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Mr. Herman Hlcka Of Kochester, N. Y. Deaf for a Year Caused by Catarrh in the Head Catarrh is a Constitutioxal disease, and requires a Constitutional Remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it. Kead : "Three years ago, as a result of catarrh, I entirely lost my hearing and was deaf for mors than a year. I tried various things to cure lt, and had several pliysieians attcnipt it, but no lmprovemcnt was apparent. I could diiinguiih do aouutl. I was intending putting myself under tho care of a specialist when some ons suggested that possibly Hood's Sarsaparilla would do me some good. I began taking lt without the expctation of any lastlng help. To my aurprise and greal joy I foimd whea I had laken three boules thut my henring wa returniug. I kept on tiil I had taken three more. It is now over a year and I can hear perfrrtly well. I am troubled but very Uttle with the catarrh. I consider this rrmarkablc cue, and cordially recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all who haT catarrh." Herman Hicxs, 30 Carter Street, Rochester, N. y. HOOD'S PILLS r purely reg Uble, nd de Bot porga, pain or grlpo. Sold by all druggisti. Office of the Board of Public Work. AüH Arbok, Miph., .lanuary ltfth, 1893. ƒ Regular meeting. Called to ordei by President Keech. Koll called. Present- Messrs. Keech, Mclntyre and Schuh. Minutes of previeras meeting read and approveil. The Clerk, read a report of the Street committee, passed in Common Council, January 16th, 1893. ordering the Board of Public Works to enter into a contract with Wm. Hens for furnishing the city with street signs. Mr. Schuh moved that the President and Clerk make a contract with Wm. Herze for street signs as per order of the Common Council. Yeas- Messrs. Keech Mclntyre and Schuh. Board then adjourned. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Beet %Uve in the world for Cute, Bruiseí, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohillblains, Coras, and all skin Eruptioiis, and positively cures Piles or no pay requiired. It is giiaranteed to ■g'we perfect 6atisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbaeh & Son. Wntered stock- Oattle. First in the Held- Adam. Drop a lin-e - Fislurmai). DeAv at niglit - Moisture. Ply in a, paaeton- Raven. For cross purposes - Brldges. "Onl.v a little g-oose"- The gosling. Au abbreviatod walk- The short cut. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONB NIGHT ONLY. Aiorjciay, 30A HURRICANE OF LAÜGHTER The Greatest Comedy ever Produced. ; WM. GILLETTES MASTERPIECE, araran _IÜL_ With a complete cast of eomedians under the dlrection of CHA8. FSOHHAN. Fan ! Comical Situations ! Roais of Laughtei ! Prices - 50c, 75c and $1-00 Seats ou sale at Watts' Jewelry Store. LOST- A pair of old-bowed eye-glasses in black lenther case, either on East Uulversity avenue, between Monroc and Hill. or west ou Hill to State, or on South Twelfth street Keturn to aud receive reward at 52 South I2th.


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Ann Arbor Courier