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Electric Bitters This remody is beeoming so well known and so popular as to need no' special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters Blng the same song of pralae. - A purer medicine does not cxist and ie i-; gnarantecd to do all that is clainu'd. Electric Bitters wil] cure all diseases of the Li ver and Ividneys, will remove Pimples, Bolla, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure b'ood.- Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malaria! levers.- For cure of Headache. Conetlnatlon and Indigestión try Electric Bittere- Entire satsfaetion guaranteed, or money refunded.- rrife 50 cta. and 91.00 per lnt at Eberbaeh & Son'a. The writer, who ander the pea name of ('arroll Burton, ccmtrlbutee Tur briel sketch 'Chilil-I.iie :it Ferringford," to the l"(in-uury Wlde A wake, was a near oeightoor and Intímate (rlend oí Tennyscm's family in her girlhood. &he tells of tlLe home life of the poet from personal barowledge and experience. Mre. Ellen Hainlin Butler has has a channing llttle poem, ''A Mes-,!ui' trom Summer," in the February Wiclc Auake, is a nii of ilw late vlce-presldent Hannibal Hamlin. IPPRICES ?eamBaking MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes.Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's The only Pure Contains Cream of Tartar No Ammonia, Baking Powder. No Alum, its purity Or any other Has oerer been Adulterant. Questioned. 40 Years the Standard ! "WORTH A GinN&A A BOX." (Tasteless-EfTectual. ) Í :For Sick-Headache,i Impaired Digestión j Liver Disorders andj Female Ailments. Í I Renowned all over the World, i $ Covered wlth Tastelew t Soluble Coatlng. L Í AA for Fteecham's and take no others. # M:ide at St. Helens, Enfr'.and. Sold by '! d'Uggists and dealers. Price 25 cents a ! ,boi. New York Depot, 365 Canal St. bw eOUfc6 toaaibs. ff PJ #%rSI Per luonth by -wL V. I TrO harmless lierba:rVNN f, f] r remedies that do not in- Ui I I 3ure the beaJth or interitrc yith one 's business or Eleasure. It builds up and iniprovets the eeneml e&ltb.clearg the skin and beautities the complexión. No Tinkles or flabbiness follow this troatment Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladies. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Haralma. Ho !trlrtt. Sind 8 cfnts n stamps forparticolinto DI O.W. F. SNÏDES. HyiCKERtTHUTER. CHICAGO. IU. WT"W. NIOHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Anu Arbor 8Tiaga Jinnks, Opp ('ourt House Squaie. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating effects follow. while teeth are extracted without pain. Chas. W. Voel, Dealer in all kinds of Fre?=h and Salt Meats. Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St.. Ann Arbok. THE DETROIT -yTLj Tnbün(Founded in E7!ite7i hurnired and forty-nine) A General Family Newspaper. C1BIILATIO' 60,000, „ ProTfn by Piistoflli-r Rfftipts. Repulilican in Politics and the Champion of the Old Soldiers' interests, it is a model general newspaper, with its departments of Agriculture, Fiction. Fashlons, Household News, Sporting, Relignus, Commercial, Etc, together with the latest newa of the world, rewritten in a most attractive inauner. The Weekly Tribune Wou the position of the largest circnlation in Michigan manjr yeara ago, rnd has kept it beeause it i alwaya relinble. eiuerprising and full of original matter, not staie reprint from the dn. atinan imam vjjk. One iDcllar per "STear. SPECIAL OFFER. Good only until January 15, 1 A copy oí ]ill Xye's New B with 150 iUustratlODs, sent free, post para, te eekly Tribune foroneyear upoa recelpt of only S1.10 One Dollar and Ten Gents. SI.10 . . . ïhe . . . New England Magazine At the Front. The fine Uterary illustrated magazine of Boston. Able erltlcs Bay it is onc of the most lnteresting magazines publlslied in America. A great farorfte with New Englanders, and they are everywhere. Local only in name. It in the people's favorite. To see thiN Matrazlne is to want it. lts rirrulation lias riouhlert the past year It 19 unique, contalning AMERICAN LEGEXDS TRADITION8, HISTOUY, STORY and POETRY. A conbpicuons feature of tlie Magazine, the treatment of the GRBAT AMERICAN CITIES. wfll be continued. SOMS OF THE ATIRACTIONS M 1333, Hnrvard lolleeoFifty Ypars Aso. ) By Rev. ' Edward ! E- ' Hale. A'assar ('olleee. Society Life in Amlicrst ('olleee. Manual Training in Annrir:i. RlioJe Islaml in the BeroUtlo. Brother Jonathan anil Hla Home. Mhaling nn.l Kislierle f the l'nited States. Each number contalns severa! lnteresdng storlea and po' : I'riip $:!.IM) a ïear; K ( ents a C'ojij. Samnle coplea sent to any address free. AGEXTS WANTED. Addri-ss New England Magazine, Boston, Mass. JNO. BAUMCARDNER, o MONUMENTAL CEMETERY m g : - : o ; BUILDING...... 2 B-h : S 4__ Also, Stone Walks. - Estlmates eheerfully furnished. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sta„ANN ARBOR, MICK.


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