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ld. Herx will íuniish 1,100 street s;;n)s for Ann Al-hor. Frank Mtenia lias recelved letters ent on liis rasor strop. Bumday traine have been discontinuad on The T., A. A. & N. Sí. B. H'. The Detroii papen now refer toAnn Arbor'a member oí the feglsTature as cl. Kline." Charlie is getting there. The next lectnre before tiie student' Lècture Asaoclation is to take place Peto. 4th. to be delivered by Prof. John Fiske. The total membei-ship of blue lodge Mione in this state foots up at 34,241, a pain of 1,1-13 during the year. A proud record. The next meeting of the Germán Club mil be held -with Mise Lizzie Dean, at PSo. 57 E. Liberty et., on Saturday evfjiiiig-, Jan. 28. Mrs. Thompson, 25 E. Univeraity ae., wfll be at home to the Woman's leaíue on Laturday, Jan. 28th from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. The Detroit Exposition buildings and grounde would like a purchaser. No more greal rtiowi for Detroit. Too expensive a liixuiy. The Ladies' Aid Society of the EngI. utheran chnrch, Wlll meet wlth - Otto, 40 S. Ashley st., on Weilnesflay evening, Jan. l'.". Mis Xellie I. Cbilde is teaching in Icxter, taking the place of Prof. Egan Who roKigned to go into business for i-elf at Grand Rapids. A niagiiifieent photographic view oi NJagiara Falta now adorne thewalle of the M. C. station. It is one that Aften t Mayes is very proud of. The M. E. Sundíiy MSbool has an Orelies tra of six pieces besides the juuuio, vliifh furiiitshes nnisic for loth the opening and cloeing exercises. The Ann Artor Iíiiles have commenced arraogementa for their annnal (larnival, to e held at Palace i-ink, Fb. 212. You may expect somethinií gTand. On Vriilay evenlng kust Arbor Tent Ís. O. T. M. receJvel a vi.sit from Delhi Tent, the plea.snrc of the evening ulminating in the conferring of the Oriental degree. Do you suppose the Ypsilanti ('ominerctol is i truc prophet in this ' "Ann Arbor is to have Street signs. Pirst we know that town np t'"1 river v. 11 have eewers, too. The almanac etiys the sun will have tvco eclipses tliis year, one April 16th vjfilblo to South Americana, and one Oct. !nh. visible to Pacific coast resitlnts. No íree celestial ehtnv liere. Street Conunissioner Sutiherlanrt lias lMen after the buelness liouses fn the i :!.v for a lew days past, in making thein clear their -n-alks of enow. The ijootl work iboDld not le confined to busfliese streets. When a fellow luis Bpent hN lat red cent The world look blue, yon liet! But givo li i ni a dollar and yon'll hear him hol Ier, "Theri''s 111e In the old land yet I" For moiH'y'N the coinforter after all, No matter what cynici say, Aml the world will slick to yon when yon ful II it fiuds yon can pay your wny. Shirley Symons, the 14 years old boy lecturer, of say,inav, entertained the MUmion Bood Sauiday p. m., it the M. E. (liiui'h. Th-e Home Missionair Society ol tlir M. B. chnrch will be held In the printary clase room of the ' cliurch, I'riday a t 4 p. m. The new front for t li e new Bta1 ■ savinirs bank. cor. Main añil Washiniiton ete., will be eommenced at once and rápddly pusbed. A. Íj. Xohli' has been re-clected president of the board of trustei-s of the M. E. -hurc-h and Prof. E. L. Walter m' iciai-y and tri'asnrcr. R)rge l'lowcrs was sent lu Ih' Iionse of coiTcction Satnrday for 90 days, by .Insli.' Pond, for lanciiy irom .lirlin J'iisicrciV store. Bev. James Kny Applelx' will preaidh at the 1'nitarian church next Snnday nioininii', and in evenlng will lecture on ■John Weley." If oiie te to jndge by tlie abunda nt erop of splendid iee befalg harvi-s: ■■■.! this year, that luxnry ought to be reasonable in prioe next suinm'r. Aiiothci' graat ïall of inow took il,i :e yeeterday afternoon and evenlog. ii it wil! keep oool weatiier tbere is 'no uiiii miow DOW In iast íor a munt h ör Ki). Died, on the l.ih biet., at damden, N. .!., David Lee, aged 16 moa., son. of Georgc W. emd JemnJe M. Whyte, Sormerly