construct ioi of the sidewulks hereinafter melitiouec i deemed and declarad to be a necessary public iinprovemen t, , , . , , Therefore, It is hereby ordered that plank Bidewftlka be iraded, buil! nd constructed 01 audaloiiK the followlng street and lp front o the followliiK propi-rty in the city of Ann Ar OÍi Forat uve. aloug the east side, from S l'niversitv ave. to Hlll Street. That all' of such sideivalks be graded. buil and constructed in the mannel presenbed by the provisión of an ordiuance " Kntitled au Ordiuauce Relativo to sidewalks," and on the grade to be established. Adopted as follows : Yens- Aid. Wines, Bchairer, Fillmore Show, Ferguson, Rebberg, Taylor, Kitson, I'rettymrn, Pres. Couley. Nays - None, By Alderuian Fillmore lirxnh id, That the Btraet Commlttee is hereby requosted to report at the next couucil meeting [n the matter referred to them. al to the tiling and gradiug South State street south of Paokard street. Ailupted. Ou motion tho council adiournod.


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