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Wool Growers And Manufacturers

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H the nest congrega shatl attempt to carry out the principies oí the Chicago ofi'in, one of the first :ittai-ks (ril the. MfTT.Inlpj lill will be for free wool. Tüta meara tliat the ten Cent WOOl "í Australia will flood ur markets and brhig our wool down to its level. Claim bas been made that the wool maiitifacttii'ci-s demamd it, but thoy linve recently niet and have upheld the present law, showing the benefits of ittü cont nuance. Thoy htate that the manufacturera demaiid for free ■vool ie not the denwuid of the niiinufiU'turers, 80 per cent. of wlioni have joir.ed in tüie protest agalngi the ]iassttge in" tlie free wool bill." Tliey submit the folio wiing very senBible request to the careinl tliought ui congrese : We invite the attentioD ol congrew to tin1 (ac1 thai svoolen goode are mauufactured nearly a year in .■[!- vanee ol se&son for whcise wear the.v art ailapted and that iu consequeiK any law inniltaneously removing the ■ ! u t v uu wool will conipel tlie whole domeetlc production of a fceasoii mainifaetured from dutypaid WOOl to compete In the markets with foi'eiiui goode mauufactured trom frec wool. The 8O-called Springer bill doubly dtecrimlnatea agalnei the mestte manufacture in this résped ly udniitt uu at reduced raus. gimultaneout-ly -wiin the. repeal of the wool ilutics. all toici Liii fin'"ls Imported prior to itK pBBBHIgje and held in bond. A yi-ar sdiould elapse aiter the vrool dutii's (lis:i)]ii.'i r before tiic compcnsaiciry dutics are repealed. tlio nidnstiial welfare of the nation requlres 1 luit manuiacture ol wool .-.;ill Ik eontlnued and devel'i in tiiis eountry, we ask at the banda í congreee the moei careful examlnatk of ;ili the eondltlona butronnding tiie Induatry in this and oth "iinlries. The ccmvention concludea wlth thla appeal : "We hereby urge the reténtlon f the l;nv in subetantlally its present Bhape, as a law equally in the Interest of the governmcnt, tlic manufacture? and the Importar. " Next ww ln'ar from the other side. At tlie wool growere' nssociation meeting in Oblo iemt week, Oov. MeKJnley admltted "the probabillty o tree wool lfislation by the next confress, and tilnm adviscd them : If I wcre in yonr píate I vould natfeive nip the ftent ut all. I would ni.'ike it vi'iy imeomfortable for the gentlemen WtkO want to place wool on the freo list. I do not believc in tree naw material. I do not believc in hnvinir commodlttaa froe 'at onc cnú of the tactory and tariffed at the oiin-r etíÉL Yon are entitled to tho hiighest protectton nnd you should express that c onviction in every poeslWe and legal and sultable way. I am tO ay that, in inv iipininTi. Bhe ffreat poltey of protectlon is tho troe poiii-y. nul I belleve that it is iu-1 aa dear to tita American people as t ever was before, and that t w iii contintte to be. We can nol bave tliiim's imr lown way all the time. On-asiunally somefhini; Avill happen Itoal "11 rwalt in taktaig away from lis, kW B time at least, wiiat we think is onrs, luit that is luit tho time to tOM niira.e. 'l'iii extra' t from a Hleecli by protectkm'S chanipion. is fif interest, as siiowinK his ladomltflWe detennlna(m and fait in protectlop to Anierian indn.stries. even onder defeat. We {iiinly 1 elteve 1 luat. if the ilcmoratic administi-ation shall deal this low al t'ne Btaeep iiuln.stry, it wlil it ause great depresaion in busiés; tlnn an óverwhelnilng iipheaval Í lU.u party ñoñi power Xor muny reai s ín ruïne.


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