residente of and quite well kDOTvn iu i lic rit.v. Dr. N. 8. Iloïf has been re-elected iliM.oii oí thf Congregatdonal church, Ralus Waples -lt-rk, Kolx-i-t Campbell trcasuicr, and Prof. P. O. Wagner Buperíntendeni oí the Sunda.v school, Th Toledo & Aim Arbor B. I!. is no tih eoiinecting link of a 'gplendid railway yatem, .and trains loaded wlth the produce of the great milis of Minncaixilis and St. I'aul pass our dooi -s la.ily on their way cast and sou tli. Th ree young men, said to be students, tole three cans of oystera trom Casper Kinsey'8 store Monda y nig-ht aiiul lxiiifi aiiprehendcd pald Y15, or $5 per rail (or their "ftm." l'eople no wdll indulge in "luxtirics," must expeci ín pay tor tbem. On Sumlay morning next, at the M. B. cfanrch, Miss Gertrude Howe, tor iwt'iny ycars misstonary In the interior ol ( nina., wili jeak npon "Cluistianity In ('(intact with the Triple Faitfli oí China." h Is announcthat severaJ oative Chinese ill also take part in the services. Chas. s. Fa.ll, aooompantod ïiy hia cniiic famüy. expect t leave Loe Aiinflfs, Oal., tor permanent residence two weeks trom oext Mmiday. The people of Aan Arbor will misii Cliarlie iiml liis };'nial faniily, and wherever they go, thoy will have the abnndant good wishes of many friends liere. William BUenoe has leen appointcd tkket agent of the T.( & A. A. road at Ann Arbor. We were about to observe tlint it was a peciiliar name tor that place, when it dawned upon us that Wülliam Golden is the name of the agent. Same thing though. Bllence te golden.- Adrián I'ress. The Xorthville Record compliments u in this very fiattering w-ny : "The Ann Arfoor Courier has just entered upon its 32 year. The Courier is one of oor 'ko to the hoviee' papera and is among out most valued exchanges. It s an exceedinRly creditahic representativa of the l'niAersity city. and county ííenerally."' The amiual sertee of lecturea befbre the Tappan Preribyterlaa Association Wlll ((immence next Saturday pvening at 8 o'dock p. m., in McMiUan Hall. Ttne ïiist ïcrtiu-e wil! lx' givcu by ïtev. Dr. W. iW. Canon, of the -Tetfersan ave. cta'Orch, Detroit. The same ture win ie oontlnued ín tlio I'rcsliybyterian rlum-li next &unday evenlng. Wln'ii yon Ave putting that tfOBty iron bit 5n your horse's mouth, just Btop á moment. Touch your own tongue to the bit and see how you lite it. It hurto j-our horse's toiijrue tlic same iis it does yours. It would take but a moment's work to dip the bit in a iail of water to tnke out the frost before putting it tato the horse's mouth. Tliere are eome four or more cases of small pox in the family of Ht-uiy Scimeider, of Pittsfield township. The dfgeaae nas brought by emigrants, Herman Jager and family, vrho recently arrived on the eteamer Saaie in New York, and came directly to Pittsfield. Tlie doctors believe that they liave the cases isolated so that the di&ease will not spread. The stoidents' class at the teriaai cüiurch formerly under the direetion of Prof. Kelsey, -vill receive instruction for nonio time to come upon tlhe gieaieral subject of the Kelatáons of Science and Religión. Dr. Prescott will talk on "Religlous Teachings of Chemical Science," Dr. Huber, on "Religlous Teadhings of the Microscope ;" Dr. Herdman, on the "Human Brain ;" and A. W. Hamilton, on -'IaTw and Religión." Petty ri:V ing - geti Ing to b bogetber too frequent in thte vMnity. Bul efttoere are alert, and the t.iiii'vc.-. bare t be -vy gly :i i .11 1 It. Some of people who atl -ïnli-il tihe opera house Monday evening, gay tliut Uodjeskn has Improved Bince her lasi isit '.Lei-e. There was evldently abundan t opportunJty. On Monday Judgé Klnne sentenced Win. aiialsliiif tO Innia for tWO ycars. He picad iruilty to a charge of lanciiy trom dw-elllng in day time. The theft was c ommitted in Auirusta i (1J llsilijl. ■ rumor tliat there vrere several cases oí email jmx in this city was a falsc onc. it aroee trom the fact tliat there were soveral cae ot the (INe.-ise in I'i 1 1 siiclil. al out six miles from hcre. Hermán Stoll, chaiged with robbing thc poor box oí Betlil-ehem ehurch, is iu jail, liavintr been bound over t tlir circuit court Ín $300 ball, wliieh be ",(- 1 1 t able bo secure. The sum ni $2.49 was taken out ií box. Tlie pliv.-i al culture cl.i.-s. coiislstiiifí of the teachers of the public BCÏUOOU leen (}i .nanizpil. and the seoond le.-suu -vill be pi ven to-morrow by Mi.-s Oarrle B. PüielpB, of the Toledo BOhool oí oratory and pliyslcal CTiKure. on Baturday moTnJng last Ellsha A. ('alkins died ai 'nis home cm S. Inííalls si., after an extended Illness, aged "o yt-ais. il. ■ leavea a widow mul om' win. E. E. Calkjng, the tate streel druggiat. Funeral serví :ea werc held Monda y afteraoon trom tho ainily resldence, ctmdueted by Rev. Dr. ('oiirrn. The ladles of St. Andrew's chureh are meeting with fine success with their supply kltchen at Hari-i.-. Hall, nu Saturday afternoons. They also serve eoffe and a liglij lunch, and belog lalwaya In a picasant and agreeible inood, it make.s a very entlclng place to drop in tor a half hour or 80 Saturda.vs. Tvy it. The Dew lfMljre of Knight-s of l'ythas s l !■ known a.s Queen City Lodge, No. 1C7. This i.s quite ai cheetf nut of ai name, as Lady Marcabees cali their hivt Qucen City, and va.riims eocial clube, eet., have the sanie euphonioiis tille. - Ypsllantl Comnercial. "VVhy not chance tlie final n of the 'irst word u' the title to an r '.' That woull be homething Queer. Kcv. Dr. Fredcri.k T. Iïrown, of Maiiasiiuan, N. J. died very auddenly wliile sittinir in his ehair in his ihrary n tlic luth if Janna ry. Dr. r.mwn was ,-i li 'ülil v edu'ated divine havlng en a pupil of fine great D'Anbigno. Ii' was tibe pastor oi the Preabytoian cliurch Dl this city toe five yeat-s. Por twelve years past he has been laator oí ti chuivh Ín Manasquan, a.nd also {(iv live yiMi-s editor oí tlie Dlustrated ( hrlstian Weekly published u New York. The Tyler, a Masondc paper pullished in Detroit, had ;iu item in a recent Í88U to the offect tliat the lwo Masouie lodge oí this city were ''to imite in one lodjre," etc. Tho Tyler js in error, both our lodges are too sucressliil as they are In their friemlly rivalry to unite in one great, ligUesa botly. The item wa.s probably meant Hor the Ypsilanti lodges, whftre actiion has beea taken, we onderstand, lookimg to that end. The Tyler should keep better informed. This item is to inform the Adrián I'ress tlrat the Conrier has always faxred sewers, and the agitation for that greatly needed public improvement -va eommended in the ('ourier columna. In season and out of season the Courier luw favored sewers. Dut the plan of running in debt for them when they can lust as well be paiil tor as they are beingr built, the ('ouiirr has oppoeed and always will .1 i r.-. Sewera by all means. But do uicat city debl extendlng over a loog perlod of yeare. reojilc wlio can nol remember that we havo had SAICh a gpell of cold weattier In generations, must have short memories. X"o longer age tlian 1885 the thei-mometer hoven-d about zero nearly all the time trom the m.iddle of December to the middle Of Mardh, and tliere was a good fall of all tdie time. It was a long, colli, disagreeable winter. Many farmers ran out of huy and feed before spring, and the "oldest iuhabita.nt" ]uzzled his brain to remember t.hat the like ever occurred bcfore. The .services at St. Andrew'a church last .-Mimlay, in consecration of the new clnincel were of a very attraetlve character, .-iiid lwit h niorning and eveniiifi Uie coiigregations were kurge. The consecration services peoper were held u tlio inonünvr, belng conducteil liy Rt. Rev. Bishop Davies, the sermón tedng precubed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Gjllespie, wlio liaving been rector of It. Andrew's for fourteen years, inlulged in reminiseenees which worc teasteK to the older members of the ongregation. The ïull choral service xi the evening was very attractive o many people. Through the kindmees of Mr. líeal,' he eewing school has been granted he privilege of occupying the south ■oom of the Courier building for their use. School will begin Saturday, Feb. tb. We hope to eee the children jnd teaclirs present to begin the work agaiu. M. S. BROWN, Supt. One of the young Chinese studente, whn are here Lu charge of Miss Gcrtrude Hoivc, wandi'red away trom Home last Monday, and Miss HOWB is very mudh alarmed about liim. 11 is name te Tai Yin Cheo, lie eptaka brokt'ii lCn.ü-lish. is abOUt 21 ycars ni age, wad ivuit a ihecked black and white ritizcns snit and plush tap. Any in■(irni;uiiin regarding his whereabouts will 1h tluinkiuiiy received. . 'J'hr Ailrian Prees man is teetotally "agio." beving growlng In sidewalks, and .-ome ot' the old oaka in Ann Arbor bother liim. Heer this : "We desire to whisper to Judge Kinne,, of the Ann Arbor end of the circuit court for Monroe and Waabtenaw, that there Mili le a Jodíela] electlon n tliat di-s-triet the ensuintc spring, and that if he experts to airain don the judicial roles, and be invested with ermine, the scalee, the oye-blinder and otlier paraphernalia of a judge that exist only in imagination), he must root out that tree from his sidcwalk. (ir over lic u'oes, into the alrcady rapidly rilling republlcan politiial cemetery. (Cine to takc a isecond thought though, Judge, you mlgbi as well let the tree stand, becanse yon will bc suw of that, and you miirht gel tnscd over into the Charnel liouse acciilentally. you know. any way." I'i-oliably one of the must enjoyable siiMüiiii.ic parties of the season, waa one tliat went to W. E. Boyden's, in "Wi'iisti t. lasi Monöay evening. There nnv eigbteen in thi' load, who wlth tihe genial lio-t and hostesses, made np .1 fun-loving crowd thtit it would be (lifficult to out-do in this section. Prizee were awarded, and tho avtistic beauty of tl?m c-ould not be excelled, for tlu'.v Avere not fornied ly tli" hand of man ; Mother Nature made them, but they were further ombellished by tlie hands of those tvra gTeat special artlstii, Willie & Frddie, vrio took them, out there. The first prizp was "a Colorado paper wetgbt," which conateted of a beautiful, pure wiilte caudal appeiKlage, taken from an anímate forra of one of the genus Sus and iras improted from tlie Centennial silver utate for the occasion. Nothiiig could le more perfect than the grnceful curve of the beautiful curl that adorned it.s tip end. The occasion wlll be forgotten soon. Williain Gillette'a siuc-essful comedy, ■'Mr. Widows'" wlll xi presented for am engagement cu' one nxhi .Jan. SO. It wiil be played by a of umisunl excellence. The comedy i. an adaptatlon of au amuatng triflé that enjoyed much favop in Paris reoently. in ellmlnating ïmuh of the racy ■nit that made the plot palatable to Fraocn taste. Mr. (lilb'ttc has a ddeil considerable humor oí a morí' a.iíreeable nature. What the scènes laok in friwkiness of the original are atañed tor by the grotesque for wblch Mr. Gillette's pen is celebrated. The new comedy made an instant anoous üiit in New York and enjoyad the most profitable run ever knowa in the history of Proetor's 23d Street Theatre. N. Y. There Ifl not a dull moment in the play. lts jbaractare ai-e natural, its Bituationg are ludicrous. and it.s dialogue sparkliiiii. The performance is b sparUlns, triumpli from end to end. It is a tfhunpth of lauüiiter. ■ Washtpnaw Land Title Company" i.s the name of the liew firn formed wSOl F. H. Beleer at the head. The eompany has bought out the books and business of C. H. Manly & Son, and are ooiit.iuuing the abstract business wifhout 'cessation. Tliose calling at tlie office will find it in charge of Willinm Tiehnor, J. R. Bodner, and ". X. Jlanlj-, who take pains to act kmdly to all comrs and goers. Mr. C. H. Menly still retains stock in the company but will retire from active duties. Houses built on the sanils- Seaside hotels.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier